In the first act, while Tom is having sex with Myrtle, the other prostitutes take some form of interest in Nick, and by the end of the night, we can see Nick hooking up passionately with a male prostitute. This takes place under that square raised into the ceiling, which admittedly made me a bit nervous from a technical perspective. The square took awhile to get hooked and kept swinging after being lifted.
Nick and Jordan have the most minimal romance to them, with most of it beginning and ending with a comment from Daisy and Nick being interested that she plays golf. Instead of that, we get multiple insinuations that Nick wants Gatsby to be with him instead, including a scene in the second act where Nick is close enough to make contact however Gatsby breaks away to continue talking eagerly about Daisy. Also, in the first act there is a mirror in the phrasing of the male prostitute hoping to see Nick again at lunch to Gatsby's invitation to lunch. I can't remember it exactly, but it allows the audience to think Nick believes Jay could be making a move on him before the redirection to talk to Jordan.
The biggest laugh of the show occurred when Nick nearly broke the fourth wall and stated "A revelation" following the scene with the prostitute.I wish Nick's queer nature had more coverage, considering a lot of it is left to subtext during act two. I'm not really sure how this could be done throughout the show, but maybe a very short moment of song about it, even if it's just 30 seconds of "his beautiful smile, his kind demeanor, his grand nature" style things might work.