Are these guys continue complaining once the sports world takes over Broadway next season?? I mean, you know they are going to play up Lombardi by putting many NFL stars as presenters. Mark Sanchez will return!!
Has anyone been looking at the Facebook group?
One member mentioned that it isn't fair for Hollywood actors to win Tony Awards. Another member went on a rant how Scarlett was not deserving of the award, yet hasn't even seen Scarlett in the play!
I think I keep posting under another BWW member, by the way...
PauloFanClem Thanks for the comment, and i agree something does need shaking up in the Tony Awards but it had nothing to do with the Celebs.
Im checking the Facebook group all the time and fighting back lol (im Craig Hepworth who you will see popping up on there)
Its like the group members decided to share a brain cell and then lost it
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Are the gongs really different sizes? Are they really gongs? I thought they were medals. Like, spinny medals that spin.
Does Christopher Sieber not realise where the source material for his last Broadway show came from?
I'm actually gutted he stooped as low as to publicly riducule Catherine, makes you realise what your favourite Broadway performers can be like.
I've been a big fan of Chris Sieber's work and couldn't believe that he'd take such a stupid, petty, and exposed position on the topic so publicly. I remember around the time of Meredith being in 42nd St. her writing some pretty low indirect slights at Kate's expense on her website (though you'd think she'd have learned something since I know she heard about how that went over with most people back then), but the Chris thing really bums me out. He's so talented. I wish he'd just mea culpa and start the process of getting this behind him.
Didn't Kate Levering come back and replace Meridith?
Updated On: 6/23/10 at 10:38 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I remember the Meredith/Kate wars and they were HILARIOUS. Whenever I see Meredith's name I hear that old song: "They smile in your face, all the while they try to steal your place, Backstabber!' But gosh I hope she's not reading this or she'll think I am MEAN!! Boo hoo!
Perfectly said Jordan! I am now just reading this post for the first time so i am kind of behind. I got a facebook invite to that hateful group of Hunter Fosters and i only joined to give him my two cents. I think it is so sad that actors are treating fellow actors in such a horrific way. Winning a Tony has to be an amazing moment for an actor. For someone in their own community to be so hateful and disrespectful is just pathetic. Hollywood actors have been coming to Broadway since the beginning. Why do these people think this is something new? Get over it! acting is acting. Movie stars should be able to do Broadway just as much as Broadway actors should be aloud to do movies. The awards are not what's important. The audience and the whole theatre experience is what's important.
Updated On: 6/23/10 at 11:00 PM
Thank you Craig! Whoever you be.
I joined to make a few comments, but I didn't want to officially be a member of that vile group for too long, so afterwards I removed myself.
I absolutely positively agree with you.
Does anyone have the link to what Hunter said?
I love Hunter, and I did get my tickets switched when he wasn't in The Producers (I'm pretty sure I'm one of his only fans. XD)
Wow, who would have ever thought Hunter would merit a mention on Perez? Maybe is is dumb...LIKE A FOX! This has to be the best publicity he has ever had. And like they say, there is no such thing as bad publicity. I wonder if he has alerted TMZ yet.
With all this attention from the press Foster is getting hes gonna become so Hollywood lol
Sorry, I missed it -- did Sieber apologize?
What was the Meredith/Kate situation?
Ditto, I'm curious about the Meredith/Kate situation.
"Ditto, I'm curious about the Meredith/Kate situation."
Really?? They even made a movie about it..
Updated On: 6/25/10 at 10:17 AM
HAHAHA! Jordan, I love you.
Please be my message board boyfriend!
Updated On: 6/25/10 at 11:38 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
I imagine Keaton Whittaker, who's currently playing Fredrika in Night Music and was in the Seattle tryout of Shrek with Chris and Jen, is good and pissed off at them right now.
I just visited the group and read this, posted by one of Hunter's old friends I guess.
She said: "tho i completely agree with the intention of the site i suppose there is a little sadness that the world of actors is not more inclusive/supportive...some of us know that our place is on tv and some know they belong on the stage in a musical, but theoretically we are ALL actors, all in it for the same do the best we can with what we've got and entertain in the process...i guess i wish there wasn't so much personal vitriol leveled at the film actors who take the stage- god knows it works the other way round too..."
To which he said: "I agree with you. This is where this has gotten skewed. We are all actors and we should have the opportunities for both mediums. I have no problem with any of the film or TV actors who were in shows. We need them. It was more of the presenters and the focus of the Tony Awards that made those of us who live in NY and are apart of the theatre community feel like outsiders. That's my only beef."
Hunter is such a fool. It's embarrassing to watch him back-pedal.
Embarassing but deliciously fun as well.
Did he change the info for the group? I didn't read it fully but it didn't seem as angry as I thought it would be, and he didn't really say anything about Hollywood actors winning. I could have missed it though.
I remember I was pissed off when CZJ won the Tony, but it was only because I wanted Montego Glover to win so badly. I do think CZJ is very talented but because I hadn't seen her in ALNM I knew I couldn't really say "Oh, Montego got robbed and CZJ bought it." I didn't think she did that anyway, but you know what I mean.
Has anyone on that group actually said anything about the comments he and Cuddles made? I would, but I'm a big chicken.
Same. I haven't but I really want to. I'd join the group, leave the link, and run away. Well, just leave the group, I mean.
I love Hunter, he's one of my favorites (sounds dumb, but he got me into Broadway, because I played Seymour and he was Seymour, so I started learning more about him, then when he was nominated for a Tony I watched and begged my mom to take me to more shows) and I'm really upset that HE was the one who said stuff. I understand he's upset, but it's really not cool at all.