I have always suspected that Urinetown is a bigger and more deliberate homage to The Simpsons than Mr. Burns: A Post-Electric Play ever was. The writing for it, the tropes used, the rhythms of the dialogue, even certain characters are pulled almost piecemeal from classic Season 2-9 Simpsons. I'm not accusing plagiarism or anything, as it's clearly being done with a big of a wink, but the parallels are difficult to ignore: among others, Cladwell and McQueen are pretty blatantly Mr. Burns and Smithers, just like Lockstock's stilted and patronizing narration to Little Sally is a Troy McClure and Jimmy homage as much as a real reference to midcentury educational films.
The pastiche is just dead-on: Urinetown, when it's done well, feels like a top 10 Simpsons episode. That's both a blessing and a curse, because instead of feeling fresh and new, it feels like pastiche, a deliberate throwback to a cult favorite comedy from thirty years ago.