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HAIR (New Cast) Reviews

#75HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/12/10 at 12:47am

I saw the new cast last night at their second performance, and I do agree that they do still need to settle into their roles a bit, but expectation-wise I knew that going into the show because it was so early in their run. I enjoyed the show just as much as I did when I saw the original revival cast and the spirit and energy of the show were definitely still there. Of course there were some aspects I preferred with one cast over the other, but I was not disappointed in the production overall.

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#76HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/12/10 at 1:09pm

I saw the show last night. Having seen the original tribe a bunch of times I was excited to see them, and they did not disappoint. There are definitely some things that can be worked on, but it will happen and they will be fine. I am confident. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

#77HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/12/10 at 1:29pm

i amazed at all the fuzz the nudity at the end of act 1 gets in a 2hour show it is literally 20secs on a dimly lit stage!! you would think people are naked the whole show

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#78HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/12/10 at 11:52pm

Any news on Kyle Riabko? I loved him as Melchior on the SA tour.

"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#79HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/13/10 at 1:02am

Any news on Kyle Riabko?

Yes. He's bad.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#80HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/13/10 at 6:41am

I'm guessing he SOUNDS wonderful. He is not an "actor", IMHO. (I was not impressed with anything but his falsetto when I saw him in SA -- on B'way or the tour)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#81HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/13/10 at 11:06am

He SOUNDS okay. He lacks the power to sing songs like "I Got Life" and "The Flesh Failures" and is totally drowned out.

#82HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/15/10 at 9:43am

the new cast has been on broadway over aweek now, has the cast got any better or do people did feel the same way? im going on sunday with an open mind

#83HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/16/10 at 1:00am

Can't wait to see the new cast!

#84HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/19/10 at 7:11am

im going on sunday really looking forward to seeing the new cast, i hope they dont let me down

SNAFU Profile Photo
#85HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/20/10 at 8:18pm

Saw the new cast today. They are fine! I had seen the original cast more times then I would care to admit. This cast is different, it is nice to see Ace play Berger a little less manic and over the top then Swenson evolved into (the last time I saw him in the role he was so far out there he sort of destroyed the show for me). All is fine with the tribe and I am sure they will improve overtime. They. like others have said, do not disappoint at all!

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

#86HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/21/10 at 2:33am

I saw “Hair” Thursday night for the first time since its original run on Broadway. I can actually say that I lived the life and have known many girls like Sheila, and guys like Berger and Claude. This tribe, Thursday night, brought quite a few memories back to light and I thought that the entire cast did a fantastic job. For me Kyle, Steel (I was disappointed in not seeing Ace) and Diana were real people and I though their acting was true to embodiment and emotions of that generation. Kyle has the same boyish charms that Claude would use to deflect the turmoil that is going on in his head. Diana brought the passion of the activist/flower child that is Sheila. I’m not going to hold off on commenting on Berger until after I see how Ace portrays him but Steel was also true to the Berger types that I knew.

I think that Kyle did a great job with his solos “I Got Life” and “Where Do I Go”. As for Diana, I can only say, if you got the voice than use it. I have never known a Sheila that can sing like her but I wish that I did. Diana’s “Easy To Be Hard” is an emotional experience. Diana makes you feel the pain that is in Sheila’s heart when Berger hurts her feelings. Bravo also to Annaleigh, Jeannette, Vanessa, Wallace, Jason, and all the tribe members.

I have two complaints. The first is that the on stage band gets too loud and , at times, will drown out some of the performers. Second, could they get a curtain that will cover the entire stage?

I’ve read some reviews comparing the 2009 revival tribe to the current revival tribe and I think it is very unfair to make these comparisons as it would be very unfair for me to compare the 2009 revival tribe to the 1968 tribe and also how “Hair” was staged back then. Shows evolve and the cast will change and I think that shows its cast should be judged on merit and not comparison. Go see “Hair” you will not be disappointed by the current tribe.

"The secret of life is to appreciate the pleasure of being terribly, terribly deceived". Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance, Act 3

SNAFU Profile Photo
#87HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/21/10 at 10:51am

Mateo, having seen the show numerous times. I found that the band volume seems to change as to wear you sit in that theatre. Must be some weird acoustics and the positioning of the band on stage.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#88HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/21/10 at 1:36pm

I want to see this show again SOOOOOOOOO BAD! I saw the original cast in one their final performances and they just blew me away. But, I would love to see this new cast, as they have new eyes (as it were) to the project. I hope I can see it soon.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#89HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/21/10 at 3:06pm

Reviews like the ones by SNAFU and Mateo are the reason I rolled my eyes when Hair fans acted like they'd been pushed to the brink of slitting their wrists upon seeing the new tribe debut.There's a ton of talent in the new tribe and they'll be fine even if they are different from the OBC.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#90HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/21/10 at 4:36pm

Oh, there is a huge amount of talent onstage and the show is just as electric as it was when it first opened at the Hirschfeld a year ago. The new faces in the cast and the new takes on the roles the production is alive and enjoyable. Just different in some respects and different doesn't denote worse!

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

#91HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/21/10 at 7:19pm

i just got back from seeing hair today and i was very impressed indeed,the whole cast had a huge amount of energy and alot of the show felt new. Diana was great her voice was unreal and as good as Cassie levy, Ace was alot better than i thought he would be, his singing was good and he wasnt as crazy as will swenson. now on the other hand both claude and woof are nowhere near as good as the previous cast but too be honest Gavin and Bryce were exceptional and would have been very hard to live up to that, also Kate rockwell stood out her energy and spirit was amazing and she seemed to be having a ball, my overall view is this cast is very good and should last a long time........

#92HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/24/10 at 1:05pm

Diana is out today.

#93HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/24/10 at 1:06pm

Briana Carlson Goodman as Sheila today and Jay is on for Claude for both shows.

Updated On: 3/24/10 at 01:06 PM

#94HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/24/10 at 3:11pm

That kinda sucks... i'm going tonight was very much looking forward to see diana

#95HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/24/10 at 3:55pm

Both Diana and Kyle have been out sick the past couple of days.

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#96HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/24/10 at 6:36pm

"Yes. He's bad."
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

He is the strongest out of the three leads, and in my opinion, gives a brilliant performance. Yes, his vocals are a tad quiet at times, but he was really good. Such an improvement over the mess he put on stage at Spring Awakening.

steven22 Profile Photo
#97HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/24/10 at 6:44pm


I thought Kyle was great in Spring Awakening

#98HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/26/10 at 11:57am

My critique of the three leads is:
Kyle-simply needs to present himself more as the leader, the one everybody admires. Right now he sometimes blends in too much. In particular he needs to step up and make it look like Sheila is somewhat torn between he and Berger. Maybe it's Diana and Ace having more chemistry, but by the time the marriage proposal and kiss happens, I'm already convinced Claude is a non-factor in that trio.

Diana- Her issue is with some of her line readings. It's nothing huge, and I know the "they tear gassed us" line is awkward and comes as part of a clunky series of lines, but she'd do well to sit down with an acting coach or with Diane Paulus and really figure out how to slow down and nuance that series of lines enough that the audience realizes it isn't funny. The ensuing concern expressed by Claude would resonate so much more. Her yellow shirt scene is amazing though. She cries genuine tears at the way Berger treats Sheila and she also adds anger to Sheila's reaction rather than playing Sheila like a doormat for Berger's mistreatment. Her singing rocks though. That's a given.

Ace: Getting better. Less douchebag now, more glimpses of sweet and misguided boy. Still not a great singer and that's not going to change, but he does sound nice when he's in his range.

Overall the show is in great shape and Ace/Kyle/Diana are worthy leads.

#99HAIR (New Cast) Reviews
Posted: 3/28/10 at 1:42pm

Haven't seen the new cast yet but probably will over the spring/summer. I'm kind of glad I didn't see the OBC, but at the same time disappointed because I've been following them for almost a year now and it would have been nice to see familiar faces!
Anyhoo, when looking at the new photos from the show, it looks like they changed Dionne's wig and if I may be superficial, I hate the new one. It looks... icky? Flat? The scarf she's wearing in Aquarius also looks kind of tacky. It's the same style but the colors are different and seem to clash. I don't know if it's because I'm used to seeing the other ensemble.
Why this bothers me I have no idea but I thought I'd just put it out there because it makes me feel better :)
I hope they put out a nice hardcover book for Hair the way they've done for Wicked, Hairspray, The Producers, among others. And if they do I hope it's with the OBC.
Keep the reviews coming!!!!
