I think Nick is a great choice for Link.
Jessetenny said: "Who do you think should play Link ?"
Honestly? I have no idea. I've been thinking about it and although Nick is a boring choice to me, I'm thinking that he may be the best choice we have. We don't have many male "teen" heartthrobs that would be good and not miscast as we did in 2007. I'd take him over Darren any day, and if it really is him, I look forward to seeing what he can bring to it. I don't think Jeremy Jordan can play as young as Link requires, but he'd be a fun theatrical choice if he could.
Jessetenny said: "Who do you think should play Link "
I thought of Ansel Elgort.
If they were smart they'd snag Jordan Fisher to play Seaweed. Both is talented beyond belief, not to mention as a "rising star" he could use the press.
As for Link Larkin, at one point I can tell you they talked to Shawn Mendes for quite some time. I don't know how that ever played out.
I think Criss would be a fantastic Link normally - someone with a lot more charm and ambition than everyone else but doesn't necessarily stand out talent wise. The role is a heartthrob who is a star because he's attractive and has some decent talent to fall back on...which to me is Darren.
Unfortunately, if he gets super skinny to play Hedwig (which I don't see why he wouldn't), it wouldn't be the best fit. He'd look too old. Plus I'm not sure how he'd pull off both - that's a lot to put on one person.
But I'd rather have him over just about anyone else I can imagine they've gone after.
Who is Little Inez? I think China McClain would be perfect
Leading Actor Joined: 3/7/16
disneybroadwayfan22 said: "Who is Little Inez? I think China McClain would be perfect
she would be good. She's 17 though so I don't know if that would be too old for a tv version.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/7/16
I;m pretty sure they'll go with Nick Jonas for Link. He would be boring but i literally can't think of who else they would cast. Unless they go with someone unknown. I guessed that Ariana Grande would be cast as well. I wonder who they'll cast as Seaweed.
Updated On: 7/9/16 at 03:37 PMBroadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Leading Actor Joined: 3/7/16
Liza's Headband said: "Elijah Kelly or Jason Derulo.
Yeah I was actually thinking Elijah could reprise the role. But Idk if he's too old now? They did cast Aaron Tveit as Danny though so who knows. I really doubt they would go with Jason Derulo but he could actually work. I didn't think about him. I hope this doesn't turn into pop starts playing all the teen characters haha.
CarlosAlberto said: "BlackElleWoods said: "I wouldn't mind seeing Kevin Mchale play link . He played Artie in Glee he has an amazing voice !
Okay this post proves to me that there are mostly teens and tweens posting in this thread because how would anyone ever equate Kevin McHale playing Artie in "Glee" with being able to play "Link" in Hairspray.... Those two characters are polar opposites!!!!
" and your negative commentary on everyone's opinion shows me how much of an ass you are . And as for the characters being polar opposites ... DUH ! It's called acting ! I didn't say ARTIE could be Link I said KEVIN , an actor with an amazing voice could ! And I'm a grown ass woman not a teenager . Thank you !
Listen b!tch I've been called worse by people of a much higher caliber.
So you called me an ass.
Boo-fucking hoo!
I hope you feel better about yourself for doing so.
Sucks to be you.
CarlosAlberto said: "Listen b!tch I've been called worse by people of a much higher caliber.
So you called me an ass.
Boo-fucking hoo!
I hope you feel better about yourself for doing so.
Sucks to be you.
" and I hope trolling posts and leaving negativity about everyone's opinion makes you feel better about yourself . If it does it explains why you do it so much because you know how ****ty of a person you really are . Sucks to have conversed with you .
Good day !
Todrick should have kept his mouth shut after he didn't get The Wiz and not whined about it all over the internet. Maybe he would have a better chance at this, then. I also find is ridiculously tacky and unprofessional to post that you're going to an audition of this caliber especially with a pity "no voice at all" comment afterwards. That tweet is clearly a petty scheme to try to drum up support from his fans for him getting the role. I hope he doesn't get it just for that.
BlackElleWoods said: "
"and I hope trolling posts and leaving negativity about everyone's opinion makes you feel better about yourself . If it does it explains why you do it so much because you know how ****ty of a person you really are . Sucks to have conversed with you .
Good day ! "
Disagreeing with you is not trolling you. You're the one calling someone a name first and then calling then "*****ty" because they don't agree with you. Yikes!
Agreed, Sondheimite. Also, this may sound hypocritical coming from someone who wants a 31 year old to play Amber, but isn't he a little long in the tooth to play a high school student?
Or even to play Jennifer Hudson's son?
Leading Actor Joined: 3/7/16
Well Jhud is too young to be motor mouth maybelle but that's too late. They'll probably cast an unkown to play Sea weed. All the other options are too old.
I'm really interested in seeing who they will select for the roles of "Seaweed", "Little Inez" and "Link Larkin".
By the looks of it, this is shaping up to be better than the film adaptation. They've assembled some real heavy hitters in the cast.
I'm not a huge fan of the film. I do not outright hate it but I do have an issue with some of the edits and John Travolta did not cut it for me as "Edna Turnblad".
I think we are in for a real treat here. I am excited for this.
I'm excited also, with the exception of Jennifer Hudson. She's not "big" and she doesn't come off old enough to have a son in high school. It's the definition of mis-casting.
Updated On: 7/11/16 at 11:32 AM
I don't think the fact she's not big is an issue because she's a person who had previously struggled with her weight and therefore she has at least some kind of understanding of the what it's like. And it also isn't crazy to believe that someone could have a child at 18-20 and have a teenager in their 30s!
HUH? Because she "used" to be big it makes sense for her to now sing a song about being big?
Does that mean she can next play a baby because she used to be a baby?
This may turn out better than the Travolta film, which I thought was bad, but the original film with Divine and Ricki Lake was great.