Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
Jordan Catalano said: "Pretty much everyone I know INSTANTLY lost any and all interest in this when it was announced Corden was in it."
Maybe you should "know" better people? Seriously -- what has Corden ever done to cause so many theatre fanatics to go mental (other than support Broadway and live theatre on his show, host the Tonys, bring national attention to musicals, etc.)? It's the Rosie O'Donnell thing all over again.
Maybe you shouldn’t worry about what other people whom you don’t know like or don’t like.
I’ll remind you of this if you ever ever ever voice an opinion in a thread that you didn’t like something
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
I like the look of the production design, but the clips and trailer have made the film as a whole look like a train wreck in the making. I may still give it a shot, but I my expectations are low.
Why, Giants? What did this movie ever do to you? Why do you actively WANT the people involved to have an embarrassing flop? Kinda sad the energy you’re putting into actively wishing people to fail.
100% this. That statement made me instantly sad.
Out of the eight live action movie musicals that are coming out this year alone, I think this one will probably be the weakest of the bunch. In case for those who don't know, these are the live action musicals for this year (animated ones don't count):
Recently, Netflix asked me if I wanted a reminder to a bunch of things coming out soon. One of those movies was Tick...Tick... Boom! so I clicked it. I think it will be released in September or October. It won't be a huge thing, kind of an under the radar film, but I cannot wait.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/23/08
I know someone that went to the premiere last night and he said Cinderella was surprisingly good. I'll watch this weekend. I love the Cinderella story, but this one looks and sounds cheap. Hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised. Nothing can top Ever After and the recent Disney remake with Lily James. Those were quality!
Sutton Ross said: "Recently, Netflix asked me if I wanted a reminder to a bunch of things coming out soon.One of those movies was Tick...Tick... Boom! so I clicked it. I think it will be released in September or October. It won't be a huge thing, kind of an under the radar film, but I cannot wait."
Tick...Tick...Boom! is coming out in November.
Tick. Tick... Boom! will have a limited theatrical release on November 12th and then will be on Netflix on the 19th. I think it's having a world premiere on November 10th for the AFI Film Fest.
^I agree that Ever After is one of the best film versions of the Cinderella story alongside the 1950 Disney classic.
Goddamn, how did I miss that? Thanks guys.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
Sutton Ross said: "Why, Giants? What did this movie ever do to you? Why do you actively WANT the people involved to have an embarrassing flop? Kinda sad the energy you’re putting into actively wishing people to fail.
100% this. That statement made me instantly sad."
Honestly, I don’t think it looks very good but I’m gonna watch it. If we actively wish movie musicals to fail, we won’t get more. I just don’t understand the desire for the arts to FAIL - especially now.
I have decided that while I don't think anything in this movie will end up being any good (with Billy Porter being the exception), I'll watch it since I do have Amazon Prime and a good friend of mine wanted to check it out. But I'll be making this face through most of it:
iluvtheatertrash said: "Why, Giants? What did this movie ever do to you? Why do you actively WANT the people involved to have an embarrassing flop? Kinda sad the energy you’re putting into actively wishing people to fail."
To be clear - I don’t want ‘the arts’ to fail. I also do not want people to fail (which doesn’t really pertain to this because, well, look everyone involved - this movie won’t even be a blip on their bio in a year or two and thing has been bought and paid for). I do however want an end to these cheap regurgitations of things that were already done a million times and better (Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Cinderella, etc). How about some real creativity? How about original scores, stories, or at the very least casting that makes sense. Often this board rolls their eyes at jukebox musicals and that’s basically what this will be (half of the soundtrack is just covers of past radio hits).
I really didn’t like The Greatest Showman, but you know what? It was a new project, with decent casting, an entertaining story (despite it being very whitewashed and untrue), and effort. People went nuts for that damn thing - and I’m happy that it did well! I hope they make a sequel!
We don’t need Cinderella to be redone again. Tell a new story. We have the Disney cartoon (and two sequels), three TV movies, a Disney live action remake, Ever After, all the spin-off films, etc. I agree that we need to support movie musicals, but as was just pointed out in this thread, there’s plenty coming this next year. We also need to stop praising Hollywood every single time they take the lazy route, because that’s all we’ll get.
Oh, and I second the desire for Corden to go away for a long time. White mediocrity at it’s finest, and he’s never a natural fit (both in what projects/roles he’s in and his performances).
33% on Rotten Tomatoes and 47 out of 100 on Metacritic... That is not a good start at all. YIKES!
It's cool, let's all still watch it to support the arts! Yes?
Now I REALLY have to see this just to find out how bad it is. It can’t possibly be worse than the recent “Cats,” but it seems both projects waste a great cast on paper.
Sutton Ross said: "It's cool, let's all still watch it to support the arts! Yes?"
To quote Cliff Booth from Once Upon a Time In Hollywood:
"Why not?"
Watching now. went in to Amazon to see if it was up at midnight (EST) and it was so I was like, "Why not".
The song mashup at the beginning is good although I don't know what song Menzel is singing. Not sure why they chose Rythm Nation except for the better way of life lyrics.
Menzel is really goo, so far. Maddie Baillio is a riot. Cabello is good but she is doing the lip quiver lip syncing thing. I have actually laughed out loud at the comedic lines. It is quite funny. I am up to the part where the King decides to have a ball (The choir is a riot).
I think they should have called this "Ella" and promoted it as a "twist" on the Cinderella story. The reviews are not great but so far I am having fun with it. Something tells me you just have to throw away what you are expecting from it and roll with it. (The actors in the basement joke almost made me spit my water out!) And I think there is a nod, on purpose, to a known NY Theater Company. Also, I really like the song Cabello sings as her first solo number.
Uncageg: Menzel is really goo
Hahahaa. She IS REALLY GOO! Hahaha. Why anyone would call people just by their last name is bizarre.
This is enjoyable, cute, Billy slays of course, Idina is stunning and Camila cannot act. Hot prince though!
Straight up C+++!!!!
The prince looks so kissable and looks like he smells good!
Updated On: 9/3/21 at 01:13 AM
Here, Dazeem is not quite as wicked as those Ozians thought she was back in 2003. Save for her always-powerful singing voice, I think she is a letdown in this movie.
The acting is serviceable at best; Cabello is iffy but Porter fares better. Corden is doing his usual shtick for the eleventy-billionth time. A couple of the mashups shine, but I still don't get the decision to go all Moulin Rouge! regarding the music in this project. Cabello sings her original song, "Million to One," but all I kept hearing in my head was "A Million Dreams" from The Greatest Showman.
Kay Cannon cannot recapture the jukebox magic she conjured in Pitch Perfect - the first movie ONLY. Too bad she left Jason Sudeikis over a decade before Ted Lasso taught the world how to shine as an underdog.
“ “The rotten revamp is pseudo-feminist claptrap that begs us to feel empowered when Ella’s (Camila Cabello) evil stepmother, now named Vivian (Idina Menzel), confides to her stepdaughter that she is a classically trained pianist who never got to play professionally. So, she’s a cruel parent because she didn’t become Liberace? Brave”
From the NTPost review. Love.
Just finished it. It takes the story and twists it.
I thought Menzel was perfect in the role. I continued to laugh at some of the lines. Corden really didn't have a lot to do and shared the comedy bits with the other two which was nice. Wasn't a big spotlight on him. And he was really funny in this. I was a bit confused that the sister didn't need to marry. (Or maybe she has to. I don't know!) I missed a few lines with the English accents. I haven't been following it, so to speak, and didn't know that most (Or all?) of the music/songs would be pop hits. Someone can correct me if there were any originals. A lot of the songs I did not recognize if they were popular songs. I think we have been a bit over saturated with Billy Porter but I really enjoyed him here. And Minnie Driver is just always wonderful. The "royal" announcement guy and band were pretty fun also. And the off the cuff humor was great. I literally laughed out loud a number of times.
All in all, I really had fun and enjoyed watching it and will probably watch it again. For me, I just pushed the original story aside and went with this. I still think they should have called it "Ella" and advertised it as a twist on a classic story. That is pretty much what it is.
I suspect it may get raked over the coals here by many, but to each his own! I had fun! JMO
Enjoyed every single moment of it, silly , in parts joyous , a load of fun. Does it change the world, far from it, was it two hours of fun , yes!
I must admit watching it, I kept thinking, this is the pre Broadway try out for Sony pictures to enter live theatre.
rosscoe(au) said: "I must admit watching it, I kept thinking, this is the pre Broadway try out for Sony pictures to enter live theatre. "
You’re not too far off… Sony bought the film rights to ONCE UPON A ONE MORE TIME *waaaaay* before it ever hit the stage, pandemic notwithstanding.