Broadway Star Joined: 6/25/18
BWAY Baby2 said: "A problem with a limited run on Broadway could be the expense. The cast is quite large- the orchestra needs to be paid- there are several sets. Dramas seem to be able to recoup if they are hot tickets- and Hello, Bette also was hugely successful- and expensive to produce. Company would be cheaper to produce by far than Dolly- but all in all, a 16 week run might not be seen as a good bet for BWAY."
Yeah that’s true, if it’s not able to recoup given a limited engagement. As others have said though, the Company set is easily enough transferable from the West End to Broadway so the costs might be less in that respect. I just don’t see this as a show that will last long term and appeal enough to the masses.
Everyone industry person I talk to in NYC says a transfer is happening. Who knows the specs - and conventional wisdom has been wrong before - but assumption is this is happening next season at some point.
Company won best revival, Jonathan Bailey supporting actor and Patti LuPone supporting actress!
From what I've seen, I would've been very surprised if it didn't get Set Design. That's amazing.
Com'on broadway revival!!!!
Unfortunately, Rosalie didn’t win. But the four wins is awesome.
I personally don't think she deserved to win anyway because the category was SO competitive...Sharon D Clarke's performance was gut-wrenching in Caroline, or Change. And Adrienne Warren is absolutely blowing the roof off with her vocals at Tina. And Kelli as always was doing good work in the King and I. Rosalie might have been last in a category she could have won in a less competitive year.
Really hope we can see Laura Benanti & Patti LuPone!
All of the nominees deserved to win, and I’m glad Sharon won (as she is amazing), but Rosalie not winning was a bit disappointing to me since I thought she was absolutely incredible. But yes, it was a very crowded and competitive year.
Congratulations to Jonathan, Patti, Bunnie, and Marianne!
I think it’s inevitable that LuPone, Craig, and Bailey will all be transferring.
Thrilled it won so many Oliviers!
Any recent rumors re: transfer plans and a timeline?
Considering Patti said tonight that she’s supposed to be doing GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS this Fall on Broadway, I think we can put the transfer rumors to rest.
Updated On: 4/7/19 at 08:24 PM
Scripps2 said: "Having turned in great performances here, there and everywhere for the last few years, and with reviews like this, Mr Bailey presumably has the supporting-Olivier in the bag."
Glad it's now in the bag and not down those skinny white jeans he wears, though his wearing of them alone, even without the great performance, is Olivier-worthy.
I must say a significant part of the pleasure of this production for me, which I saw twice, was seeing a gay couple being portrayed, not in the intensity of a solely, gay-focused, issue-driven film or play, but just as part of the normality of life, totally and unquestioningly accepted.
The cast is quite large
Is 14 considered "quite large"? That seems odd to me.
I just don’t see this as a show that will last long term and appeal enough to the masses.
With rave reviews and strong word of mouth, I could see it recouping at the very least.
Glad it's now in the bag and not down those skinny white jeans he wears, though his wearing of them alone, even without the great performance, is Olivier-worthy.
OMG. I was 6th row center. Bailey jeggings = TICKET MONEY WELL SPENT. When he first strutted onto the stage, I needed smelling salts. I always thought he was attractive, but DEAR GOD THOSE LEGS ARE A GIFT FROM HEAVEN.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/2/14
Its transferring Spring of 2020 to coincide with the shows 50th anniversary. More then likely to a JuJamcyn house as Jordan Roth is involved
In terms of Rosalie not winning, that was a jam-packed category with astonishing performances from Clark, who took it, and Warren. Clark seems least likely to have another opportunity to give her performance since Warren is coming to Broadway and it sure looks like Craig is as well. Tremendous performances in London this season. Really tremendous.
LightsOut90 said: "Its transferring Spring of 2020 to coincide with the shows 50th anniversary. More then likely to a JuJamcyn house as Jordan Roth is involved"
That sounds dope. I'd be surprised if it didn't with all the fanfare.
In regards to the cast, is Patti the "only" person who'd be noteworthy in that role? (As in, without her it wouldnt survive) What's Bernadette up to nowadays?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/2/14
Patti just won an Olivier, she isnt being replaced this is transferring with her or not transfering at all
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
imeldasturn said: "The production won't transfer without Rosalie."
Wanna bet?
Considering Patti said tonight that she’s supposed to be doing GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS this Fall on Broadway, I think we can put the transfer rumors to rest.
Not if Company transfers Spring of next year.
So basically, No Roseline x Patti, No show?
Patti has publicly stated that she would only transfer if certain cast members could join her, and I’d assume it’s Craig and Bailey.
Also, Benanti announced today on Twitter she’d love to do this if Rosalie doesn’t transfer. Initially, I really wanted to see Benanti in this role, but Rosalie has been involved with this from the start and received so many raves including a love letter from Brantley. I’d be pretty surprised if Craig didn’t transfer.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/31/18
Is Patti's participation THAT necessary really beyond it just having 'Patti' in it?
She does one song and is chorus in what 2 others? She didn't even make any sort of an impression on me in this when compared to the rest of the cast who were all way more memorable.
I’m shocked that Benanti actually has put her hand up! If there is someone LuPone would consider working with as a replacement surely it’d be her!!
The only other cast member in addition to LuPone, Bailey and potentially Craig I’d like to see transfer is the guy that plays Andy (April). I know it’s hard to imagine from the recording only but his nomination was also well deserved and Barcelona is just the icing after the two hilarious book scenes during “another hundred people” and the butterfly scene before poor baby.
Re: the earlier Bernadette suggestion. Please I love Bernadette too much for her to expose her declining vocals stepping in after LuPone. Though I could imagine Donna Murphy or Ebersole in the role.
But I don’t want to see anyone but LuPone. The lines were soooo funny. The song was sooooo good. This is LuPone’s third Tony. No one else need apply for this role.