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Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...

Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...

#0Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:16pm

I'm bored and just wondering, have you seen a show and had someone famous sitting next to you?

I saw 700 Sundays and had Candice Bergen and Dan Aykroyd across from me. Mila Jojovich was apparently there also....

I saw Wicked in July and Mary Bond Davis and her sister had won lotto and were right next to me...

Um i think that's it... u?

GirlforTartaglia Profile Photo
#1re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:18pm

Tony Danza was across the aisle from me when I was about 4 when I saw Inherit the Wind.

And the other thing about the Phantom Lady was, Bert, she realized, in the city that never sleeps... What did she realize, Kitten? That all the songs she'd listened to, all the love songs, that they were only songs. What's wrong with that? Nothing, if you don't believe in them. But she did, you see. She believed in enchanted evenings, and she believed that a small cloud passed overhead and cried down on a flower bed, and she even believed there was breakfast to be had... Where? On Pluto. The mysterious, icy wastes of Pluto.

JohnPopa Profile Photo
#2re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:21pm

Ed Harris sat behind me when I saw 'One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest.'

Thenardier Profile Photo
#3re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:22pm

But were they enjoying the show? re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...

#4re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:22pm

I know there are lots of recent experiences people can share here, but there have been several threads in the past about this if you care to search. You can even go to the homepages of some shows (I remember Avenue Q and Wicked) and see a list of celebrities who have attended.

Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde.

bare_nakedlady Profile Photo
#5re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:23pm

I sat by Courtney Cox and David Arquette at GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS, and I Saw Barbara Walters at THE CONSTANT WIFE (she left at intermission!) But she was filling in for Diane Sawyer in the morning so I forgave her.

OOOH OOH and I saw THE BLONDE IN THE THUNDERBID at a Friday matinee that was comped so almost every other broadway cast was there. Bruce Vilanch and the cast of hairspray, a bunch of ensemble members from MAMMA MIA and lots of others that I am sure were famous.

"It's like children's theatre for 40-year old gay people!" - XANADU THE MUSICAL
Updated On: 8/8/05 at 08:23 PM

#6re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:23pm

sorry. i haven't seen one, so i figured i'd try it.

Jimmyojimmy Profile Photo
#7re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:24pm

My friend Curt sat next to Hilary Swank when he saw 42nd Street. I however, sat two rows behind Christian Borle when I saw Little Women in previews at Duke University.

#8re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:30pm

Tom Cruise was right behind me when I saw Wicked.

Broadway_Life_101 Profile Photo
#9re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:31pm

I went to the last performance of Little Women and Audra Mcdonald was a couple rows in front of me and she looked like she was having a good time.

Jimmyojimmy Profile Photo
#10re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:32pm

Kicks, If I were you I would have been like "SHUT UP!!!" to Tom Cruise, hes so crazy.

#11re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:32pm

There have been a few instances - but some that stick out....

Sat *directly* in front of Rosie O'Donnell at the Taboo closing (quite a few names in the crowd that night as well)

Joel Grey sat near us at Normal Heart

I was seeing The Life and Liza Minelli was there (as was Pat Morita and Sally Struthers) -- Liza was also sitting near us at Sam Harris' recent gig at Joe's Pub

Sat 4 feet away from Chris Noth at Daphne Rubin Vega's gig at Joe's

I was at the Sonheim Celebration concert sitting in front of Matthew Broderick, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Natalie Portman. There were *so* many other names there too.....

Dre2387 Profile Photo
#12re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:32pm

I sat in a seat meant for Lucy Lu at a show at Vassar college during the summer. her boyfriend was the playwright and he was sittng like three seats to my left with the producer and his wife. But I'm guessing Lucy wasn't there and I was sort of there in a cancellation line and got that ticket.

<--- the set of A Midsummer Night's Dream that I was assistant stage manager for during the 2007 season at the STNJ outdoor stage.

You must remember all the same that at the crux of every game is knowing when it's time to leave the table... And it's important to be artful in your exit. No turning back, you must accept the con is done... It was a ball, it was a blast. And it's a shame it couldn't last. But every chapter has to end, you must agree.
~Dirty Rotten Scoundrels~

There's a special kind of people known as show people. We live in a world full of dreams. Sometimes we're not too certain what's false and what's real. But we're seldom in doubt about what we feel.

It is a far, far better thing I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest I go to, than I have ever known.
~A Tale of Two Cities ~

Marguerite Chauvelin
#13re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:32pm

I saw Yoko Ono in the crowd of Lennon, of course, so have half the people who saw the show.

If Percy Blakeney were in Les Mis....

Percy: Sink me! If it isn't Javvurt!
Javert: Zsah-vair, it's pronounced Zsah-vair.
Pecry: But it's spelled J-A-V-E-R-T Javvurt.
Javert: Repeat after me Zsah...Zsah....
Percy: Oh! Zsa-Zsa! Like the Gabor sister! Well I personally have always prefered Eva.
Javert: (Looks for gun)

Elphaba Profile Photo
#14re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:36pm

kicks, you should have KICKED him

It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story... AGATHA CHRISTIE, Life magazine, May 14, 1956

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#15re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:37pm


Robert and Vera Goulet sat directly in front of my wife and me at The Pillowman.

Celia Keenan-Bolger, Jay Reiss, and Brooke Adams were all at a matinee of The Paris Letter that I attended.
Updated On: 8/8/05 at 08:37 PM

filmgirl325 Profile Photo
#16re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:38pm

Joel Grey was sitting next to me at Spelling Bee back in June.

"It's the smile you smile that counts, happy thoughts in large amounts, any problem you can trounce, you can bounce right back."--Donald O'Connor
Updated On: 8/8/05 at 08:38 PM

#17re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:40pm

Emma Thompson at a performance of The Chairs in London's West End -- but that was (yikes) 8 years ago. It didn't have to be recent or on Broadway, right? re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...

Lome2 Profile Photo
#18re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:41pm

Lloyd Webber and Trevor Nunn on the last preview of Woman in White!!! re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...

Enjolras77 Profile Photo
#19re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:43pm

When I saw Jekyll and Hyde, the composer, Frank Wildhorn sat next to us for the majority of the show.

At the performance of Nine I saw, Hugh Jackman was there.

Celeste Holm was at the same performance of The Producers as me.

I was in the audience for Raul Esparza's last performance of Tick, Tick, Boom and sat next to Monica Lewinsky! I also got to meet Jonathan Larson's parents at that same performance.

"You pile up enough tomorrows, and you'll find you are left with nothing but a lot of empty yesterdays. I don't know about you, but I'd like to make today worth remembering." --Harold Hill from The Music Man

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#20re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 8:45pm

When I saw Little Shop Hunter Foster was sitting across frm me, it was closing night.

When I saw Little Women, Hunter and Jenn were there, as well as Audra McDonald. Also, Christina borle stopped by to support sutton. really nice guy.

When i saw wicked for the third time liza minnelli was there.

when i saw fiddler tom hanks was there.

i tihnk thats it for now.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird
Updated On: 8/8/05 at 08:45 PM

#21re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 9:11pm

Barbara Cook two rows behind me at the closing performance of THE BOY FROM OZ - she even gave me a handful of paper streamers to throw at the stage for the finale...Also, Matt Damon seated about 4 rows behind me - everyone was ogling him before the performance. Of course, he was asked to do a lap dance, together with Hugh, on Barbara Walters for the last "Bicoastal" performance.

#23re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 9:16pm

When I went to see Wicked last winter Jai Rodriguez from Queer Eye was there filming something with a couple. I haven't seen it in anything, but I might be in the shot of them entering the theatre because I was outside waiting for a friend when they were filming.

#24re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 9:21pm

I saw Jai Rodriguez when I saw Spamalot. We were sitting in the same row..actually, he was sitting one seat away from my mother. He hit into me at the begining and was like Oh gosh! I'm sorry. And I was dumbfounded when I saw who he was. I was like. God. It's fine! That was pretty cool.

"Mrrraaaawwww!" ♥

Dre2387 Profile Photo
#25re: Famous people enjoying the show w/ u...
Posted: 8/8/05 at 9:28pm

when I saw the last performance of Les Miserables in NYC, I saw Rosie O'Donnell and had my picture taken of her. And I saw Alan Cummings. and supposedly Trump was there with his new girlfriend at the time.

<--- the set of A Midsummer Night's Dream that I was assistant stage manager for during the 2007 season at the STNJ outdoor stage.

You must remember all the same that at the crux of every game is knowing when it's time to leave the table... And it's important to be artful in your exit. No turning back, you must accept the con is done... It was a ball, it was a blast. And it's a shame it couldn't last. But every chapter has to end, you must agree.
~Dirty Rotten Scoundrels~

There's a special kind of people known as show people. We live in a world full of dreams. Sometimes we're not too certain what's false and what's real. But we're seldom in doubt about what we feel.

It is a far, far better thing I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest I go to, than I have ever known.
~A Tale of Two Cities ~
