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Funny and Unforgettable Ad-Libs- Page 4

Funny and Unforgettable Ad-Libs

#75re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/22/05 at 12:09am

I went to the return night of Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick to the producers and during the part where Bloom asks about puting your money into the show, Nathan responded with "Never put your own money into the show. It's too taboo." The timing was great as Taboo opened just recently. It was hysterical as the audience laughed for about two-three minutes. It was one of the best ab-libs I'd ever seen.

ElphabaRose Profile Photo
#76re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/22/05 at 1:45am

Just thought of another one...I saw the Producers with Mathew Broderick and Brad Oscar (Nathan Lane had the Pollips on his chords). They were doing the whole I'm wet and hysterical schpeil and suddenly Broderick says "You can't do that, thats not allowed" to some lady in the third row...she was video taping or something like that. They pretend to rewind, and Oscar says "Do you want me to slap you again?" Then they continue with the show.

Whatever happened to class?

LuvUrBatBoy Profile Photo
#77re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/22/05 at 2:06am

I saw a very well done production of Laramie Project in DC on a day when the weather was awful. During the portion of the show where the one character describes how me was auditioning for Macbeth, as soon as he said "Macbeth", the power went out in tht theatre due to the storm. After 15 min, it came back on. When the scene resumed, the actor referred to it as "the Scottish play" every time he talked about it, LOL.

Yes that's me. No, it's not a Rent homage.

#78re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/22/05 at 9:37am

DefyingPopular-Thanks! Now it makes sense! Ha!

I also love this one on Idina's last, it's so sweet. Idina had just come out at the end, and was getting her huge standing O. Then she does her line, "I wish Glinda could know we were alright," or something like that. Then Joey looks up at Jen in her bubble, who's looking down at them, and he says, "Oh, I think she does." Very sweet.

#79re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/22/05 at 10:09am

I also read in Jeffry Denman's diary that there was one time that Ray Wills was going on for Nathan Lane. The problem was that Ray Wills was not fat! So Matthew Broderick went "Fat! Fat! Fat-fat-fathead! Give me those books, you...kinda...sorta...not so fat guy!"

"Ev'ry-buddy wants ta get into de act!" - Jimmy Durante "Breathe from your hoo-hoo." -Kristin Chenoweth

Princeton78 Profile Photo
#80re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/22/05 at 11:56am

During a performace of "Sunset Boulevard," as Glenn Closes decended the infamous staricase at her entrance, a sea of flashbulbs went off from the audience and Ms. Close lowered her sunglasses, looked at the audience and said, in character, "We can have a show or we can have a press conference, but we can not do both." Then, after tumultuous applause, resumed the performance.

"Y'all have a GRAND day now"
Updated On: 6/22/05 at 11:56 AM

#81re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/22/05 at 2:22pm


"Ev'ry-buddy wants ta get into de act!" - Jimmy Durante "Breathe from your hoo-hoo." -Kristin Chenoweth

#82re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/22/05 at 3:34pm

bump again

"Ev'ry-buddy wants ta get into de act!" - Jimmy Durante "Breathe from your hoo-hoo." -Kristin Chenoweth

#83re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/22/05 at 3:41pm

SPELLING BEE, Sunday night..Sarah Saltzberg does some adlibbing while the adults are conferring or something I don't remember, because she was hysterical.

Her character has two gay dads...she says: It's father's day and Gay Pride week, who's bright idea was to schedule them both in the same week...then she says they went to see Cinderella was not what any of them expected..something really cute like that.

#84re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/22/05 at 7:04pm


"Ev'ry-buddy wants ta get into de act!" - Jimmy Durante "Breathe from your hoo-hoo." -Kristin Chenoweth

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#85re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/22/05 at 7:47pm

God stop bumping! If the topic is good enough it won't need your help! Bump using some sort of a story. I've bumped before but only once per thread. Or bump by putting up a complaint about bumping!

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

#86re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/22/05 at 8:16pm

Not really that exciting - during the first classroom scene in Wicked, the chalkboard didn't come out. They kept on going with the dialogue and right before Dr. Dillamond is supposed to flip it around he says, "Could one of you kind students get my board?" or something like that.
I was the only person that laughed; I thought the way he said it with this British accent and goat-like gruff voice was cute.

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#87re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/22/05 at 10:23pm

oh yea! I remember the hippo line in Hairspray with Bruce on tour! I also remember another Line he did in San Francisco, during TIMELESS TO ME, Wilbur's hands are on Bruce's Chest "Well wilbur, you're living every boys dream, you're in san francisco, playing with the giants"

#88re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/22/05 at 10:32pm

ur welcome :)

bruce also made a comment about how britney spears would look like him in 6 months time.... it was quite funny.

#89re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/22/05 at 11:01pm

Another Bruce Vilanch one - "Brad Pitt is single now, and I'm a Desperate Housewife".

BroadwayGirlWicked Profile Photo
#90re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/23/05 at 1:21am

i saw spamalot and right when hank got the arrow some-ones phone went off so hank was like i am so sorry for my phone going off you had to be there it was so funny


StickToPriest Profile Photo
#91re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/23/05 at 1:25am

Was that a coherent thought?

"One no longer loves one's insight enough once one communicates it."

The opposite of creation isn't war, it's stagnation.

nystateomind04 Profile Photo
#92re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/23/05 at 1:31am

Do coherent thoughts need punctuation?

If so...
Updated On: 6/23/05 at 01:31 AM

#93re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/23/05 at 6:32am

"i saw spamalot and right when hank got the arrow some-ones phone went off so hank was like i am so sorry for my phone going off you had to be there it was so funny"

Wait a minute. Are you talking about the character of Concorde (Steve Rosen) or Lancelot (Hank Azaria)?

"Ev'ry-buddy wants ta get into de act!" - Jimmy Durante "Breathe from your hoo-hoo." -Kristin Chenoweth

#94re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/23/05 at 6:32am

"i saw spamalot and right when hank got the arrow some-ones phone went off so hank was like i am so sorry for my phone going off you had to be there it was so funny"

Wait a minute. Are you talking about the character of Concorde (Steve Rosen) or Lancelot (Hank Azaria)?

"Ev'ry-buddy wants ta get into de act!" - Jimmy Durante "Breathe from your hoo-hoo." -Kristin Chenoweth

karlean7 Profile Photo
#95re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/23/05 at 6:53am

I went to the return night of Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick to the producers and during the part where Bloom asks about puting your money into the show, Nathan responded with "Never put your own money into the show. That's taboo."

I knew someone would mention that one. I'd just like to say that this particular ad-lib makes me burn with a fiery rage, and that I doubt I'll ever really forgive Nathan Lane for it. What's worse, he REPEATED IT on the PBS "Best Of Broadway" thing a while back.

I really, really enjoyed Taboo, I dearly love the score, and the fact that the show was doomed before it opened never ceases to bug me. As amusing as that comment may be to people who don't give two sh*ts about it, it still pisses me right the f*ck off.

That's all I really wanted to say. Rant over. Continue with your regularly scheduled thread, unless you end up having to bump it a few dozen times, in which case, let it die.

#96re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/23/05 at 8:17am

After Hank Azaria left Spamalot and before his replacement started the understudy during the Knights of Ni speech said
I am not the guy from the Simpsons...he'll be gone for awhile.

#97re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/23/05 at 10:06am

When I saw The Producers 3 weeks ago, when Max and Leo met Carmen for the first time at Elizabeth De-Bris's house, after Carmen did that noise with face, Carmen and Leo stared at each other for a very, very long time and the audience started giggling. ...And at the very right moment, Leo did the same noise with the face (well, he did it first, anyway, when he WAS Carmen re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs), then Roger Bart pinched his trench coat and bowed deeply like a woman in a long dress. The timing was just perfect.

bwaybaby4966 Profile Photo
#98re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/23/05 at 10:25am

When I saw "Spamalot", Tim Curry was out so, when they were bringing up the guy from seat A101, the understudy turned to the audience member and said "You're not head of the Tim Curry Fan Club, are you?" It was really funny!

#99re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
Posted: 6/23/05 at 10:33am

Last night at The Producers during the Sing-Sing scene, at one point Roger Bart called out, "Now just the Tyco executives!" It was hilarious.

"I cried during the Frug." - MC
