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Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?- Page 2

Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?

VocalLizzy Profile Photo
#25re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 2:18am

To defend Ms. Gleason for a moment, I had a lovely experience at the DRS stage door and I have her husband to thank.

The night of the Actors Fund benefit performance, her husband Chris Sarandon was there (sitting about 5th row center in the orchestra and, well, looking WAY more like Tom Skerrit than I ever noticed before...Well, after the show, I saw him entering the stage door and stopped him. "Mr. Sarandon, she was simply luminous this evening. Please thank her for all of us." He smiled broadly and said he would so I took a chance and asked, "If it would be at all possible, could you see if she'd be willing to leave via the stage door tonight?" He nodded.

About ten minutes later...Chris and Joanna came out of the stage door and she stopped to sign Playbills for a few of us.

So I guess there will always be positive and negative experiences for different people.


Back at the Imperial....

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#26re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 2:41am

has anyone tried catching her at the front door?

#27re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 2:47am

I saw DRS about two weeks ago and Joanna came out the stage door and signed about 4 or 5 autographs. Someone asked to take a picture and she said something like, "Oh, I suppose, if it's quick." I was a bit disappointed that she was not more friendly, but, to her defense, that night a lot of her family was there, so I guess we were lucky to see her at all. I had been wondering if this was common practice for her because everyone else was so gracious and stayed so long to sign (except Norbert, who also had people with him and was in a rush). It was my first stage door and overall, such a treat!

Javi Profile Photo
#28re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 10:06am

I didn't know Joanna was married to Chris Sarandon. Of course he is famous. And Oscar nominated for Dog Day Afternoon - Best Supporting Actor. And I'll always cherish his performance as Prince Humperdinck in 'The Princess Bride'. :)


new_philosophy_girl Profile Photo
#29re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 10:25am

If anyone watches Law & Order, Chris Sarandon often guest stars as defense attorney Howard Pincham (I believe that's the name)...

I'm a sucker for law and order.....

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Marquise Profile Photo
#30re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 10:35am

Oh, Chris Sarandon, first husband of the much more famous Susan. . .

Interesting story: Susan and Chris met and were married while still attending Catholic University. Susan accompanied Chris to New York for an audition for the movie, "Joe". Susan had no acting aspirations but the casting agent asked her to read for a part. Susan got hired for the film but Chris did not and the rest shall we say is history. . .
Updated On: 7/31/05 at 10:35 AM

jczelyph Profile Photo
#31re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 12:06pm

OK, maybe she's a saint, whatever.

I figured he must have something to do with Susan Sarandon. Now, she's famous...

"Jane, I've been dealt a blow - I've been dealt a blow, Jane."

#32re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 12:28pm

I tried the front door on the 25th...and there was no Sherie or Joanna...

We waited until they turned the lights off and for like...5 more minutes...nobody came out.

We waited from before the show ended until then. Maybe they went out the stagedoor after everyone had left?

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

jczelyph Profile Photo
#33re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 12:40pm

Maybe there's another exit?

"Jane, I've been dealt a blow - I've been dealt a blow, Jane."

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#34re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 12:48pm

I saw DRS last night, and I got everyone's autograph except for Joanna. It's very possible that she is shy in real-life. Everyone else was extremely charming at the door, especially Gregory Jbara. I don't think Joanna is a nasty person, and before you start accusing you should actually meet her.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel Profile Photo
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#35re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 12:54pm

The first time I saw DRS Joanna came out and signed for people across from me and then left, it was kind of crushing, because I felt like my emotions had been toyed with, lol. But oh well. She sent me a signed photo in the mail and I appreciate that! re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?.

#36re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 1:05pm

There have been so many threads on this board about who is, and is not, personable at the stagedoor. I'm in the minority, I know, but I personallyl feel that actors owe the audience only the best performance they can deliver. Nothing more, nothing less. I also realize that they are human beings, and that this can vary from day to day. If they show up at the stagedoor, it's a gracious gesture, but if not, that's okay, too. I certainly wouldn't lable someone nasty or unpleasant because they didn't, for whatever reason. Family committments and shyness (when not performing) would be valid reasons for reticence, I should think. And Etoile makes some valid points. These days, security is more than an academic issue.

"And the postman sighed as he scratched his head, you really rather thought she ought to be dead..."

#37re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 1:28pm

How did this grotesque tradition of waylaying stars as they exit the stagedoor ever start? I used to think the whole idea of the stage door was so stars could exit discreetly, without being shanghaied by autograph hounds? I guess it's been going on for generations, but why did we decide broadway stars have to give second performance (or third, or fourth) in the alley?

Do any other performers do this? I know pop/rock/rap/R&B stars are out of the venue as discreetly and as quickly as possible. Elton John often travels by helicopter and stages his shows so that the crowds are calling for an encore when he is up & out- off to the airport and home to Atlanta while the fans are still applauding. Do Opera stars come out after? I know country stars often return to the auditorium and greet fans from the edge of the stage.

Maybe it's just because I think autographs are pointless and standing in a line to "meet" a star nto much of a thrill, but I'd let the poor people go home and put their feet up.

jczelyph Profile Photo
#38re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 1:29pm

I agree about the security issue, but I sincerely doubt that Mrs Gleason has a higher security risk than John Lithgow, Jeff Goldblum, Christina Applegate or David Hyde Pierce (all of whom greet fans and are very gracious). Even Billy Joel comes out of the stage door and signs a few playbills.

Of course, no one expects actors to put themselves at risk of anything, and I am of the view that while an actor isn't obliged to come out to see fans, it is very much the preferred option and I think far higher of those who sign than those who don't. Sure, if someone has somewhere to go in a hurry, he or she needn't bother with fans then, but Mrs Gleason can't have family commitments every single night?

"Jane, I've been dealt a blow - I've been dealt a blow, Jane."

Brooks Hatlnet
#39re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 1:49pm

I've been to DRS twice and she never came out. I saw her husband there, but didn't think to say anything.

I did write to her with a playbill asking for her to sign it and return it (in a SASE), which she did - and fast, too.

Mamie Profile Photo
#40re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 2:33pm

I've got to be honest with you Parks - from what you've said here I'd be going out of my way to avoid you too. You're scary!
A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

jczelyph Profile Photo
#41re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 2:42pm

Ugh, I was at the stage door for Spamalot on Wednesday, after the matinee. There was some guy there, with a crazy lady. They were literally shouting at anyone who left the stage door, asking if they were in the show. They asked an exiting musician if he was in the show and he said something like 'Yeah, I play guitar' and they were like 'Oh god no, we don't want YOUR autograph'. It was so unbelievably rude that people aroudn them started laughing. They were rather intense and the woman started crying when John Bolton came out. The guy kept pushing an elderly lady in a wheelchair out of the way so he would be next to the barrier. It was disgusting. The actors dealt with them very well. If I had to face that every day, maybe I'd start escaping incognito. I think people would have told them to stop being rude and scary but they seemed to have some kind of learning difficulty or mental illness so no one thought it appropriate. They were behaving disgustingly.

"Jane, I've been dealt a blow - I've been dealt a blow, Jane."

Demitri2 Profile Photo
#42re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 3:02pm

I met her many years ago and congratulated her on her performance in a play I had just seen earlier that week that I believe was titled "A Little Family Business" starring Angela Lansbury. She thanked me and replied, "They just fired me last night!" It kind of left me speechless but I appreciated her honesty and sharing the news with a perfect stranger. My experiences seeing her on stage have been varied. I thought she was wonderful in "Into the Woods" but was highly out of her league playing Daisy Gamble opposite the Goulet in a L.A. mounted production of "On A Clear Day"....all in all a good supporting player but not strong enough to carry a lead role IMHO.

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#43re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 3:27pm

I will never understand the sense of entitlement that allows fans to, DEMAND...all the extras. Certainly, it's very nice if actors choose to throw in said extras, but as long as they are delivering the goods on stage, how does it diminish them if they choose not to go over and above and cater to fans' stage door desires?

And more often than not, bitter sentiments surrounding "non-compliant" stage door behavior (such as not coming out to sign autographs) comes from someone who is not yet old enough to appreciate the reality of job vs real life.

To me, it is a sign that a fan doesn't really care two hoots about an actor, but rather, is invested in reconstructing the illusion of who they want that actor to be. To think that actors are doing anything more than giving just another performance at the stage door, is in most cases, to fool one's self.

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10

Brooks Hatlnet
#44re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 3:43pm

I think that iflitifloat said it best. We all have to be professional and mature when treating others with respect if we deserve similar in return.

I have had the misfortune of encountering more than one "silly" fan. Luckilly never to the level that jczelyph describes.

It seems that people are too eager to judge people inapropriately and to then act foolishly on these judgements. Sadly this behavior isn't restricted just to fans of famous people.

Is there anyone that has never been incorrectly judged?

#45re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 5:47pm

Just because she doesn't come out of the stage door doesn't make her a bad person, or a mean person, or a rude person. She owes her fans nothing but a great performance (which is exactly what she is giving in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels).

movieinmymind Profile Photo
#46re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 6:08pm

iflitifloat has said it correctly.

i think it's wrong for the fans to expect so much out of the actors. (and like you said, DEMAND) if anything, just be happy that you got to see this wonderful and talented lady perform. i mean, it would be nice to get their autograph or picture, but, really, is that what really matters, especially after they gave 100% in the performance? i'm sure that all she wants to do is go home to her family and rest for the next day's performance.

plus, please don't judge her based on the amount of times she's come out to sign some playbills. all i've heard are wonderful things about her from her castmates and co-workers. i know that it may be upsetting to not be able to meet her, but don't blame HER for it! if anything, blame yourself for getting angry and overworked about this. it's all about control.

My name is Jamie. NYU class of 2011!!!

#47re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 6:22pm

I don't *DEMAND* that she comes out. I would like for her to. I would have greater respect for her as a human if she came out of the stagedoor. Nobody *DEMANDS* that she comes out. It's her option, and some fans will judge her for that. I think she's amazing on stage-brilliant and incredible in every way possible.

A lot of us seem to have different opinions. I understand people not wanting to come out of the stage door. It happens a lot. Now, the reason I made this was because I had never heard that she was a nice person and I was wondering if anyone could tell me any differently. There are a few of you who have great things to say about her, but then again-there are some people who don't have much nice to say about her.

I'm sorry if this thread pisses some of you off. I was just curious about it.

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

BlueWizard Profile Photo
#48re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 6:36pm

I wonder if the people who don't have nice things to say about Joanna have ever encountered her outside the environment of the stage door, which, as Iflitifloat pointed out, is just another performance space anyway. From accounts of people who have met Joanna (I mean really met her, not pushing playbills in her face to sign), I've heard she's a kind, classy lady.

BlueWizard's blog: The Rambling Corner HEDWIG: "The road is my home. In reflecting upon the people whom I have come upon in my travels, I cannot help but think of the people who have come upon me."

neocomposer Profile Photo
#49re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason?
Posted: 7/31/05 at 6:55pm

I have an opinion on this issue, and I know my opinion doesn't matter, but I would like to share it.

I LOVE the stage door. When the actors/actresses come out, it's like a living, breathing peice of the show RIGHT in front of me. I have had a lot of great experiences at stage doors before and after shows. However, I do not expect any one certain actor or actress to come out, nor do I think that they should feel obliged. I may think more highly of a person who comes out and talks to me personally, but I do not think lowly of one who doesn't. I am in a position where I have "fans" (strong word) and understand people who wish to keep their private lives seperate from their public lives. I also understand that it can be hard to keep a nice face for these "fans" when I am having an ornery day. So...I would say that if someone has a "bad stage door experience" he or she should not make immediate judgement. And if you don't want to have a bad experience then just be sweet and don't push (verbally OR physically re: Has anyone ever met a *nice* Joanna Gleason? ) the actor or actress. You're experience is sure to be better that way.

I understand that Parks did not mean to make this an issue, he was just curious about Ms. Gleason (who I adore). But I just wanted to say that. So I did.


"That Sondheim kid has a big future."-Nathan Lane
