I would guess that SOLD lines up as per client request.
When I waited on the cancellation line in hopes of 8pm tickets, SOLD employees were getting their assignments via their cell phones. One packed up to leave and then got the "Hamilton" assignment message so he popped open his tent again and assumed the position at 7pm for the next day (Saturday) other SOLD employees started getting their assignments and did the same. Slightly staggered. They line up as first come first serve. If I called today and wanted someone to wait at 5:30pm and another client calls for the same time, IDK how SOLD would handle that. But I would think that they line up according to the time a client is willing to pay for.
Stand-by Joined: 4/10/16
I believed it was first ordered by how many hours you booked. Say person A booked 30hs, person B booked for 24hs, of course person A's waiter arrive before B, so A has the priority. In the case A and B both ordered same amount of waiting hour, the priority goes to whoever put down the order first.
Stand-by Joined: 4/10/16
OMG I got IN!!!!! Front row Mezzanine Center!!!! XD
Updated On: 4/19/16 at 12:20 PMSwing Joined: 3/22/16
steins said: "OMG I got IN!!!!! Front row Mezzanine Center!!!! XD
YAY !!!!! I'm so happy for you !!!! Thanks for sharing your experience & tips, very helpful
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
That's an awesome seat for this show! Enjoy it to the fullest!
steins said: "OMG I got IN!!!!! Front row Mezzanine Center!!!! XD
"THAT IS SOOOOO GREAT! I knew you'd get in! A single ticket has less completion than the pairs! Now you can rest OR take the subway to Hamilton Grange National Memorial. It's the only home Hamilton ever owned and it's located in Uptown Manhattan on 141st St. I visited this past weekend! So much history. It's a 24 min train ride on the A to 145th St.
So ideally if I tried for cancellation line for a Saturday 8 P.M. show I would have to get there at 8 P.M. on Friday or is that still cutting it close?
This is so insane. My sister and I were talking about trying our luck and arriving at midnight but now it just seems like that would be a waste of time.
WickedLittleRentHead said: "So ideally if I tried for cancellation line for a Saturday 8 P.M. show I would have to get there at 8 P.M. on Friday or is that still cutting it close?
This is so insane. My sister and I were talking about trying our luck and arriving at midnight but now it just seems like that would be a waste of time.
"You may want to try 7pm since Saturday is a matinee & evening performance day and more people are off Saturdays thus thicker crowds. I waited on a Friday and the Saturday crowd was lining up at 7pm (sitters first--they claimed the first 4 spots by 8pm). Many people are on line for a pair of tickets, including the sitters. I find that people who just want one ticket are not as many. You and your sister can wait together as individuals and each get a single ticket and sit seperately. Your odds may be better than wanting a pair to sit together. Hope this helps"
Stand-by Joined: 4/10/16
So I just went back after resting for 2hours(not really enough they issued 2 premium tickets which #6 took. And another 2 premium tickets which no one take(I heard someone on the street just bought them but I am not sure). So even the #1-#3 SOLD guys haven't got anything yet. I imagine the majority release will come within 10mins of the show time. But I just feel immensely lucky this time. :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/6/11
That was exactly what happened yesterday. Nobody got regular priced tickets until at the most 10 minutes before showtime. They released premium tickets earlier. My uncle took one for me, but I'm not sure if anyone else took one. At least 8-10 people got $177 tickets last night via cancellation line I know for sure.
steins said: "So even the #1-#3 SOLD guys haven't got anything yet. I imagine the majority release will come within 10mins of the show time. But I just feel immensely lucky this time. :)
"This was your time Steins! Like when I waited it wasn't my time. A lot of ticket action happens anywhere between 6:30 and 8:05 and like you mentioned & 10 min before showtime. No concern for you any longer! Enjoy the show! I especially enjoyed the lighting in "The Battle of Yorktown" hope you do to! And first row mezz center IS AMAZEBALLS!
Stand-by Joined: 4/10/16
Thanks!! I also got to see the backstage earlier today though some new friends I made while waiting for the cancellation ticket. I wouldn't say how but I was lucky enough to be offered the chance today. Super exciting!
Stand-by Joined: 4/10/16
My goodness!!! My seat is so ridiculously good!
Swing Joined: 3/30/16
Can someone confirm if the theater's policy is to not switch people out of the cancellation line? I'm wondering if I'll have to pay the linesitter the whole time instead of just part of the time for waiting.
That is a great view! Where are you sitting?
Edited to add: I see where you posted above that it's first row mezzanine. Congrats!
Chorus Member Joined: 12/11/15
Last time I was here two weeks ago the policy was that whoever is in line when the box office opens is the one that has to get the tickets. Box office opens at ten AM.
On another note, we just got here for tomorrow's show and we are tenth in line. Two weeks ago at this time we were first, and the fourth person didn't get here until 3 AM. At this point we are just hoping for wed. night tickets as the odds of anyone from the lottery not picking up their tickets tomorrow day are slim (since it's a live lottery tomorrow) which accounted for four of the tickets that were sold the first time we were here for a Saturday matinee.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/28/13
rcbell64 said: "Last time I was here two weeks ago the policy was that whoever is in line when the box office opens is the one that has to get the tickets. Box office opens at ten AM."
That is incorrect and has never been the policy ... if you start the line you have to finish the line ... no swapping ever.
Stand-by Joined: 3/7/16
I know this has already been asked, but if there is no swapping "ever," how is this enforced when the box office doesn't open until 10am?? And does this include if two people are waiting together and you switch off to use the restroom, get food, etc.? It seems that would be necessary now that waits are literally over a day long.
Swing Joined: 4/12/16
What is the difference between premium tickets and the $177 tickets?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/6/11
I don't think there really is a big difference, but I think they want to see who is willing to pay premium first. My uncle got the premium for me at 3:30 just so that I'd be guaranteed to get in. His $177 seat was one row behind mine and in the center (row g) while mine was Row F Left Seat 5 (2 seats off the aisle).
Swing Joined: 3/22/16
casedilla2 said: "I know this has already been asked, but if there is no swapping "ever," how is this enforced when the box office doesn't open until 10am?? And does this include if two people are waiting together and you switch off to use the restroom, get food, etc.? It seems that would be necessary now that waits are literally over a day long.
Taking short restroom and food break is not the issue. It's the swapping that is in question. Person A starts the line and waits for X number of hours, Person B arrives takes Person A spot in line while Person A leaves the line for X number of hours, and then it continues. This is the swapping issue that we want to know how it's enforced. How long is the breaks reasonable before is called swapping? Can a partner of two take an 1 hour break at least?
Swing Joined: 4/12/16
bfreak said: "I don't think there really is a big difference, but I think they want to see who is willing to pay premium first. My uncle got the premium for me at 3:30 just so that I'd be guaranteed to get in. His $177 seat was one row behind mine and in the center (row g) while mine was Row F Left Seat 5 (2 seats off the aisle).
Thanks! How much do the premium tickets usually cost?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/6/11
$477 each. To be honest, if you're within the first three people on line and you're offered them, I would pass because you'll probably have a good shot at $177 tickets which would be in a very similar area.
I wonder how many people have sat in line for almost a day, gotten tickets, and then fallen asleep in the theater because they're just so exhausted? OR not slept, but been so exhausted that they can't even process what they're watching and don't have any memory of it?
I read that that happened when fans watched an all-day marathon of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, when Return of the King came out. They sat in a theater for over ten hours, first watching the extended edition of the first two films and then watching the premiere of RoTK. When they went back later to see RoTK again, they realized that they had been so tired the first time that they had no memory of actually seeing the movie.
That's what I would be afraid of, doing the cancellation line. Sitting in the cold for over a day, getting tickets, and then being so exhausted that I fall asleep or zone out and miss the actual performance. Maybe when I was 20 I could have done it...
Understudy Joined: 4/6/16
Do they let you know were the premium seats are before you buy them>