Awwww, kinda wish they'd just use William Ivey Long's original costumes. I've never seen a production of Hairspray where the costumes match the fun of the original. Oh well, change is good, I guess.
It's official! Another brilliant choice. This may not add to the excitement for some, but I adore Becca, and I'm so glad both her and Ariana are returning to their musical theatre roots.
I hope they get Elijah Kelley to be Seaweed. He was perfect in the movie and he was in The Wiz Live.
So the major casting that's TBA is for Seaweed, Lil Inez, Prudy Pingleton / Female Authority Figure (if they keep that track), and the Male Authority Figure (if they keep that track)?
I think all the authority figure parts are going to be played separately. It's just harder to get away with having one actor play multiple roles on screen.
Leading Actor Joined: 7/20/09
It appears as though all articles regarding Becca as Amber have been removed.
I guess I'll add "accidental rumor starter" to my résumé.
Pretty sure a popular 20-year-old Disney Channel star booked the role of Amber. :)
JP2, one that's already played Kristen Cheniweth's daughter once before?
Chorus Member Joined: 4/17/11
From a pretty reliable source: Nick Jonas is Link Larkin
Nick Jonas is a safe and boring but fine choice. And I really hope Dove Cameron isn't Amber, but when Kristin was cast, I assumed she would be.
Nick Jonas would be a really boring choice, but I've been calling it all along. He's not charming enough for me - he was the weakest in How to Succeed and they worked with him, so I'm wondering why they didn't ask Radcliffe or Criss.
Honestly this casting has been good but not as great as it could have been overall.
Criss is busy doing "Hedwig" thank goodness. Radcliffe is all wrong for Link, I think. I don't see Nick or Darren on his level type-wise, because I thought they were both miscast. They're both the "type" for link. Both horribly boring choices.
CindersGolightly said: "Criss is busy doing "Hedwig" thank goodness. Radcliffe is all wrong for Link, I think. I don't see Nick or Darren on his level type-wise, because I thought they were both miscast. They're both the "type" for link. Both horribly boring choices.
Who do you think should play Link ?
ChildofEarth said: "Nick Jonas would be a really boring choice, but I've been calling it all along. He's not charming enough for me - he was the weakest in How to Succeed and they worked with him, so I'm wondering why they didn't ask Radcliffe or Criss.
Honestly this casting has been good but not as great as it could have been overall.
OMG! So much this! Just shoot me in the face if they cast Nick Jonas as Link!!!
I'm sure some of you are aware that Jonas had played the role before at the Hollywood Bowl in 2011...
Jeffrey Karasarides said: "I'm sure some of you are aware that Jonas had played the role before at the Hollywood Bowl in 2011...
Ask me if I care....
Nick Jonas is not that bad.He played the terribly spoilt famous kid in Smash rather convincingly. It's just... after a string of rather exciting theater vets, this is turning into a pop event like Grease Live which I'm not too thrilled about. Haven't seen any suggestions on this board for Link which anyone's particularly excited about so far.
Anyone think Nicholas Barasch can pull it off?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/08
I would love for James Maslow to be Link. Still holding out hope for that one!!
I wouldn't mind seeing Kevin Mchale play link . He played Artie in Glee he has an amazing voice !
BlackElleWoods said: "I wouldn't mind seeing Kevin Mchale play link . He played Artie in Glee he has an amazing voice !
Okay this post proves to me that there are mostly teens and tweens posting in this thread because how would anyone ever equate Kevin McHale playing Artie in "Glee" with being able to play "Link" in Hairspray.... Those two characters are polar opposites!!!!
Idk if he sings but someone like Emory Cohen (Brooklyn) would be amazing. Someone unexpected. I think even though Criss is in Hedwig he could possibly make it work. Much rather him than Jonas. But would altogether rather someone fresh and up and coming.