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Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd- Page 11

Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd

RippedMan Profile Photo
#250Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 11/21/14 at 4:12pm

I'm curious to know if they've tinkered with anything. The show as pretty damn near perfect at the Public, but maybe I had blinders on. Also wonder how they're going to configure the theater. I'd imagine a thrust type situation, but that would negate the "reveal" of the house in Act 2 to her friend. I'm kind of curious to see what this show looks like with a big, splashy Broadway budget.

I don't hate the logo. I had the people in the O though. Is that the dad and daughter? Just kind of hard to tell who it is? Could they not use the original Fun Home book art? I think that would be clever.

#251Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 11/21/14 at 4:17pm

Yes, its Dad and Daughter and it is the original book art.

dreaming Profile Photo
#252Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 11/21/14 at 4:21pm

Updated On: 12/1/14 at 04:21 PM

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#253Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 11/22/14 at 5:01pm

Allison assumes it was a suicide, or at least that's her best bet on reading the book. However, we are never sure. As a witness to a suicide of this type it leaves a little room for doubt, the poor depressed kid I saw jumped in front of a speeding truck, backing into a speeding truck seems somehow awkward. Maybe he did see a big snake. The love of her Dad despite his weaknesses is the part that makes my heart sing.


South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#254Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 11/22/14 at 5:03pm

Sorry, about double post but I played airplane once, with my grandchildren who are 5 last night, and the joy in their faces was everything.


Glittergrrl Profile Photo
#255Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 11/22/14 at 5:42pm

I am not loving the new art-but that's me (something about that yellow background and the font-it reminds me of the current production of "This is Our Youth"). I'm sure it'll grow but I liked the simpler, two color scheme (ok, three with white).

I kind or like it. The big block lettering and colors feel very 70s so it's fitting.

Melissa25 Profile Photo
#256Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 11/23/14 at 6:37pm

Just caught Friday's episode of Blue Bloods (episode 8:Power of the Press) and I was very surprised to see Alexandra Socha guest starring.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#257Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 11/23/14 at 6:41pm

Why? She's been a television actress for several years.

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#258Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 12/1/14 at 12:38am

Previews now begin March 27th.

theatreguy Profile Photo
#259Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 12/1/14 at 12:44am

And tickets are on sale. Looks like it's going to be done in the round so there will be completely new staging and design from what was at the Public.

dreaming Profile Photo
#260Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 12/1/14 at 8:22am

Updated On: 12/1/14 at 08:22 AM

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#261Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 12/1/14 at 8:25am

Turntables are not features of theaters, but installed on a show-by-show basis. And Circle in the Square is often played as modified thrust, not full round.

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#262Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 12/1/14 at 9:37am

Can anyone post a picture of the seating chart?

regnad kcin Profile Photo
regnad kcin
Kad Profile Photo
#264Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 12/1/14 at 12:49pm

Surprising it'll be in the round... I suppose we'll be seeing a very different physical production.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

dreaming Profile Photo
#265Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 12/1/14 at 1:03pm

Updated On: 12/1/14 at 01:03 PM

haterobics Profile Photo
#266Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 12/1/14 at 1:53pm

"I hope they mark the partial view seats-of which I expect a few hundred-as such."

You seem to think they are just doing the thrust staging, but letting people randomly sit all around them looking at their backs, rather than reinventing the staging for the space?!

The only thing this staging has done is make me unsure where I want to sit, so I didn't look for seats yet. May just wait until previews start to fill in those details.

dreaming Profile Photo
#267Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 12/1/14 at 2:14pm

Updated On: 12/1/14 at 02:14 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#268Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 12/1/14 at 2:30pm

"You seem to think they are just doing the thrust staging, but letting people randomly sit all around them looking at their backs, rather than reinventing the staging for the space?! "

Thank you.

Dreaming, you haven't even seen it, slow your roll on its demise, and stop freaking out.

haterobics Profile Photo
#269Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 12/1/14 at 3:43pm

Another Dreaming thread where things just go blank... it's like she posts on here using Snapchat...

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#270Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 12/1/14 at 3:49pm

That's hilarious. Luckily, I still have the 21 private messages she wrote to me about Fun Home even though I didn't ever ask for them!

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#271Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 12/1/14 at 4:24pm

Hate, you think I can safely wait? If you had to make a guess where would be optimum? Never been in this theater.


#272Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 12/1/14 at 4:32pm

It looks like only a few rows in the very back left and right sections at the top of the seating charge online go for the lesser cost of $75.

#273Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 12/1/14 at 4:42pm

South Florida, you don't need to buy immediately, no. It's hard to say which seats are best given that none of us have seen the staging in it. But the Circle is an intimate theater so I can't imagine a terrible seat anywhere (except maybe the few rows in the back left and right that are going for a cheaper price ^^ )

haterobics Profile Photo
#274Fun Home to Open at Circle in the Square on April 22nd
Posted: 12/1/14 at 5:08pm

While I think the show and subject merit sold out crowds, I don't think it will have them out of the gate... only once it starts building word of mouth, and after any possible nominations, etc.

I'm waiting.

If you go by the premium seating configuration, though, it does seem like the 400s are all regular price, but they don't favor the 100s or 200s as far as loading the premiums in any specific area there... so if I saw a good aisle seat right where the 100s meet the 200s, I'd probably jump on it, but not for premium just yet.

And with the front row also being premium, I'm guessing the stage won't be all that high, unlike some shows where they build it up more (Godspell, etc.) If the front row were regular price with premiums behind it, I'd probably have a front row aisle ticket for it. But, it is an intimate space... I'll definitely check it out with an eye for Fun Home tomorrow night, after I watch Hugh gut his fish. Updated On: 12/2/14 at 05:08 PM
