Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Looks like Mere deleted her comment on Facebook page. I did get a PM, but it's just the same old blah blah blah.
I would have so much respect for you as a person if you were willing to say, "I wrote this, and I stand by it." I may not agree with you, but I would respect it.
Would you really respect a claim of her saying that Douglas "bought" her award? I'm actually curious. That was not an opinion to respect, that was a harsh accusation.
She also bashed Melanie Griffith!
Meredith Wiley Katie looks nothing like Melaine Griffith. She is miles about her in talent, grace, and let's just say it...Tony awards. :)
Finneran is also above YOU in all of those areas, Meredith!
I wouldn't respect that comment(It's disgusting, harsh, and uncalled for), but I would respect her owning up to it. Should've clarified.
Blaxx i would have more respect for them if they stood by what they said. I have no problem with what people want to think (even if it is bizzare) its when people back pedel, it looks silly, guilty and desperate.
Here is what i put back to Cody
"Jenifer i agree that Problems happened this year at the Tony's and the fact that people went to speak out about that is fine. The problem what ALL the actors involved in this seem to be missing is that everybody read your... See More’s, Hunter's, Siebers etc Facebook comments before you all deleted them. The deleting the post’s is a problem because you make yourselves look guilty. Your remarks about the Gods punishing Hollywood seemed petty and silly (on a side note the red carpet thing could not be more Hollywood if you tried lol).
To me someone who works in theatre, writes about theatre and indeed writes theatre i only saw a couple of presenters who were nothing to do with Broadway or theatre (Abdul and a Football player) and i really don’t see how that over took the Tony awards and what they stand for. Now i agree that the lifetime achievement award and some of the other awards getting done of camera was wrong, i also don’t like the fact the critics are no longer allowed to vote. Honestly though my biggest problem was the sound was horrid and the performances by many of the show were weak and messy (Greenday seemed far more rehearsed and put together).
Is it wrong that you have an opinion about the Tony's or Broadway? Of course not, what is wrong is that you deleted all your original offending facebook posts (as did Hunter) and then pretended like they never happened. The description for this group was VERY different when it was first started.....why did it change?
Many of you now seem to think you are becoming the victims of this whole mess and people are saying horrible things. And yes when people are calling Meredith a Slut, Bitch etc then that is very wrong and uncalled for, but the fall out was brought on by yours and others spur of the moment reactions to the Tony's, not about (sadly) the good points you now raise.
Many of the Broadway actors involved have tried to explain away the initial comments or tried denying them. The one thing everybody should learn from this is when you put something down in black and white it’s there for all to see and even deleting it does no good because so many people got screen grabs (as I’m sure you have seen)
The Tony's need some help but the Celebs were not to blame at all. Broadway has always had Hollywood (this is a business and it needs to sell) and those Broadway shows that cast Hollywood stars also give work to a lot of NY actors and crew. Making them the scapegoat is too easy.
The worst thing is that so many of you have worked on TV and Film, should the TV and Film industry tell you guys to stay away from awards, tell Cheno she is too theatre, the cast of Glee not to perform Broadway songs (even though Glee is really shining a great light on Bway and i hope you were not against them performing, especially since both actors come from Broadway).
But anyway, this is not directed at anyone specifically but please don’t deny you said stuff on Facebook or Forums or Blogs, people saw them and got screen grabs and the more you deny the longer this will drag on for.
This group is NOT about changes to the Tony's because everyone saw what the description first was when it was set up. If that’s what you are hoping it will do now you are very wrong. The best thing to do would be to close this group altogether and if you still feel the Tony's need help etc then try another approach because this has clearly backfired.
Ironically this group and all the drama caused by certain Broadway actors has had more press talking about the celebs etc then the Tony Awards of the theatre accomplishments so in fact its weakened your case.
The saddest thing is that Yourself, Hunter, Sieber, Patterson etc have great talent and this has really turned some people away from you."
I read that, songandanceman2, and I agree. I thought they were just being babies at the beginning, but Meredith Patterson's remark on CZJ having the award bought for her went too far and I'm sure Patterson noticed.
A comment like that compromises morally and legally the integrity of the Broadway League and the American Theatre Wing. They are trying to be pseudo-internet activists and fight for some "right" they don't even understand.
But they are doing so like irresponsible high schoolers, and they are probably thinking twice now about taking this too far.
Well Patterson responded to my post, saying that she did write that but never outright said that CZJ bought the Tony but was rather just commenting on the rumor. I don't buy that, but whatever. At least she acknowledged it.
Edit: Wow, five seconds after she responded, the whole post was deleted. So much for the little respect I had just gained for her. Although if it was Hunter who deleted it, which it very well could've been, than I don't even know what to say.
Updated On: 6/28/10 at 07:33 PM
No she didn't, alliez92092, as she deleted it a second after.
If you have nothing to hide, you don't make a public comment and delete it a moment after.
Blaxx, edited my post the same time you posted. hahaha. This is actually ridiculous.
And truly, even if Hunter Foster deleted it, the whole idea is just portraying them as whining sore losers.
They would be better off deleting the group now.
I dont get how they are STILL DELETING things......are they not getting this? to me its the deleting the posts once they have made them that is making all this drama....good god, my head is ready to explode.
This is just getting more ridiculous by the day...I've lost so much respect for Hunter, Meredith, Jen, etc. because of the way they've been reacting to all of this.
And Allie, that's ridiculous that she deleted your post...I read it before it was deleted and I thought it was intelligent and respectful.
songanddanceman2, please stop putting an apostrophe in Tonys.
Sorry Lizzie
I realize that’s the biggest thing we should be addressing right now. lol
All this silly drama and scandal makes me miss my fave TV show
"Sorry Lizzie
I realize that’s the biggest thing we should be addressing right now. lol"
Well, it is the Second Deadly Sin - right behind calling a cast album a soundtrack.
i love soundtracks lol
Not everyone will like you. Not everyone will accept you. Be true to yourself. Stand up for what you believe. Be strong.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/3/05
Is that Ms. Patterson's advice to Catherine?
The pre-show run through that is the most amazing "community moment" of the Tonys becoming a sold out event filling the house with anyone who could buy a ticket.
The Tonys have been held in Radio City for as long as Jennifer Cody has been performing on Broadway; she wasn't a part of any of those amazing community moments.
Chorus Member Joined: 6/19/10
Yeah, reading Jennifer Cody's post was just ridiculous. I mean, she had to dig long and hard for that crap. That thing about she was only upset "being put in a bind for the designer" made me laugh out loud. How stupid do these people think the people reading their posts are? After the things she said publicly, would anyone be dumb enough to believe that bunk? I've got no problem if someone has a bitchy moment. But you apologize and move on. You don't either deny saying it (Patterson) or try to spin it that you were actually Saint Jennifer Cody, being forced to walk the red carpet for poor "high profile" designers everywhere.
Look, I do feel bad for Cody. I mean can you imagine how pissed Jaclyn Smith must have been?!
James Moye from Million Dollar Quartet has also posted now but seems to have missed the whole point.
I have to say i do like the intention of the bottom part of his post though
Well my little comparison to Alice Ripley certainly pushed Hunter's buttons. I mean he is right, but still. I really should leave this group, it just makes me so angry. I think I'm just most disappointed in the fact that these were actors I really looked up to and now I've lost a lot of respect for them.