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Darren Criss in Hedwig

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#275Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/25/15 at 7:54am

So, I found this post on Tumblr of how badly Darren Criss treats some of the audience members. What do you guys think?

#276Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/25/15 at 9:14am

That's a known Darren hater blowing things out of proportion as usual. There is a video of Darren and the person who was accidentally hit by that can talking at stage door and he apologized over and over again, that as soon as he tossed the can aside and saw it hitting someone that he felt terrible about it. That fan even asked him to sign that can...

Also the guys he is talking to in the 2nd thing were douches the whole show, mocking him when he encouraged them to lift up their hands, they took photos during the show the whole time. A bunch of friends were in first row and noticed those guys' behavior the whole show.

And as you can see he is talking to girls at stage door about it. The caption in the gifs is off. It was definitely two guys he was talking to during curtain call.

Always watch the videos and don't trust captions on gifs to be 100% accurate.

#277Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/25/15 at 10:39am

"So, I found this post on Tumblr of how badly Darren Criss treats some of the audience members. What do you guys think?"

 the first thing i think is "this was already posted about 5 posts earlier"

the second thing i think is it makes me respect DC even more. i haven't seen him in the show, but i can't comprehend anybody going to the show, sitting in the front row, and then just sitting there and shaking their heads "no" during the lift up your hands section. why did you go then? and if they were as annoying as has been said, and taking pictures all through the show, then i wish he WOULD have broken their phone. people like that who ruin the show not just for the performers but also for everyone sitting around them deserve it.

luvcaroline Profile Photo
#278Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/25/15 at 6:18pm


100% agree. Any audience member, at any Hedwig performance, is fair game, ESPECIALLY if they are behaving inappropriately. Bravo Darren!

Updated On: 6/25/15 at 06:18 PM

#279Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/25/15 at 6:21pm

If he saw people taking pictures, he could so easily call an usher out to remove them. I mean who if not the actor playing Hedwig can get away with that, in character. I wish he/any Hedwig would do that. 

skies Profile Photo
#280Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/25/15 at 6:42pm

Well many of Darren's stans are taking pictures/videos during the peformance, and no, there wasn't any evidence they were disrupting the show with gratuitous filming/picture taking.  After the show was over he seemed pissed that those two guys didn't get up for a standing ovation.  He even said, 'next time get up' after he took their phone.

Hell, I don't think any actor has a right to demand a standing ovation.  Hedwig or not.  

"when I’m on stage I see the abyss and have to overcome it by telling myself it’s only a play." - Helen Mirren

#281Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/25/15 at 6:50pm

^ oh jeez, definitely not! Just meant that if people were obnoxiously or distractingly using their phones, there's no better chance to call them out than when you are playing Hedwig. 

#282Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/25/15 at 6:58pm

"Well many of Darren's stans are taking pictures/videos during the peformance, and no, there wasn't any evidence they were disrupting the show with gratuitous filming/picture taking.  After the show was over he seemed pissed that those two guys didn't get up for a standing ovation.  He even said, 'next time get up' after he took their phone.

Hell, I don't think any actor has a right to demand a standing ovation.  Hedwig or not.  


How should there be evidence that they were douches during the show? Others didn't pull out their phones during the show to film them being dickheads.

The fans take videos of the curtain call, not during the actual show.

And as I said, watch the videos and not just the gifs. You can't see his mouth in that particular gif except the last word which was "up" and him pointing upwards.

Since he complained about them not raising their hands what he actually might have meant was for them to lift up their hands next time.

Elfuhbuh Profile Photo
#283Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/25/15 at 7:06pm

People on Tumblr will take the smallest thing and try to turn it into a sh!tstorm without backing up their claims with evidence or even doing research on said claims themselves. I personally would take everything you find on that website with a grain of salt.

"Was uns befreit, das muss stärker sein als wir es sind." -Tanz der Vampire

#284Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/25/15 at 7:07pm

"People on Tumblr will take the smallest thing and try to turn it into a sh!tstorm without backing up their claims with evidence or even doing research on said claims themselves. I personally would take everything you find on that website with a grain of salt."

This. Especially when you go to the original source or the other blog adding to the argument and see that blog/those blogs spend a lot of their time hating on an actor. In this case Darren. They have an agenda and will only pick the gifs and tweets and whatever to prove that said actor is totally terrible and deserves to be shot to the moon.

I mean look at that person's Darren tag. They hated Darren from the start. That klainesucks blog is a known blog that only hates on him.

So I don't know, pick the blogs and sources you choose wisely. 

Updated On: 6/25/15 at 07:07 PM

#285Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/25/15 at 7:48pm

Skies, I just joined this board (which I have been reading for months) to respond to your comments and to ask if you have you been to see Criss in Hedwig?  How do you know his "stans" are taking pictures throughout the performance?  What do you base your comments on?  I've been to the show.  Another night, I was eating dinner in the restaurant next door and watching while he was graciously, patiently talking, fielding questions and signing all sorts of memorabilia for fans. 

On Tumblr and some of these inane gossip sites, you see all sorts of stuff prompted by immature and, yes, vicious people.  Their agenda is questionable although their hate is not.  It manifests itself in abusive criticism.  I don't understand their dislike of Darren Criss at all since he often strongly supports causes they support. However, they look for what they consider to be any little chink in his armor and proceed to light up the internet exploiting it even if it's not true or blown all out of proportion.  It's appalling. 

Finally, for anyone interested in seeing this show the last several weeks Criss will star, I've seen NPH and Darren Criss.  I wasn't able to see JCM, although I'm sure he was tremendous.  Out of the two Hedwigs I saw, I preferred Darren Criss' performance, though NPH was wonderful, too.  However, for me, it came down to the vocals.  Darren Criss is naturally a rock singer.  Neil Patrick Harris sounded like a Broadway singer trying to be a rock singer.  He has a fabulous voice but not suited to this role as much as Criss' voice.

One last thing:  both Hedwigs made jokes which were atrocious and politically incorrect and exhibited behavior which was abominable.  However, only one has been roundly chastised for it in what I consider to be an undeserved way. 



Updated On: 6/25/15 at 07:48 PM

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#286Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/26/15 at 12:47am

From his Facebook:


I want to sincerely apologize to Caitlyn Jenner, all transgender people, and anyone who was offended for my words on stage during Tuesday evening's performance. In no way do the remarks reflect my personal belief system or my support for transgender people. However, I do realize the severity of the comment and the weight that words can carry and for that, I take full responsibility. I commend Caitlyn on her strength and for spreading acceptance around the globe. I have been and remain a proud and unwavering ally of the LGBTQIA community, and will continue to walk alongside my friends on the road to full equality and acceptance.

Clearly, it’s not a transphobic musical, but for some reason Darren made this joke show during the show. 

“Man, woman, man woman, woman man, Bruce Jenner, whatever you are.”

Updated On: 6/26/15 at 12:47 AM

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#287Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/26/15 at 12:59am

He said Caitlyn Jenner, not Bruce Jenner - there is a tweet on that post from the anti-Darren blog that indicates the quote. 

Good on Darren setting the record straight and being the stand up guy I've seen him be time and time again.   

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

#288Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/26/15 at 1:00am

"they look for what they consider to be any little chink"

That's incredibly racist.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

SDV Profile Photo
#289Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/26/15 at 1:05am

He did say Bruce, not Caitlin, on Tuesday night.

I'm no fan of his as a person or in this role, but good for him for apologizing.

#290Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/26/15 at 1:09am

From Websters (the dictionary you idiot): Definition of CHINK 1 : a small cleft, slit, or fissure 2 : a weak spot that may leave one vulnerable

What were you thinking? 

And yes, I did call you an idiot.  I'll feel bad about that tomorrow, but right now it feels pretty good.

Wait...maybe you were trying to be droll....failed attempt...idiot stands.

Updated On: 6/26/15 at 01:09 AM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#291Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/26/15 at 1:34am

Direct link to his post: 

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 6/26/15 at 01:34 AM

#292Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/26/15 at 2:10am

I'm not a fan of Darren, but I do admire him for the public apology.  I honestly don't think it was necessary, but it was appreciated.   My take on the matter is that he may have exhibited a lack of sound judgment, because the issue of Caitlyn Jenner is a very sensitive issue right now.  It probably was too soon for his Hedwig to make that joke.   But reaching a conclusion that he harbors hate against those in the transgender community in general or against Caitlyn specifically, based purely on Hedwig's comment, is a complete stretch.   Because it was Hedwig who said the comment, not Darren Criss, I tend to agree that Darren's haters, and others as well, are using this lapse of judgment on his part to make this more controversial than it really warrants.   I say it's time to calm down and let this controversy lapse away. 

I didn't know too much about Darren.  But with this "controversy," I thought I would look him up.  It seems he has supported the Trevor Project several years, even performing at their event, Trevor Live, several times.  (He also has supported The AIDS Project Los Angeles and the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation.)  If he was truly a transphobic person, then would he really spend his time and efforts to support The Trevor Project?  I doubt it.  It was the character of Hedwig - who although we love her - is by no means a politically correct character, who made the comment.  It was not Darren Criss the person who made this comment.  The worst "crime" that I would say he is guilty of is a lack ofjudgment.    But there is no reason to conclude--based on Hedwig's comment alone--that he is guilty of transphobia.

And just a note, I'm pretty sure FindingNamo was joking.  Seems to be fond of puns. 


Updated On: 6/26/15 at 02:10 AM

#293Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/26/15 at 3:35am

He apologized, aka his PR did their job, cause he got heat for it on social media, and the blogs and gossip sites were picking it up. What hurt him I think was the misnaming he improv'ed into the phrase. It doesn't mesh with his image of an ally atuned to LGBTQ+ issues, and a queer straight guy practically raised by the SF theater gays. Plus it's Pride. Plus his team is working to nominate a song of his for an Emmy. Not the time for negative chatter.

Updated On: 6/26/15 at 03:35 AM

#294Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/26/15 at 7:11am

And just a note, I'm pretty sure FindingNamo was joking.  Seems to be fond of puns. 

I'm pretty sure you're right and that being the case, I'm the idiot.  Sorry, Finding Namo.  I got caught up in the moment!


everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#295Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/26/15 at 9:30am

God the PC Police really gotta ruin everything. When Jerry Seinfeld says he won't play colleges anymore because they're so PC - and he's as clean as it gets - it's time to just shut it all down.

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

#296Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/26/15 at 3:39pm

"What hurt him I think was the misnaming he improv'ed into the phrase. It doesn't mesh with his image of an ally atuned to LGBTQ+ issues, and a queer straight guy practically raised by the SF theater gays."

Of course it doesn't mesh with his image. It's not something he said as himself. He said it in character as Hedwig. I'm 100% sure it wasn't a slip but a choice to for Hedwig to use the name Bruce. What hurt him was people feeling the need to tweet in outrage despite there being far worse things in the show, and then it evolving until there were reports that made it sound like it was something he said off stage and out of character.

For me it works with "moman or a wan" because that line is already taking it to that pushed place. Is it pc? Not in the least, but that's exactly the point.

#297Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/26/15 at 3:39pm

"What hurt him I think was the misnaming he improv'ed into the phrase. It doesn't mesh with his image of an ally atuned to LGBTQ+ issues, and a queer straight guy practically raised by the SF theater gays."

Of course it doesn't mesh with his image. It's not something he said as himself. He said it in character as Hedwig. I'm 100% sure it wasn't a slip but a choice to for Hedwig to use the name Bruce. What hurt him was people feeling the need to tweet in outrage despite there being far worse things in the show, and then it evolving until there were reports that made it sound like it was something he said off stage and out of character.

For me it works with "moman or a wan" because that line is already taking it to that pushed place. Is it pc? Not in the least, but that's exactly the point.

#298Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/26/15 at 4:17pm

You should be more niggardly with your use of dictionary quotes, Amazing2.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#299Darren Criss in Hedwig
Posted: 6/26/15 at 4:23pm

dra-mah. coo-weenz much. *snap*

¡no me gusta!

Updated On: 6/26/15 at 04:23 PM
