And they say Ariana doesn't sing until the end ("Without Love"? I'm not gonna jump the gun and assume that's correct and they've made a change, but she sings at the beginning in "Mama I'm a Big Girl Now"...
I think they are referring to the "Checkerboard Chick" moment, where Penny really breaks out.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/12/15
The dynamites are here:
I really am not loving these costumes so far. William Ivey Long's designs were FAR superior to what we've seen so far. Those Dynamite costumes look kind of tacky.
Yes, there is definitely an unpolished look to them.
All the costumes even the tone of all promos look like a Party City flyer/brochure. The costumes look cheap. The costume designer also doesn't know 1962 fashion whatsoever. Giving Edna 1965-66 Mod go-go boots was the first red flag of the many faux pas this costume designer is guilty of. At least the Broadway version costumes were a bit exaggerated but kept its foundation on 1962.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/12/15
Broadway Star Joined: 9/12/15
Broadway Star Joined: 9/12/15
Another sneak peek of the set. they were rehearsing good morning baltimore.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/12/15
Run and tell that sneak peek:
Broadway Star Joined: 9/12/15
I just saw an interview with harvey fierstein and he said that the madison was removed. Ladies choice will be in it's place. i am so bummed. and i saw the soundtrack list and the big dollhouse is not included. i am so pissed off. i was really hoping they would be in this production
Stand-by Joined: 3/28/08
BWW just posted the track list:
I thought Zadan and Meron said all the songs from the stage show would be in it, but maybe I am remembering incorrectly. Was worried when I read a BWW article yesterday with Shaiman and Wittman that said that was not the case and now it's finally confirmed. Disappointed as I had hoped we might have something close to the stage show preserved, not just a live recreation of the movie.
If I recall, the rationale for cutting "The Big Dollhouse" from the movie was that it was a status quo number- a reminder of where everyone was after the intermission- which was irrelevant in a movie. I guess that's the rationale at play here, too? A bummer, because I think it's a fun song.
Another reason why The Big Dollhouse was cut from the film was because as screenwriter Leslie Dixon was adapting the show for the big screen, she felt that Tracy needed to be on the lamb. On stage, you can have more static moments like long scenes set in jail. In film, static moments like that wouldn't work as well. So by having Tracy on the lamb I felt was a great way of keeping audiences on the edge of their seats.
I think since The Big Dollhouse is used as the opening to Act II after a fifteen minute intermission on stage, it probably wouldn't have the same effect if it took place after a three minute commercial break on TV.
electrode10 said: "BWW just posted the track list:
I thought Zadan and Meron said all the songs from the stage show would be in it, but maybe I am remembering incorrectly. Was worried when I read a BWW article yesterday with Shaiman and Wittman that said that was not the case and now it's finally confirmed. Disappointed as I had hoped we might have something close to the stage show preserved, not just a live recreation of the movie. "
Just because The Big Dollhouse isn't going to be included doesn't mean Hairspray LIVE will be based more on the 2007 film adaptation.
If you look at the track list, it mostly resembles how the track list is for the Broadway show (including Mama, I'm a Big Girl Now and Cooties).
Yes, it seems closer to the stage version than the film, with the changes being swapping "The Madison" for "Ladies' Choice" and cutting "The Big Dollhouse" in lieu of continued action from "Big, Blonde, and Beautiful" through "Good Morning Baltimore (Reprise)".
(It should be noted that although Dollhouse is a fun number, nothing actually happens in it. It starts with the female ensemble in jail with no way out, it ends with the female ensemble in jail with no way out. Nothing is revealed and no decisions are made. It's the scene after the song in which anything happens).
Stand-by Joined: 3/28/08
Jeffrey & Kad - You both make valid points. I guess I just have this nostalgia for the stage show as it was having seen it many times during its run. I am still thrilled for the LIVE production and am eager to see everything come together.
I'm dying to see a photo of Andrea Martin in-character. I honestly think she should've been in all the promo material...her role is more significant than O'Donnell's and Eichner's...I wouldn't call it a "guest appearance," basically.
I like "The Big Dollhouse" a lot onstage! It's also a very Waters-y moment- a side trip to a female penitentiary! But I can see how it would be cut.
I'm more annoyed with replacing "The Madison" with "Ladies Choice." I think the former is more tonally correct for the show- a kitschy 60s novelty dance- than the latter- an almost rockabilly song.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
Kad said: "(It should be noted that although Dollhouse is a fun number, nothing actually happens in it. It starts with the female ensemble in jail with no way out, it ends with the female ensemble in jail with no way out . . . )"
Not quite right. Everyone except for Tracy is bailed out of jail by Wilbur, except for Tracy and the Van Tussels (who are released by the governor).
It's a fun number, though. Like, classic musical comedy fun. I wish they would have at least recorded it. It's such a bummer that it won't be included.
Fosse76 said: "Not quite right. Everyone except for Tracy is bailed out of jail by Wilbur, except for Tracy and the Van Tussels (who are released by the governor).:"
That occurs in the book scene immediately after the song, though. The song itself is just the characters summing up their positions while in jail.
I really want the Big Dollhouse included. What would I not give to see Harvey channel Mama Rose one more time. And meeeeeee
Maddie Baillio posted some short clips of her Good Morning Baltimore and I Can Hear The Bells after she recorded them yesterday! @maddiebaillio She sounds GREAT!
WHAT A STAR. I'm so EXCITED. She sounds so so so good. I want that album right now!!!