"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that 90% of what's posted in this thread is total BS. Some funny, but total BS."
Jordan, I've gone out on a limb in this thread and I don't give a $hit when I do. Most of the things posted here are not funny, not indicative of anyone being stupid. Only indicative of a 12 year old's mind thinking they're sophisticated because they know the title of a show or something just as unimportant.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/16/11
Heard this one at How to Succeed last night.
Girl 1: OMG this show is sooo amazing.
Girl 2: Yeah! I love it!!
Girl 1: The cast is soooooo good. I love Rosemary and her friend... uh... what was her friend's name again??
Girl 2: Um... I don't know... Lizzie?
I heard a few good ones this week.
After the Act 1 closing number in Carrie, the theater queen directly behind me says to no one in particular, loudly and with much excited enthusiasm:
"Yes, Carrie, you eat that pie, bitch!"
And while texting a friend visiting from Texas:
HER: Gross! Where does he work?
ME: Jersey Boys
HER: Oh nice! He should gimme sandwiches now! lol
ME: Sandwiches?
HER: Isn't that what jersey boys is? Hahaha
A sandwich place
ME: No
It's a Broadway musical
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/16/11
I heard this a week ago at Andrew Rannells' last weekend at the Book of Mormon, it's not that good, but this thread needs a bump anyway:
Girl: *walking by the Eugene O'Neill Theatre* "I thought Broadway was one HUGE building with all the theatres in it instead of a bunch of small ones."
The week before the Tonys, a girl at the Marquis Theatre stage door asked her friend: "Is this the stage door for every Broadway show?"
Understudy Joined: 6/17/12
At WICKED: ( On Broadway, in 2008 )
Man: Maybe we will get lucky and Idina and Kristin will come back.
Woman: No, you dipwad, they won't. They never will.
Man: But maybe they will.
Woman: They won't.
Man: But what if they do.
Woman: They won't.
(Overture starts playing)
Man: Oh look at that dragon!
Woman: It breathes fire!
(Ozians begin singing)
Man: Ehh? Did they just say the Wicked Witch is dead? I thought this was about her life.
Woman: Me too I'm confused.
(Glinda comes out in her bubble)
Man: Look haha I told you it's Kristin Chenoweth!
Woman: No you idiot that's Alli Mauzey!
Man: Fine. I'm wrong. You're right. Let's just enjoy the show.
I died laughing that night.
Updated On: 6/18/12 at 09:36 AM
I had this conversation with a high school freshman recently:
Her: What's Jesus Christ Superstar about?
Me: It's about the final days of Jesus...
Her: Oh, a boring religious play.
Me: No! The music is fantastic!
Her: Is it funny?
Me: Again, it's about the final days of Jesus...
Also, I was walking through Times Square and overheard a woman look up at the Priscilla marquee and say, "Priscilla, Queen of the Dessert."
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
Yep, it's a musical about one of those cupcake baking ladies.
Today at a drama read at my local theatre I overheard a young girl saying "Whenever I feel hopeless I pretend I'm Emma Goldman from Ragtime". Interesting..
Couple walking by the Booth Theatre on 45th.
Woman: Oh look, there's that theatre where they shot Lincoln.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/3/12
On a tour of the Globe, our guide told us he was once asked, "Does Shakespeare attend the plays often?"
This thread stopped being funny years ago when things started to become fabricated and people started to turn into assholes.
Stand-by Joined: 7/11/12
Yeah, a few of these are just rude...
That being said, people actually pay the full price of a Broadway ticket without knowing what the show is about? 5 second Google search, people. Ain't that hard.
yes they do. Especially tourists. They must pay full price because they are on a schedule and have to get tickets for a show on a specific day. they aren't flexible. You ought to be happy that they put so much money into the system.
I know. This thread reminds me of the scandal that came out a few years ago where it came to light that the Republican party was more than happy to woo the votes of the Evangelical Christians, all the while calling them a bunch of ridiculous buffoons behind their backs.
Lady at end of Godspell revival to her friend:
"I did not see that ending coming!"
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
This happened a few years ago on the train back from the city:
I had just seen THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST and was reading the
Playbill when the woman across from me told me she LOVES going to the theater and sees EVERYTHING on Broadway. She went on to rave about HOW TO SUCCEED.... which starred "that Harry Potter guy".
When she finally stopped raving about HTS, she asked what show I'd seen and I told her, to which she replied, "I never heard of it."
I've since learned to hide my Playbills when riding on the LIRR.
MY GRANDMA: I really want to go see the new Madonna musical!
ME: Um... you mean Cyndi Lauper?
MY GRANDMA: Oh, yeah! Thats it.
ME: It's called "Kinky Boots". She wrote the music to it.
MY GRANDMA: I really want to see it, but I have no idea what it's about.
Um, and that's what you find hysterical? I don't know what it's about either, unless it's literally about boots that are kinky.
I can just imagine how much you know about anything besides the titles of shows.
Stand-by Joined: 11/28/11
Walking by the Kinky Boots stage door last week, we heard a woman shout to her friends "Look it's Chaaahlie." (Actually it was Andy Kelso). She got closer, realized her mistake, and shouted to her friends, "No, it's Fake Chaahlie." It's his friend, the one from high school. That became our go-to line for the weekend-"it's fake Chahlie."
Featured Actor Joined: 5/10/13
Every time I saw Billy Elliot on Broadway when they would announce who was playing Billy the people around me would be upset thinking they were seeing an understudy.
Swing Joined: 7/21/13
Jesus Christ, you people are so freaking pompous and very self important. I'm so very sorry that the average person off the street doesn't know as much about theatre as you do and thus, is worthy of your mockery. Or maybe you're just a bunch of assholes.
Updated On: 7/21/13 at 08:17 PM
Broadway Star Joined: 5/7/13
was at Once last year. near end of show.
******Spoiler alert
It is near the end of show dead quiet the piano had just been given from behind me I hear
Blue hair 1, "I don't get it"
Blue hair 2, "Yea, and she is not even that pretty."