Broadway Legend Joined: 5/27/14
1) Eden wins for me for her unbelievable vocals, fierce acting and ability to cry on cue every time she learns the wizard has no power...
2) Loved Teal Wicks nuanced performance and emotion when performing elphaba
3) Idina because, well she's Idina
4) have only seen Rachel Tucker and Jackie Burns on video and was amazed by both for their vocal variations and embodyment of the role
Honestly they have done a great job protecting the franchise with amazing leads both on bway and tours, Ive seen 14 elphabas live and many more via youtube and they were all excellent
Dee Roscioli will always be my favorite, but Christine Dwyer did give a perfect performance when I saw her. Saw Jessica Vosk a few weeks ago and she absolutely killed it. I always wish I had seen Jackie Burns do the role.
I've def. fallen into the Eden YouTube void. She's incredible.
I really liked Ana Gasteyer. She was my first Elphaba, and her vocals were so powerful and her acting was so beautiful and unique.
Donna was my first Elphaba and she was AMAZING !!!!! Her "fiyero" note gets me every time !!!!!!!
Eden also is up there for me simply because of her rifts in the wizard & I
Understudy Joined: 10/24/15
I haven't seen as many Elphabas as most of the folks here, but Willemijn Verkaik was my first and thus far my favorite. To me, her Elphaba just looks dangerous, full of smoldering passion, controlled yet given to sudden outbursts, and a woman you don't want to cross - a clear threat to the established order. I've always preferred Elphaba to be less poor, misunderstood girl and more emotional powder keg with a dark side that given sufficient motivation and resources would burn Oz to ground.
I love Jackie Burns' "No Good Deed" on You Tube. She looks like she is having an absolute blast being the bad guy and is just so deliciously hammy. I wish I had seen her live.
Based on some of the actors mentioned, it's clear we have a very young board :)
Saycon Sengbloh was a fantastic Elphaba. She had a rich tone that was unlike any other actress before her. It also helped she was the first African-American to play that leading role.
Kerry Ellis was, for me, the best. Her Broadway run was disastrous due to illness, but when she was doing it in the West End, she was simply phenomenal.
I was also a huge fan of Stephanie Block. She sang it healthy, unlike so many other women who take the role.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/08
I've seen Lisa Brescia (2007), Stephanie J Block (2007), Nicole Parker (2009) and Caroline Bowman (2015). All excellent, though, Lisa was my favorite.
Julia Murney is my favorite that I never actually got to see in person. I've seen a few bootlegs of her and she played the part so perfectly.
Stephanie Block, an injustice could be righted, she should have opened the show.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/23/15
Kerry Ellis, even tho her acting was ****. LOL
SHOSHANA BEAN.... What a talent...
Stephanie J. Block and Idina Menzel.
Understudy Joined: 2/24/07
Jessica Vosk (currently on tour) has the right amount of heart, confidence, insecurity, and sass for Elphaba and don't even get me started on those vocals!!! I think she only joined the tour late last year so people are just starting to recognize her amazing portrayal. I hope she is transferred to Broadway!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/2/14
I was quite taken with Emma Hunton as Elphaba. AMAZING vocals and I thought she had a really well developed character arc and she lived in the moment. Her chemistry and connection with Gina Beck was SO GOOD.
Jackie Burns
Chorus Member Joined: 1/14/17
AngusN said: "Eden gave such a nuanced and multilayered performance, my favourite by far.
Idina's poor acting skills resulted in an insincere and fake delivery.
And a Tony Award
Featured Actor Joined: 11/12/12
I've only seen two, but to me Amanda Harrison (the original Australian Elphaba) will always be my perfect Elphaba. While I'd done plenty of theatre in high school, Wicked was only the second professional musical I'd seen (after Annie when I was about 10), I was a 17 year old girl so right in the target demographic and Amanda just captivated me. I had never known someone could perform like that and was just blown away. I know it sounds melodramatic but her performance truly changed my life because it introduced me to my greatest passion. (Unfortunately the role nearly cost her her voice but that's another story...)
I really loved Eden Espinosa and Stephanie J. Block!
Chorus Member Joined: 5/15/16
Rachel Tucker. Out of the 3 Elphabas I've seen on stage, she was by far the most extraordinary. Her last London show on Saturday was insane.
I saw Rachel Tucker on Broadway and then in London when I first moved here and she is absolutely stunning. I also loved Mandy Gonzalez a few years back (and by a few I mean nearly me I'm old). Idina was utter magic; there's a reason her career took off the way it did after Wicked.
Shoshana Bean, Idina Menzel, Stephanie J. Block, Rachel Tucker.