Count me as another one who doesn’t get it. Cody Simpson was sort of within my generation, but he was never popular the way any other “stars” were. It’s very Carly Rae again - sure, people know who these stars are, but is that enough to draw in ticket sales? It would’ve been easier to stunt cast Vlad - get a comedian in the role or something. John Bolton is incredible, but the role could definitely be simple for someone to learn, and he’s in enough scenes to satisfy people buying a ticket to see one person alone.
Chorus Member Joined: 6/25/13
I saw Anastasia for the first time this past weekend...went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I also happened to see Cody Simpson on the subway...he does not read 21 in real life. Also my friend that I was with had no idea who he was, but we're twice his age so...
jen_in_toronto said: "I saw Anastasia for the first time this past weekend...went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I also happened to see Cody Simpson on the subway...he does not read 21 in real life. Also my friend that I was with had no idea who he was, but we're twice his age so..."
How old did he read to you?
I'm on the tail end of Cody Simpson's generation, and I am very curious to see how he will do. I'll be eager to hear reports from those of you who see him in the role!
However, I would buy tickets to return in heartbeat if Kelsey Grammer ever reprises his role as Vlad from the movie, akin to Jonathan Freeman in "Aladdin" and Sasson Gabai in "The Band's Visit" right now. That would be inspired casting. The role onstage is larger than it is in the movie, and probably a similar amount of stage time to Grammer's role in "Finding Neverland". I love John Bolton in the role very much, but maybe when his contract is over!
MaddieBB12 said: "I would buy tickets to return in heartbeat if Kelsey Grammer ever reprises his role as Vlad from the movie, akin to Jonathan Freeman in "Aladdin" and Sasson Gabai in "The Band's Visit" right now.That would be inspired casting. The role onstage is larger than it is in the movie,and probably a similar amount of stage time to Grammer's role in "Finding Neverland". I love John Bolton in the role very much, but maybe when his contract is over!"
This would be absolutely amazing! As a '90s kid, seeing one of the original voice actors join the show would be a dream.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/4/15
He starts on Thursday . He seemes to be tweeting more about his new music than making his Broadway debut ....Don't see much talk about it so I guess people forgot ?
MannPhan24601 said: "He starts on Thursday . He seemes to be tweeting more about his new music than making his Broadway debut ....Don't see much talk about it so I guess people forgot ? "
It’s not a “stunt cast” people are interested in, that’s for sure. It might’ve been better if everyone hated the casting. Nothing is worse in this business than apathy. People are willing to go see a stunt cast in hopes of them being as awful as they imagined (like Carly Rae Jepson or Fran in Cinderella). I suppose people just aren’t interested either way.
He is going to look very young playing opposite Christy..
Someone said this show didn't have stars, but wasn't Ramin Karimloo in the original cast? Anyways don't know much about the show or Simpson, but google found me this selfie he posted this summer. Not bad.
inception said: "Someone said this show didn't have stars, but wasn't Ramin Karimloo in the original cast? Anyways don't know much about the show or Simpson, but google found me this selfie he posted this summer. Not bad."
I wouldn't say that Ramin is a "star" outside of theatre circles and thus not a real star attraction in a way that would significantly attract ticket sales.
Bwayfan292 said: "He is going to look very young playing opposite Christy.."
They seriously couldn't get him a better wig? Not only does the wig (or his hair) look awful, he looks extremely young like you said. He looks nothing like Dmitry. Dmitry needs to have a classical hero look like Derek and Zac. Hoping his performance is great!
I don't give 2 craps about this show, but don't see what that picture has that the other 2 don't? Is it cause he's a blonde? He looks great.
Swing Joined: 4/8/18
I'm still struggling to see why they thought casting Cody was a better move than keeping Zach on until his contract ended. It's not like Cody has any particular star pull? And he's so young? Hey, he may be good at the role, who knows! I'm not optimistic when he has no acting or theatre training whatsoever.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/28/18
I understand everyones frustration where Zach is considered. I understand hes been with the show for so long, working his way up from ensemble/understudy to leading man. I actually saw him, and I really loved his portrayal of Dimitry. I absolutely adored him. Broadway is a TOUGH business, so to do what he did is extraordinary and shows what a strong performer he is.
However, as I'm sure we're all aware, at the end of the day, Broadway is a business. A production/producers could discover that someone that had COMPLETE faith in, enough to put up advertising with his face on it all over, is just not bringing in the money they expected. They know the show is loved-they know the show has a strong, incredibly strong fan base. But not all of those fans could be bringing in the money they need. So they have to consider all their options.
A name of a show alone can bring in big money- Hello Dolly! comes to mind. I actually don't think the two are comparable because Bette Midler is a much more known name than the actors who have been in Anastasia. Outside of the Anastasia fandom, I'm not sure if a lot of the cast names are well known. Also--while I'm here, I'd like to apologize if I'm rambling.
If a show isn't making money and producers see a way they could potentially bring in more people who haven't seen the show already-why would they hesitate? Yes, I definitely think Zach should have finished out his contract first. However, based on sales, I'm unsure if the show would have kept going? I think there have been plenty of actors who have been contracted for long runs, but for some reason or another, plans change for the better of the production. I doubt there's a vendetta against Zach. He is a dedicated professional who was the victim of unfortunate, rude circumstances.
I've been seeing so many comments about how Anastasia is closed because of Cody coming in. I've seen one comment thanking Anastasia-they have no plans to see Cody so they'll save money. Question: have these people seen Cody in the role? Have they heard him sing the songs? Have they even given him a CHANCE? It is very easy to judge when people don't know a persons theatrical background or if they find out they don't have any. It's very easy to judge if that person is known for something else, and you're not a fan of their other work. But if you're a fan of a show, don't you think you could be a little supportive? The producers wouldn't have blindly cast him. They have faith. And that's all Cody can ask of from you, and from Anastasia audiences.
Okay. I have rambled enough. Rant over. Sorry
Stand-by Joined: 10/9/18
Im here tonight, and will report back.
I thought you only see Cats.
Can someone post me his package, thanks.
That photo posted above is making me so uncomfortable. And yet, I can't look away...
Elegance101 said: "That photo posted above is making me so uncomfortable. And yet, I can't look away..."
Sorry. Put it behind spoilers for you.
Stand-by Joined: 10/9/18
Move over Carly rae jepsen, theres a new worse stunt cast taking charge! I don’t even know what i witnessed tonight. Sure he has a great voice, but he has virtually zero stage presence, and zero acting capability. When he is on the stage, he cares more about his singing then he does actually moving a story.
He attemps to oversing Christy mutiple times throughout the show, and for those of you wondering, he looks very, very young next to Christy.
This is an over exaggeration but it’s almost like Sarah and Andrew in tuck. You know theres an age gap.
The teenage girls in the audience were loving it though. If this is what Anastasia is going to be putting out, I am fearful.
As always though, the rest of the cast were great. Max von Essen was killing it.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/6/18
Picked up a rush ticket last minute cause I haven’t seen the show and Time was running out and I can confirm it was hard to watch. Basically like watching a mediocre performer in a high school musical on a stage with a bunch of Broadway pros. Frustrating.
Unfortunately, Max Von Essen's last day with "Anastasia" is December 16th. I had wanted to see him in the show.
This is the face of someone who's realized he's made a very big mistake.
I was going to post that article. There’s little to no connection in his bows. Disappointing, but not surprising that Cody isn’t good. Maybe he will warm up?
Broadway Star Joined: 1/15/18
How was his accent?