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Final Day to see NLB and Pyrce in DRS - A Must See!- Page 2

Final Day to see NLB and Pyrce in DRS - A Must See!

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#25re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/11/06 at 12:43am

I'm going to see him in his tour's opening weekend in Seattle!

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

Salad_Fingers85 Profile Photo
#26re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/11/06 at 1:17am

So how are the performers replacing Pyrce and Butz?

#27re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/11/06 at 1:19am

Ryan, good to know you'll be getting their final speeches. I was hoping someone would. I really, really wish I could be there but I have rehearsal the next day for a show and it just wouldn't work out.


SirLiir Profile Photo
#28re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/14/06 at 2:12pm

Bumping to let people know that there is going to be a get together before the show for BWW and NLB fans. Meet at the lotto around 1 PM. We can do a quick lunch before the show and have a great time.

DivaBrigader Profile Photo
#29re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/14/06 at 3:40pm

I'm planning on playing lotto for the matinee tomorrow. Has the lotto been crowded recently? Or maybe it will be on TKTS. I have to see Norbert before he leaves and I really, really want a pic with Lucie!
Updated On: 7/14/06 at 03:40 PM

boxers7 Profile Photo
#30re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/14/06 at 4:14pm

Saw the show on Wednesday and the cast could not keep it together! Throughout the show they all just kept giggling. A great cast that will be missed!

"I don't wanna see that!" -Aunt Sassy (as played by Valerie Cherish) on Room & Bored

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#31re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/14/06 at 4:34pm

I'm going on Sunday! I can't be more excited re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S.

filmgirl325 Profile Photo
#32re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/14/06 at 7:24pm

Got my tickets...row sixth and final time seeing this amazing show...I can't wait!

"It's the smile you smile that counts, happy thoughts in large amounts, any problem you can trounce, you can bounce right back."--Donald O'Connor

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#33re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/14/06 at 7:43pm

Well said, SirLiir. I agree. The show is amazing and I will miss them on the roles greatly re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S


#34re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/14/06 at 9:38pm

I'm so glad I got to see Pyrce and Norbert. I saw it over Memorial Day weekend, and it was absolutely hysterical.

Sherie's back? I didn't know that! I wish I got to see her...

-If you don't like your fate, change it. You are your own master.- Aida

sabrelady Profile Photo
#35re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/14/06 at 10:48pm

Lucky lucky people to see Norb's final DRS Performance!

PLEASE post with explicit details!!!

SirLiir Profile Photo
#36re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/14/06 at 11:01pm

I will have his final speech all written down. No worries.

DivaBrigader Profile Photo
#37re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/15/06 at 2:39pm

I want a report from the matinee lottery or whether it was on TKTS or anything today because I want to go tonight but I won't go to the city if it's a waste of time.

DivaBrigader Profile Photo
#38re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/16/06 at 12:18pm

Yay! The show yesterday night was great! It was my first time seeing it and I definitely wanted to catch Norbert before he left and he was totally going all out especially in "Big Stuff" and "Ruprecht." Such a funny show. I think I would have loved it more if I didn't know the entire score from listening to the CD so much. The entire cast was in. One of my main reasons for going now was also Lucie Arnaz, whom I love (I love anything Ball-Arnaz related) and she was amazing. The scene with her and Jbara on the balcony in Act II was a comedic highlight. Sherie was delightful. The applause after "Dirty Rotten Number" was neverending and Norbert had to keep his composure going to his next line. It should be heartbreaking today with those lyrics ("We had a ball, we had a blast," etc.)

Lotto was pretty crowded and I'd expect a huge crowd there today. It was also on TKTS but I just ended up buying the $41 ticket since I didn't want to wait on the TKTS line. That theatre is big (I should have remembered from all the times I saw "Les Mis" there) so the seat wasn't amazing but I could see all the action.

As for the stagedoor report, it was crowded but not overwhelmingly so, like two rows of people on either side of the barricade. Norbert came out first and signed or did pics with whomever wanted. Lucie came out next (SQUEE!) and totally took a picture with me, which was my goal. Someone in the crowd told her that they're the biggest "I Love Lucy" fan in the world and she said if she had a penny for every time someone said that, she'd be the richest woman in the world. A lot of people were waiting for Jonathan Pryce but it was 11:15 and the stagedoor guy said another half hour because he was showering. He said Sherie had left through another exit.

Great time had by all!

ElphabaRose Profile Photo
#39re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/16/06 at 12:36pm

There is a reason that I'm still in my pajamas right now, I knew that if I got up and got dressed early enough to get in for lotto, I would...Last night was amazing. Pryce went nuts and cracked Norbert up a few times. Norbert also got a cheer for his adlib when Greg was late for an entrance.

Norbert: There's an actor coming on stage any minute now, he's coming, here he is now.
*Greg comes in with the champagne and handcuffs*
Pryce: That's amazing, how did you know that?
Norbert: I just did.

Whatever happened to class?

Just_John Profile Photo
#40re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/16/06 at 12:57pm

I won the lotto last night, which was unbelieveable with the amount of people there. I saw it in the rear mezzanine over a year ago and I really really disliked it. But last night totally changed my opinion of the show. I absolutely loved it.

DivaBrigader Profile Photo
#41re: Final Week to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/16/06 at 4:59pm

I forgot about that ad lib, ElphabaRose. That was hilarious!

#42re: Final Day to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/16/06 at 7:01pm

It was amazing.

They got a standing O after "Dirty Rotten" and poor Norbert got choked up and had a hard time finishing the show at first.

Edit: OK, I'll post a few more of the details.

Great audience today. Everyone got entrance applause, including Greg. There was a LOT of WOOing after songs, which always is a good sign.

Lots of extra humping during the Ruprecht scene. Norbert fishing the goldfish out of the toilet also made a return. The ad-libbing went on for a few minutes with the 2 of them barely making it to the song. Oh, and the "thrown-away pretend key" was thrown into the orchestra pit today.

Jonathan whipped out a HUGE orange feather for "Shuffhausin." Nobody was able to stop laughing at it. He also chucked Norbert's sock into the pit.

The touching part of the day started with "Dirty Rotten Number"- they got a full standing O after the song. Norbert was visibly choked up and said "they think they get to go home after this." After a bit, Jonathan and Norbert got up and bowed and hugged one another. And then the show proceeded with an emotional Norbert.

The speeches were really quite sweet. Jonathan didn't really say anything, but Norbert took the stage for quite a bit. He was joking that CBS doesn't give you enough time at the Tonys, so he wanted to thank EVERYONE now. Highlights included bringing Jack Scott and Jack O'Brien out onstage. Jason Gillman was also sitting on the end of the stage and then crawled into the pit with a camera. Updated On: 7/16/06 at 07:01 PM

SirLiir Profile Photo
#43re: Final Day to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/16/06 at 7:43pm

It was suprisingly unsurprising and a bit disappointing given how John's last went. The show was an exact copy of the one I saw Thursday with very, very few surprises. That ,of course, is never a bad thing persay. Still, the show was fantastic and I shall have a full transcript of Norbert's speech on NLBOnline later this evening.
Updated On: 7/16/06 at 07:43 PM

C is for Company
#44re: Final Day to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/16/06 at 7:57pm

I'm so glad Norbert had a good last one. I saw it once and only once with the OBC in March of 2005 right after it opened. It was a hilarious time and that was back when the lotto was still for first row. It was one of the better shows to see of last season and definitely worth seeing.

#45re: Final Day to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/16/06 at 7:57pm

There were a lot of small changes to the show, but nothing huge. It felt right that way- nobody was goofing off too much to distract from the show (unlike final performances of another widely popular show). You could tell that something was special, but it wasn't to the detriment of those who happened to randomly buy tickets to this performance (like the people next to me, who had never seen the show before).

Marissa2 Profile Photo
#46re: Final Day to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/16/06 at 8:04pm

I was sitting forth row and I started tearing up when Norb started tearing. In the beginning of Dirty Rotten Number I could tell he was already trying to stop himself from crying... awwww

#47re: Final Day to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/16/06 at 8:32pm

Just got home from there! Starletta posted 100% everything so I don't have anything "new" to report. The audience was great and was obvious that a lot of people were aware of their last show. At first I thought Greg was leaving today because he got entrance applause- but obviously he didnt.

At the stage door, everybody came out. I left after an hour and by then the only one not to come out was Sara & Sherrie. Saw Michelle Federer with Norbert.

I have 40 picts from speeches/stage door that i'll post eventually.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#48re: Final Day to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/16/06 at 8:36pm

DW I and I were there as well, and it was great !! Basically kept to the script, which was great.. Memorable moments... "the feather scene"

"Ruprecht" was embellished, and the "hump" scene was hysterical !!!

Pryce grabbing Butz "you know what" while he was asking him if he had any feeling in his legs.

"Dirty Rotten Number" was very touching !

Everyone received entrance applause. First time for us seeing Lucie Arnaz. Very pleasant voice, and very good, but still missed Gleason.

Touching speeces after the show, but something really struck me.. (and others we were sitting with)

Norbert didnt mention Greg Jbara at all during his final speech. Just found that a bit odd.

Overall, so much fun !! Glad we were there !

#49re: Final Day to see Norbert Leo Butz and Jonathan Pryce in Dirty Rotten S
Posted: 7/16/06 at 8:36pm

Just came back...oh my God. That was the most incredible performance of DRS I've ever seen! Norbert was the best I've ever seen him, as well as the rest of the cast, especially Jonathan and Sherie. The speeches and gifts afterwards were great as well. I stayed at the stage door with my friend, and we saw everyone come out except for Sherie. We even saw Michelle Federer come out with Norbert, which was cool. I would post a huge review, but hopefully what I'm about to make up in pictures of the stage door will cover that. I'll post some pics of the curtain call on my fan photos.

Edit: Pics aren't working. Going straight to fan photos, and I'll try to get some to your website Liir :) Updated On: 7/16/06 at 08:36 PM
