Getting back to the point ofthe post.
I am a new poster here and quite frankly am sometimes afraid to post my opinions - NOT because I will be attacked (I have a really thick skin) but because a limited number of trolls have created an atmosphere where longer-term posters RIGHTFULLY question the newbies about their motives.
Although there are some strong attitudes/opinions here, for the most part people are engaging in real debate. There are some, however, most of whom HAVE recent join dates who are here purely to disrupt. So I self-censor until I have built up enough cred to post more often.
An ignore button would be great.
Just MHO.
Stand-by Joined: 8/19/13
Not sure why you would accuse me of being a troll?
Your behaviour is exactly what this thread is about.
If Rob and the team find it feasible, I vastly prefer the up/down like/dislike voting moderation that dramamama and others have talked about.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
There are many posters here that say something I don't necessarily agree with. Sometimes it comes off as incessant whining. Sometimes they are just perceived as grumpy. But never would I consider blocking them because they always add something good to the conversation. Trolls never post anything that add to the conversation. They negate everything any thread is about just to be contradictory.
Trolls will most often turn the whole thread around and make it about them.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
What Rob posted and Sue thanked ghostlight for writing and newintown also quoted is something that has happened. However, it is clearly not the case with ss, whom people of diverse interests and backgrounds have called a troll. She tries to squeak by in these situations, but as an actual troll, it doesn't apply to her.
Someone asks me a question. I come back with an honest answer and that's considered trolling? Um, no. That's not how trolling works. Go back a couple of posts and read the excellent and very detailed definition of trolling. For the record, I am not the only board member who thinks you are a troll Mark-o and I am quite sure that I will not be the only one adding you to their ignore list once the feature is re-instated.
That is all.
Carry on...
NAMO, you have been called out by quite a few people an intolerant bully on these boards. that doesnt necessarily make it so
wouldn't a post by post up/down vote mean we'd spend the rest of our lives manually filtering out Sue's posts, one at a time?
I'd rather just be able to eliminate her from my (and only my) awareness once and for all. It's not censoring her because other people will still see her unless they choose to make the same decision I did.
Maybe we can have both features. An up/down, post by post vote for those who feel more comfortable with that, and a block user button for those who prefer that.
Stand-by Joined: 8/19/13
Please do as you wish!
That button works both ways!
That is all!
Carry on as well!
Btw, did you take a poll?
I also vote for the Ignore button. I used to use it all the time when it existed.
It made the poster's posts not appear--except when you pressed Reply to post on the thread. In that Reply view, all of the ignored posts appeared.
Well they need to fix that because once I start ignoring the ones on my list I wish never to see their screen names and inane drivel grace my Mac, iPad, iPhone and laptop screens ever, ever again!
I would like to think i would not use the Ignore button, not even for people i totally disagree with like Kad or Namo. ive said this before but i do like being exposed to how the other half lives, or thinks and on some rare occasions i might actually look at something a different way.
Although i might for people who do nothing but flame like TheaterDiva and Snafu, though im not sure.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
I like being exposed to different viewpoints if they're real viewpoints. Not trollish viewpoints.
Keep it up, sue. You only have so much time left before you're completely ignored by the Board.
I feel ya, artscallion, but I've also seen some users evolve from trolls into more acceptable forms of board citizens. I'd prefer the crowdsourced voting option, if its feasible. Besides, depending on the threshold, the most objectionable posts would be downvoted nearly immediately (one would hope.)
I'd love both if it's feasible. At this point, there are two posters I'd like to never hear from again. There are countless others, mostly on the main board, who post annoying or stupid things, and I'd like the abililty to "tell them so" by voting down.
On the other hand, I frequently read posts that I admire, and I love the chance to say so without having to post a mindless "Ha" or "Me too." A "thumbs up" button would fit the bill nicely.
You do realize that you are the problem, right? You do realize that the reason this thread was even started by Jordan was because of you and others on here like you, right? I also hope you realize that the reason the ignore function will be newly implemented is because of the behavior of you and others like you who troll this board.
You cannot be part of the solution because you are part of the problem. You have a lot of gall to come onto this thread with your unneeded and unwanted opinions on the hows and whys of the ignore function or try to contribute to any other solutions to do away with you and those on here like you.
But please do accept my heartfelt congratulations because out of all your negative b.s. that we've had to put up with for God knows how long one good thing is coming out of it: the ignore function will be re-implemented.
So thank you, thank you, thank you. I shall never have to be "graced" with your presence ever again.
Updated On: 8/21/13 at 04:07 PM
I'd give you a thumbs up there if I could, Reg.
Jordan doesn't agree with my opinions, its funny cuz if you went thru every single thread where we interacted, you will see that he would call me the most vicious vile misogynist names,and ADMITTED he hated me and all RUSSIANS because of how he was treated by relative and because he didnt like my POV. i never instigated. in fact by jordans own admission, he was warned by BWW to cut it out or get suspended.
that being said, i have told him, AND YOU CARLOS, that i think you guys are funny when youre not being so mean
^ Yes. I find it really odd too how Sue needs to post in almost every thread just to draw attention to themselves. Disagreement is one thing as we see with other posters. But, turning every thread to be about you is scary.
She really needs to get off that cross, 'cuz someone else needs the wood for the fire.
That ignore function cannot come fast enough.
Updated On: 8/21/13 at 04:16 PM
"in fact by jordans own admission, he was warned by BWW to cut it out or get suspended."
No, he wasn't.
Updated On: 8/21/13 at 04:20 PM
I don't know what she's fretting about. If, as she asserts, she's NOT a troll, then her life won't change. All of BWW will continue to read her posts with the same pleasure they always have.
And if, as she asserts, Namo, SNAFU, Diva, Liza's, and Carlos are all trolls, everyone will use the "ignore" button and no one will see any of the vile things they post.
Problem solved.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Trolls think the world is divided into exactly two teams.
Trolls are binary.
"NAMO, you have been called out by quite a few people an intolerant bully on these boards. that doesnt necessarily make it so"
I agree it's not so. You posting that is an example of trolling. I definitely won't suffer fools gladly, and a small number of people have become what Rob referred to as my "personal nemeses" and even those relationships have often changed over time with a few.
But that doesn't help you face the fact that a generous cross section of people here have called you a troll.