Fosse76 said: "I definitely prefer the original cast (now that I've seen them), with the exception of maybe Paul Thornley. I think his London replacement manages to express Ron's humor better. But to be honest, I don't know which I prefer. "
I 100% agree! That was the one character I thought could have made the jump instead of the OLC.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
One thing I found interesting is that they are using different Showbills for each part, instead combining them into one (like AIA does). I'm not exactly sure why (the cast list is already a "spoiler", since most of cast play multiple roles.
As someone else mentioned, they also pass out the "keep the secrets" pins. They are the same as the ones in London. Also, everyone goes through a metal detector. I think because they open the doors so early, the crowds are spaced out enough to where there is no long line to get in. I didn't show up until about 7:30pm, and I walked right in.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/13/13
shanphelia said: "For LOT666:
That was the part that I missed thanks to rude and late people who don't know how to enter the theater and sit in their seat quietly and unobtrusively, so I was so glad I could see it again and get the entire scene in without interruption. It was beautiful.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/28/10
Do I really need to show up one hour before curtain? I heard it was suggested due to the amount of time for the security check. Unless they are pulling people over to undress or wanding people, I don't see why it would take longer for the ushers to check bags than at any other theater. But I am seeing both parts on the same day so showing up an hour prior to part 2 really makes dinner a crunch. Is it necessary? Thanks.
Definitely not necessary to show up an hour in advance. You may want to show up early for the first show to get at the merch stands and get some good snacks before heading to your seats, but otherwise, no need. They are remarkably fast at getting people in the doors. More so than any other theater I can remember.
There are some cool details in the lobby that I spent a few minutes in but no need to get there more then 30 minutes. And for part 2 you know the drill so unless you want merchandise or snacks then 15-20 minutes is fine
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
Also keep in mind that although the main entrance is now on 43rd Street, you can still enter on 42nd Street. I walked right in.
mikey2573 said: "Do I really need to show up one hour before curtain? I heard it was suggested due to the amount of time for the security check. Unless they are pulling people over to undress or wanding people, I don't see why it would take longer for the ushers to check bags than at any other theater. But I am seeing both parts on the same day so showing up an hour prior to part 2 really makes dinner a crunch. Is it necessary? Thanks."
They have a lot of doors open. Like three or four on 43rd and onr on 42nd. Each door has a metal detector, which most other theaters don't have. If you have a bag, they ask you to take it off before you get to the detector so it's quicker once you go through and the security checks your bag at the same time. They have like three security guards per door. Similar setup as Radio City, IIRC.
Re: Ron... I absolutely adore Paul as Ron. While Tom (his replacement in London) is funny, I like Paul's chemistry with the other UK actors. It wouldn't have been the same without him. Him and Noma make a great Ron & Hermione.
(I don't know why I'm putting this is spoilers...) I especially love his Ron and Alex's Draco jabbing at each other in Part 2. Like when Ron gets Scorpius's name wrong & Draco get completely annoyed and when Draco says he's milding enjoying being bossed by Hermione & Ron gives him the best look as he leaves...
Little things like that just makes those two (and the other UK actors) work so well together. It would have been sad not having all seven come over.
I saw the show over the past two nights and I absolutely loved it.
I was in orchestra row D, close to center, and even at 6’3”, I did find the stage to be very high.
I won’t go through too much, but I will say it took me a good hour to get into this show. The music isn’t a great fit (I had no idea it would be Imogene Heap’s existing music - I expected originals!) and that really threw me.
Additionally, the American actors in the bit parts are mostly terrible. Like REALLY bad. Professor McGonigal and Hagrid were embarrassingly bad. Their accents and line readings really ruined the scenes they were in. And Hagrid gets a lot of stage time by himself. It’s bad enough to where I would recommend recasting. Oy. The person who plays Snape and Voldemort is serviceable but doesn’t seem to have a good command of the stage. Those characters should have a very big presence and he doesn’t have that in him.
Otherwise, the effects are great. The lighting design is the best I’ve seen in memory (great use of spot lights - wow!) and the set is far more grand and interesting than it lets on at first sight. The plot was exciting and I was on the edge of my seat at the end. I also got a bit weapy around some of the family drama.
But the star of the show for me was the new theater! Holy cow!!! They did an amazing job. The lobby is divine and a great space to hang out in so I would recommend going early just so you can chill out and enjoy the surroundings. The theater itself is my new favorite Broadway space. Whoever worked on this space needs to be hired for any renovations of other houses. It’s just so pristine and lush. It’s what a great Broadway theater should be. Most houses seem to be falling apart these days. Also, all of the lighting, speakers, and effects are hidden away so it’s not a cluttered mess of technology everywhere. I was blown away and I want to go again just so I can hang out in that theater for a while longer.
I noticed that it was mentioned a couple of times but the actress who played McGonagall isn't American, she's Irish.
sorano916 said: "I noticed that it was mentioned a couple of times but the actress who played McGonagall isn't American, she's Irish."
That’s surprising to me because I thought her accent was a trainwreck. I kept thinking that’s she’s never heard a Scottish accent before in her life. Also her up endings on not just every line but every word were atrocious.
Swing Joined: 3/17/18
I was lucky enough to see the London production a number of times and I agree that the second cast doesn't hold a candle to the original. They seemed to put enormous effort into getting the first cast right and minimal into the second cast. I saw their first performance and it was embarrassing. A couple of the main cast members were not up to the job at all. One of them has improved a lot, although I don't think he could ever truly embody the character. But the other is still very stiff and self-conscious.
I have higher hopes for cast three, as the boy cast as Albus has good experience. They cast Harry way too old again. (Jamie Parker was perfect), but Jamie B seems to be quite good.
I'm seeing the Broadway show next week and I'm incredibly excited to see the "real" cast again. I stopped going in London because it because a boring and depressing experience, not worth the money.
Stand-by Joined: 2/23/13
So in your opinion it cannot withstand a cast change. This cast will not be there forever so that means you really do not like the show but are enamoured of the actors. How many times have you seen it to be bored and depressed?
Saw both parts today! I expected to love it but I can honestly saw this was one of the BEST plays I've seen live in my life. I wasn't big on the book from the getgo but can forgive that for the incredible visuals. I truly believe this lives up to the hype!
Swing Joined: 3/17/18
Theatrefan2 said: "So in your opinion it cannot withstand a cast change. This cast will not be there forever so that means you really do not like the show but are enamoured of the actors. How many times have you seen it to be bored and depressed?"
Well, no. I didn't say anything remotely like that. The play is great regardless, but there's no play that won't be lesser for poor actors. I've seen the play a lot. There's a whole community of people in London who go on a regular basis.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/13/13
Alex M said: "Saw both parts today! I expected to love it but I can honestly saw this was one of the BEST plays I've seen live in my life. I wasn't big on the book from the getgo but can forgive that for the incredible visuals. I truly believe this lives up to the hype!"
With seeing how hated the play can be, especially on sites like Reddit, I feel judged when saying this, but I totally agree. I've seen a handful of plays that I'd call amazing and that I absolutely loved, but this was something else.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/20/08
I thought it was truly incredible when I saw it last week and haven’t stopped thinking about it since.
I went in completely blind, and there were a couple book scenes (one in particular) that I thought a bit weak, but apart from that I actually really liked the script. There are some really beautiful scenes and it gets deep.
I have since started reading the script and can understand how the people who have read it and not seen it are not overly enthusiastic about it. The script doesn’t capture the production at all.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/20/08
I’ve been looking up what of Imogen Heap’s existing music is used and according to Reddit they use Hide and Seek?? How do I not remember hearing that?!
Having seen the production in London with the original cast last year, I was so excited to return to the shows yesterday on Broadway. It was an equally extraordinary experience, and I had an absolute blast.
As someone who goes to theater every week, I can't remember the last time seeing a show felt like such an event - the energy in that building yesterday was overwhelming. The line formed down to 8th avenue 90 minutes before the show began, filled with adults and kids alike, dressed up, and genuinely thrilled to be there. It felt like a celebration of not only a story and universe we love so much, but also the fact that all these people of all backgrounds were dedicating so much time and money to theatre wasn't lost on me, either.
I have no words for what they've done with the Lyric Theater. To the user above who said they essentially build a theater within the auditorium of the existing Lyric, that's exactly what they've done. I had a blast walking around and exploring. The staff is so friendly, so accommodating, and even the security process, which includes metal detectors, was the fastest of any show I've attended in the past few years. The theater was co-designed by the set designer with an architect, so it seamlessly blends the fourth wall of the stage with the auditorium.
The show itself was as fantastic as I remember. I don't want to say too much as it is so fun to go in not knowing everything, but it's in very good shape, and I can only imagine will get tighter and more efficient as performances progress. The day flew by for me - I truly couldn't believe it was over when it was.
I was seated in the mid orchestra on the far right hand side. I was initially nervous about the view, but it ended up being perfect. I took a tour of the theater, and the only seats I can imagine being a little unfortunate are the rear orchestra, as the overhang of the new extended mezzanine is quite severe.
When thinking about it, the show doesn't need Tonys for it's marquee, and having seen Angels, it is really hard to imagine which will walk away with more. That may become more clear later on. If anything though, I am hoping Steven Hoggett get's a nomination for Best Choreography, as that's actually my personal favorite aspect of the show.
This is a show everyone who loves theater should get to experience. It's theatricality at it's best, in my opinion. I'm so glad so many people will get exposed to this type of storytelling and theatrical language thanks to Harry Potter, of all things. Two favorites that work perfectly. I truly cannot wait to go back.
Would love to hear from more people who, like me, love theatre but have not read the HP books or seen any of the films. Not seeing the plays until early August, but is it really necessary to read and/or view the earlier works to enjoy this? I know that the assumption is that the majority of the world (and especially those who are plunking down large sums of money to see both plays) is extremely familiar with HP, but is it really not possible to enjoy these plays without previously studying the earlier works?
Would appreciate some comments on this. Is this a sequel or prequel to earlier HP stories, or can it stand on its own, which theatre should be able to do?
jayinchelsea said: "Would love to hear from more people who, like me, love theatre but have not read the HP books or seen any of the films. Not seeing the plays until early August, but is it really necessary to read and/or view the earlier works to enjoy this? I know that the assumption is that the majority of the world (and especially those who are plunking down large sums of money to see both plays) is extremely familiar with HP, but is it really not possible to enjoy these plays without previously studying the earlier works?
Would appreciate some comments on this. Is this a sequel or prequel to earlier HP stories, or can it stand on its own, which theatre should be able to do?"
Hard to answer exactly since I am so familiar with the universe, but:
- This is the 8th story, set 19 years after the end of the Harry Potter books, telling the story of his son.
- The playbill has a great summary of what happens in every book, as well as some vocabulary that is used through the show that you may not know if you aren't familiar with the universe (like, Muggle, Mudblood, Quidditch, Hogwarts, etc)
- It can stand on its own, but I think your jab at "theater should be able to" is a bit null here, since this is very clearly advertised as the 8th story in the Harry Potter universe. Will you be able to follow it and have a nice time? Probably. But, by not exposing yourself to the previous 7 stories, you are kind of setting yourself up to be disappointed, which is not the shows fault.
??That is true with any sequel/follow-up, but especially in this case as an EIGHTH chapter/follow-up. The amount of recapping/exposition they'd have to add would be unwieldy at best. Either take time to watch the 7.5 movies or read the 7 books, or maybe sit this one out.
Definitely read the books. See the movies at the very least.
I don’t really understand why you wouldn’t.
Stand-by Joined: 10/25/15
I just saw it yesterday...I had never read the books. I did however binge all 8 movies (7 had 2 parts) to get ready for the play. I’m glad I did! It makes seeing your old favorite or hated characters way more fun. And I pretty much knew what they were referencing for the most part. Look here’s the deal...the theatre is gorgeous. The services like concessions and etc are a mess. The line for the cute little sweet and slushee room was down the hall ...not so well designed. You could be making more money cause bottom line that’s what is all about . And the usher had her radio-walkee up loud so I could hear it during the performance. Plus the audience wasn’t your typical theatre crowd. Lots of eating during the show, candy wrappers you name it. I’m surprised they didnt sell popcorn. And why not??? They don’t care about taking pictures as long as there’s no flash. This is not your ordinary play. I kept thinking this would be more fun at universal and then we could go ride the rides and etc but I digress. The play has fun special effects and magic and the audience loved it. I thought the acting was all over the place from excellent - the actor who played Ron, myrtle and Scorpius - to terrible - the actress playing Maggie smiths role Minerva and Hagrid - yikes! It’s all over the place. I thought Harry and Albus were too angry there was no nuance or levels to their performance. And the script wasn’t terribly well written. But who cares really??? That’s now why people are there. It’s a chance to dive into the world of Harry Potter but this time live on stage. I’m not sure it’s going to win a lot of Tony’s folks. Sets and lighting for sure but not much else pops. And I don’t think it’s going to have the long shelf life they think. It’s too expensive and too much a commitment for US audiences and I dont t care how much you love Harry Potter. Maybe it will have a healthy touring audience. Who knows? Net net...I liked it...I appreciate it for what it is and now I’m done with it. Frankly visiting universal studios might be more fun for families.
Swing Joined: 3/17/18
Jimmyb1969 said: "I’m not sure it’s going to win a lot of Tony’s folks. Sets and lighting for sure but not much else pops."
I'm not sure what the standards are for Tonys, but it had eleven Olivier nominations and an at the time record nine Olivier awards in London. Best script, Best Actor, Best supporting actor... It will be interesting to see if it's different in the US.