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Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway show?

Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway show?

Kristeliz Profile Photo
#1Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway show?
Posted: 2/24/08 at 10:40pm

What happened?

So embarassing. Especially when you have a backstreet boys ringtone.

#2re: Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway show?
Posted: 2/24/08 at 10:46pm

When I saw the revival of Les Mis last summer, these girls in front of me were texting constantly, so I finally leaned over and read their texts until they stopped. Then, after the show, I took out my phone and realized that the ringer was on the loudest setting. If it had rung I would have looked like a big old hypocrite.

Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
#3re: Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway s
Posted: 2/24/08 at 11:26pm

I always have my phone on the loudest setting. It's the only way I'll hear it when I'm walking around outside. I always silence it, but I guess one time I forgot to check it and it actually rang. No one ever calls me, and someone finally did during a show. The one time it wasn't on silent.

And I had a Beyonce ringtone at the time.

Nothing matters but knowing nothing matters. ~ Wicked
Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

"He's a tramp, but I love him."

lakezurich Profile Photo
#4re: Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway s
Posted: 2/24/08 at 11:43pm

When I saw Wicked the phone of the lady sitting next to me rang. I was about ready to smack her. She said "Oh I thought I had it on silent." I wanted to say "Couldn't you have just turned the effing thin off!?"

I hat the "I thought I had it on silent" excuse. Just turn your phones OFF!!!

Rant, Wickud, Rant, Wickud, Rant! We're not gonna pay Rant! 'Cause everythink is Wickud!

"Leave Walt Disney Theatricals new sparkling production of The Little Mermaid on Broadway alone!!!"

lakezurich will be played by Paul Groves in the BWW musical
Updated On: 2/24/08 at 11:43 PM

#5re: Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway s
Posted: 2/3/25 at 9:07am

george95 said: "When I saw the revival of Les Mis last summer, these girls in front of me were texting constantly, so I finally leaned over and read their texts until they stopped. Then, after the show, I took out my phone and realized that the ringer was on the loudest setting. If it had rung I would have looked like a big old hypocrite. Speaking of phones, I recently read this helpful guide on how to switch cell phone carriers It provided some great tips on making the transition smooth. Anyway, a lesson learned: always silence your phone in theaters!"

Lucky save! That could've been super embarrassing. But honestly, those girls deserved a little lesson in theater etiquette!

Updated On: 2/5/25 at 09:07 AM

#6re: Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway s
Posted: 2/3/25 at 10:39am

I forgot to turn off my alarm when I saw SIX in DC on opening night because it was my first night show. SIX is so loud that no one else noticed, though.

ChairinMain Profile Photo
#7re: Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway s
Posted: 2/3/25 at 10:45am

It happened to me once in high school, and it was so traumatizing I now have a ritual of keeping my phone on vibrate 24/7. I don't do ringtones anymore as a result. 

But unfortunately, the last time I was at the Met, I had an errant alarm set on my phone go off at 11 pm in the middle of the third act of TOSCA. I was able to us my watch to turn it off quickly, but good god was it embarrassing. I still don't even know how that alarm got set.

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#9re: Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway s
Posted: 2/3/25 at 11:20am

Not really but recently at Stereophonic I was checking the time on my Apple Watch (on theatre mode) and the damn thing bugged out on me. Screen totally black. I was tapping to try to get the screen to turn on when my phone loudly exclaims "do do do doot doot doot do do"... I had accidentally tapped the "find iphone" button. Suffice it to say, I was mortified. I have now removed that button from my Apple Watch.


Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#10re: Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway s
Posted: 2/3/25 at 11:23am

I’m not a baby boomer, so this has never happened to myself.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

#11re: Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway s
Posted: 2/3/25 at 11:32am

Call_me_jorge said: "I’m not a baby boomer, so this has never happened to myself."

Ah, ageism.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#12re: Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway s
Posted: 2/3/25 at 11:32am

My phone never rings (it’s on permanent silence) but I get texts and notifications frequently so I always instinctively turn off my phone completely when I’m in a theatre (even a movie theatre). It’s a second nature instinct. 

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#13re: Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway s
Posted: 2/3/25 at 11:33am

Ensemble1728039452 said: Lucky save! That could've been super embarrassing. But honestly, those girls deserved a little lesson in theater etiquette."

Thanks so much chatbox for bringing back an asinine 17 year old thread!

nealb1 Profile Photo
#14re: Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway s
Posted: 2/3/25 at 1:31pm

I remember this thread from back in 2008.  Nice to see it being refreshed as this is always an ongoing issue when theatre goers don't turn their phone off.  Don't put it on silent, or airplane mode.  Just turn it off.  

It's never happened to me as I don't have a cell phone.  :)  

Updated On: 2/3/25 at 01:31 PM

Mark Waltz Profile Photo
Mark Waltz
#15re: Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway s
Posted: 2/3/25 at 2:38pm

Only once, when I went to see "Bright Star", and an amber alert came through. I don't think my face has recovered from the redness that took over. 

I'm always been very diligent about making sure of it being off, but that one mistake has stuck with me. Back in the day when you could actually take the phone battery out, I removed it at a performance of "War Paint", a good thing because I was in the front row, and there were many moments when the stars were directly in front of me. I didn't want to be LuPone'd" (or is it "LuPhone'd" or "NoPhoned"?) 

At any rate, at one point, she was directly in front of me, and did look down in my direction, hopefully acknowledging my enthusiasm. I'm shy, so I didn't want to be mentioned on the web as having Disturbed a performance, especially since that is one of my biggest irritations. 

One Grecian Ern
Updated On: 2/3/25 at 02:38 PM

Glittergrrl Profile Photo
#16re: Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway s
Posted: 2/4/25 at 10:47pm

Please know that I try to be the very best audience member. I don’t eat during shows or talk. I barely adjust my position. I try to disappear.

I never forgot to turn off my phone, but I didn’t know about the theater setting on Apple Watch. Ok, so I saw “Merrily” early in its run. The man beside me asked me to turn off my watch. I didn’t realize it was lighting up. I didn’t know about the theater setting so I just took it off. I was so embarrassed. 

The lights came up at intermission and sitting beside the man was Ann Harada. They were together. I literally watched an Avenue Q  reunion concert a couple nights before. I saw Avenue Q 3 times with the original company. I wanted to tell her how much I love her, but I felt so terrible. I pissed off Ann Harada and her partner. Terrible.

i have never forgotten to change the setting on my watch since.

Updated On: 2/4/25 at 10:47 PM

#17re: Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway s
Posted: 2/5/25 at 7:20am

This isn’t me directly, but, something I did witness while working a performance of Pretty Woman one Wednesday afternoon. Apple had previously announced that it was scheduling an emergency alert test for that same day at 2PM. Now, we all knew that the emergency alert sound bypasses any sort of silence settings on your iPhone and we also knew that not only would it be very loud, but, there would be countless patrons who didn’t turn their phones off and have it going on during the show.  They started the show on time thinking that the loud music of the opening number would drown out the sound. Clearly the production staff was wrong and despite our best efforts, there were way too many phones going off at the same time. 

Huss417 Profile Photo
#18re: Have you ever forgotten to turn your cell phone off during a broadway s
Posted: 2/7/25 at 1:35pm

My routine is get to my seat, take a photo of my Playbill, post and turn the phone off. 

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.
