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Fun Home understudies

#50Fun Home understudies
Posted: 8/24/15 at 8:54pm

There are two separate threads with the same name started by two different people. I remember seeing them both a few months ago. Maybe they should be combined?

oncemorewithfeeling2 Profile Photo
#51Fun Home understudies
Posted: 8/24/15 at 10:15pm

I bet Jim Stanek is surprised by that!

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#52Fun Home understudies
Posted: 8/24/15 at 10:34pm

So rare for Cerveris to be out. Anyone know the reason why?
I love Jim, anyone going to see him?

Blockhead24 Profile Photo
#53Fun Home understudies
Posted: 8/24/15 at 10:36pm

Michael will be in New Orleans

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#54Fun Home understudies
Posted: 8/24/15 at 10:50pm

Of course this is the weekend I'm out of town!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

phan24 Profile Photo
#55Fun Home understudies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 9:43pm

Nicole Van Giesen went on as Helen for most of last week, here's a clip of her singing 'Days and Days'. She seems to struggle with some high notes, then again, no one compares to Judy Kuhn.


steven22 Profile Photo
#56Fun Home understudies
Posted: 8/25/15 at 10:34pm

Nicole sounds great! Would like to hear her as Alison. 

talinatter Profile Photo
#57Fun Home understudies
Posted: 9/21/15 at 12:03am

Does anyone know who the new child swing is now that Gabby is moving up?

LYLS3637 Profile Photo
#58Fun Home understudies
Posted: 9/21/15 at 12:54pm

Does anyone know if there are any scheduled absences this coming Saturday (9/26)?

"I shall stay until the wind changes."

#59Fun Home understudies
Posted: 9/23/15 at 8:36am

talinatter said: "Does anyone know who the new child swing is now that Gabby is moving up?


Alessandra Baldaccino is taking over as the new swing.


(Oops..I just saw that LizzieCurry posted this in the general Fun Home 2016 thread already).



Updated On: 9/23/15 at 08:36 AM

#60Fun Home understudies
Posted: 9/23/15 at 9:46pm

Alessandra learning she got the part..

#61Fun Home understudies
Posted: 10/2/15 at 10:59am

Lauren Patten's on as Joan through Sunday, Nicole van Giesen's on as Helen both shows tomorrow. Seeing tonight's show, excited to see Ms. Patten in the other role she covers after seeing her as Medium Alison!

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#62Fun Home understudies
Posted: 10/2/15 at 12:24pm

I'm seeing Sydney's last show on Sunday. Hoping Kuhn is there...

Cupid Boy2 Profile Photo
Cupid Boy2
#63Fun Home understudies
Posted: 10/2/15 at 12:32pm

jessejaehoon said: "Lauren Patten's on as Joan through Sunday, Nicole van Giesen's on as Helen both shows tomorrow. Seeing tonight's show, excited to see Ms. Patten in the other role she covers after seeing her as Medium Alison!"


Please report back with thoughts on her performance! 


#64Fun Home understudies
Posted: 10/2/15 at 1:13pm

@n2nbaby-Kuhn should be back for Sunday. Her absence tomorrow is for a pre-existing concert engagement she had. I'm guessing she'll be there for Sydney's last. I hope you get to see her.

seahag2 Profile Photo
#65Fun Home understudies
Posted: 10/2/15 at 1:30pm

Will the entire OBC be back for Sydney's last show?

so I smile like Mona Lisa and I lay my Visa down

#66Fun Home understudies
Posted: 10/2/15 at 1:34pm

seahag2 said: "Will the entire OBC be back for Sydney's last show?"

Oscar Williams said that Wednesday was the last performance for the full OBC, so I'm guessing not.


n2nbaby Profile Photo
#67Fun Home understudies
Posted: 10/2/15 at 2:32pm

Falling said: "@n2nbaby-Kuhn should be back for Sunday. Her absence tomorrow is for a pre-existing concert engagement she had. I'm guessing she'll be there for Sydney's last. I hope you get to see her.



I have already seen her twice but am going with someone who has never seen the show before, so hoping she is there. :) I asked in the SRO thread but nobody really gave much of an answer, my bus is coming into the city at about 7:45am and the box office opens at noon. I should be good for getting tickets for that day, I'm assuming? I'm a little nervous about it. Damn anxiety.

#68Fun Home understudies
Posted: 10/2/15 at 7:49pm

looks like Nicole is on for Alison tonight

#69Fun Home understudies
Posted: 10/2/15 at 11:09pm

Ms. Patten was great as Joan, a bit perkier than Ms. Colindrez's. But excellent nonetheless. Wildly different than her portrayal of Medium Alison, so it's great to see Ms. Patten's versatility.

Ms. van Giesen was a much quieter Alison, which put a lot of that transition of self-consciousness between Small, Medium, and Regular Alison much more in their voice. Which was very cool. She's a great Alison, her "Telephone Wire" was excellent.

phan24 Profile Photo
#70Fun Home understudies
Posted: 10/4/15 at 9:28pm

Thanks for the review jessejaehoon, really wish I could've been there!

Did anyone else catch Nicole as Allison and have any more in depth reviews? Anyone have heard any audios of it floating around yet?

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#72Fun Home understudies
Posted: 10/6/15 at 9:58am

I thought Van Giesen sounded rather wonderful here, certainly holding onto Kuhn's powerful interpretation. From the sound of this clip, I'd say no one has been cheated.

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#73Fun Home understudies
Posted: 11/1/15 at 8:04am

Why was Alessandra Baldacchino replaced so quickly as small Alison/John/Christian understudy?

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

hork Profile Photo
#74Fun Home understudies
Posted: 11/1/15 at 10:45am

I saw Jim Stanek perform Bruce the other night. I was a little disappointed, since I've never seen Cerveris (in this or anything else), but he was fine. He started out a bit rough -- it was hard to hear him, because he didn't project and he mumbled a bit -- but he got better quickly.   I don't think he was entirely in the role the way I imagine Cerveris is (I wouldn't have given him a Tony), but he was more than adequate. 
