I guess she realized she did have the courage to change this. And she was seeing rightly through her heart. Now if she would only have the courage to see that an apology would be "rightly"...but since that seems to be invisible to my eye it must be essential.
I didn't even know who the hell those two are. I had to look them up.
After Speaking to Diaz today i have to say that whilst i dont agree that she poted negative comments about Jones, she was only posting about the Tony Performance Jones gave (as many did)
She is a very smart woman who knows what she belives in and whilst i may not agree with all she says i appreciate the fact she got back to me when i got in touch with her and talked to me about her views and opinions, thats more than Foster etc has done. She believes that sometimes Broadway can get too Hollywood heavy but is just saying that a balance is needed, she felt this year the balance was off, i don't agree but that is her opinion.
Like i say i admire the fact she got back to me and spoke it out so we could see where each other was coming from, i wish some of the Broadway stars have got involved in this would make their points my clearly as many of them are just posting nasty comments about people for the sake of doing it (so it would seem)
But much respect to Diaz for getting back and talking it through.
EDIT: Never mind, I see there is a new post in place.
I understand people are going to have their own opinions regarding certain performers winning. It just seems people are so focused on attacking Catherine Zeta-Jones, Scarlett Johansson and Denzel Washington simply based on their movie star status.
Perhaps Hunter's group wasn't the best outlet for Ms. Diaz to voice her harsh opinion regarding Catherine's win. Again, I understand she is entitled to her opinion, and if she really believes that CZJ "slaughtered" the performance, so be it. She won, it's done with. That's not the problem. In the end, if people are trying to combat commercialization on the Tony Awards, singling out a couple of performers is not the way to solve the issue at hand.
So was she saying that based simply on the Tony performance she did not deserve the Tony? I am glad she clarified that for us. Back-peddle much?
She also posted a 30 second clip of a commercial for "A Little Night Music" stating how Catherine slaughtered the song in the clip. Not to mention on her Facebook page (which she has since made private), she questioned how CZJ deserved the Tony based on the clip.
In the end, yes it is her opinion, but perhaps she should have chosen her words and the place to state it more carefully.
She should state things more clearly of course, like i say im not defending the insult about Jones, i just thought it took great class to debate it with me and put her well put and smart opinions accross. I did not see her say anything about Jones win at the Tony's, just about her slaughtering the song....but that's as we said her opinion.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
You're being glamoured by Diaz, songanddanceman. She responded to do some damage control. Which is fine. And human. But I think she needs to do a fierce moral inventory and I hope you can ward off the "she talked to me and she's really down to earth" syndrome we frequently see around here. Because, you're doing a great job of holding the catty people's paws to the fire.
Oh no i agree Namo
She knows i thought her Facebook comments were silly and i told her that things like that was not going to do her any favours at all.
However i was impressed with her opinions and thoughts etc, i mean thats the one thing that is missing from all this mess, everybody is bitching yet nobody is talking. Ive only seen Hunter comment on that silly group when a freiend of his popped up (who did not altogether agree with him) and to post an article that was more in his favour. I just have respect when these actors who have gotten themselves involved will stop and have a converstaion about what they think and why they think it.
Believe me she was not doing damage control lol, i don't think shes going to let a few comments on here bother her, in fact she did not know until i told her that her facebook post had got people talking.
I won't be swayed on what i believe and think and i told Miss Diaz the same thing, but i have a lot more respect for the actors who have an opinion and an argument to back up any action they have taken.
And believe me, my days of getting star struck or glamoured by anyone are long gone. Ive worked in this business for far too long and met far to many people for that to happen anymore.
Not saying i would not do a little pee if Madonna got chatting with me lol
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Well, keep up the good work.
Thanks Namo x
Diaz has an awful reputation. I have no respect for her and never will. Let's see if she ever gets back on Broadway anytime soon! I've also lost all respect for Sieber, as I've mentioned many times before. And well I've never cared about Foster and Cody! They are the definition of "nobodies." Updated On: 6/27/10 at 08:23 PM
Swing Joined: 1/19/08
I understand both points of this debate however it is a tad unnerving when they give Scarlett more stage time than anyone, and I was extremely offended when Denzel couldn't even name the group who gives the Tony Awards out, it was offensive to people who have been striving for years to even get a Broadway show and he just waltzes in, does one show and walks off with a Tony, however I am sure he deserved the award because he is after all a fantastic actor. CZJ blew on the Tonys and in defense of the group, I saw her understudy when she was on vacation and her understudy was a million times better than any clips/recordings of CZJ in the show...Peters is bound to knock it out a park that CZJ probably wasn't even playing in. But in the end actors are actors, I just wish Broadway itself wasn't such a commercial business and maybe we could have high quality shows that run on artistry, not on marquee names or popular franchises....but that day is still so far away.
.Peters is bound to knock it out a park that CZJ probably wasn't even playing in.
I just think it's so incredibly unfair to say that without having seen CZJ's winning performance. And while I hope Peters is smashing, not everything is she does is universally lauded. Many people strongly disliked her performances in Annie Get Your Gun and Gypsy.
and he just waltzes in, does one show and walks off with a Tony
Fences is his 3rd Broadway show according to IBDB and he's been doing theater on a professional level for a long time, and he's worked just as hard as anybody to get where he is and is a very talented actor.
(I thought his speech was a little obnoxious as well, though.)
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/20/06
Guyssss Jen Cody did a voice for a character in a Disney movie this makes her a STAR. She should have been allowed to walk the carpet like every other STAR because she is a STAR and presented an award. They could have just superimposed the character's face on her when she presented so people would know SHE IS FAMOUS.
"and he just waltzes in, does one show and walks off with a Tony"
Ths is what is wrong with all of this, people who are misinformed, its these opinions that seem to make up the members of Hunter Foster's group. They have NO idea that Washington has not only played Broadway before but is theatre trained, or not a clue the Zeta Jones started life in the West End in shows like 42nd Street.
Yes Johanson got more time, it was at the start of the night, the timing probably changed as the night went on meaning some performers were rushed through their speeches which is sad.
I dont think this is because they gave more time to her because she is a star name, it was simply because it was at the start of the night before things went off course as many awards shows do.
Hunter has kinda responded to his group, though it's not a great one.
Myself and a couple of others challenge him about the groups original description and his original remarks, something he seems to have forgotton. This is all such a shame as Hunter is a talented man and from all accounts a very sweet man. It just seems he and his wife had a silly knee jerk reaction and now its all blown up and he can't stop it.
And even if he had no other theater credits to his name the idea that he "waltzed on" is absurd anyway.
That implies that he didn't work his ass off and give an incredible performance when in fact he did.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
I saw Denzel give a BRILLIANT stage performance in "A Soldier's Play" in 1982. At the time, he was a virtual unknown. He had one leading film role to his credit, in the awful comedy "Carbon Copy" with George Segal.
By the time the screen version ("A Soldier's Story") came out, he was known as a TV actor from "St. Elsewhere."
Updated On: 6/28/10 at 10:48 AM
Folks were ragging on Denzel out of the gate, dissing him showing up to award shows in jeans and baseball caps. A star of his status would get heat either way-if he plays himself down, he is not taking things seriously and is disrespectful. If he were to be dressed to the nines and arrive with an entourage, he would be chewed out for arrogance. Theres no way he could win. In my opinion, he was being humble and just showing up to do the work-which is what actors should do.
The fact that he was unaware of where the award came from shows humility, that he is just living in the present and being a working actor, not concerned with awards. He's not pre-planning anything like speeches.
It's calculating folks like Cody who are counting the minutes to the red carpet that concern me. She's looking for signs of status and makes the work secondary. Her behavior is the obscene.
I applaud Denzel's humility. He really is an expceptional actor.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Yeah, when I heard about the big assh*le Denzel was for not getting the American Theatre Thigh right I KNEW when I watched the clip it wouldn't be nearly as incendiary as everyone was acting like it was. And it wasn't, of course.
Also, people are getting crazy on that site. Hunter claims he's never said anything bad and that everyone else are hypocrites. It's fascinating to watch.
unter claims he's never said anything bad and that everyone else are hypocrites. It's fascinating to watch.
The best is that someone posted a screencap of him bashing CZJ in response! lol. Talk about a hypocrite.
I hope producers really think twice before hiring any of these fools ever again. Sad and bitter people.
Updated On: 6/28/10 at 01:37 PM
I hope someone saved Hunters original posts before he got all revisionist.
He's a liar now as well as a little whiny bitch.
"I hope producers really think twice before hiring any of these fools ever again. Sad and bitter people."
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/3/05
Nice post about Denzel, BettyBoy.