The Tuesday after Idina won the TONY:
*Idina runs out and gets applause* Man: If they're going to clap for every scene change we're out of here.
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels:
*Jonathan Pryce comes out as the Doctor*
The women behind me spend the entire intermission going through their Playbill trying to figure out "why does everyone find him so funny?"
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
Last year in my World History and Civilizations class, we were holding a mock debate over affirmative action. Our teacher gave us papers showing articles and whatnot over the pros and cons of AA.
There was a sentence that read something along the lines of: "Students with higher ACT and SAT scores should be more qualified to get into college rather than those of a different race..."
My guy friend Sam called over to me.
Sam: Liz, are you graded on your acting?
Me: ...What?
Sam: Are you graded on your acting?
Me: What's that supposed to mean?
Sam: Don't you get an act score for ever play you do?
Me: ...Um... no. Where'd you see that?
Sam: On this paper.
(I read the paper.)
Me: That's ACT score.
Understudy Joined: 6/28/06
Whilst entering the Booth Theatre to see "Faith Healer"...
Early 20s woman: Is this the guy who was in "Maid in Manhattan" with JLo?
Mother: Yeah.
Early 20s woman: Oh, that's cool.
I actually had a dumb audience moment..The very first time I saw Rent and knew nothing about it I was reading the synopsis in the Rent playbill, and the first line is "Benny is Mark and Roger's ex-roomate" or something to that effect. I didnt read it thourouly and said "What? Benny is Mark? What the hell does that mean? My friend laughed at me for awhile...
My most favorite however is this..
Woman: Look! Its the Naked Cowboy!
Woman #2: WHAT! Is he completely naked? Why the hell would he be walking around the streets of New York naked?
Woman: I dont know, maybe he's whoreing himself for money. I don't think he has a job.
Woman#2: He's horney himself for money? What kind of perverted town IS THIS?
The naked cowboy is still around? doesn't he have something better to do?
I think there's actually a new one. It's like the Dread Pirate Roberts... the title gets handed down from person to person.
Swing Joined: 7/19/05
I love this thread. Must post!
I get this one a lot:
Tourist: "Excuse me, do you know where Green Witch village is?"
I was in Avenue Q last week standing in line to use the bathroom, and the woman in front of me was shocked not only to hear that it wasn't the real Gary onstage but that it was, in fact, a woman.
And this is my own ignorance. When I first heard of Light in the Piazza over a year ago, my sister and I didn't read the title thoroughly enough at first. "Light on the Pizza." Yeah. So now, even though we generally say it properly, we still sometimes say "Light on the Pizza" just to laugh at ourselves.
I think there's actually a new one. It's like the Dread Pirate Roberts... the title gets handed down from person to person.
Hee. Princess Bride references amuse me.
I knew that sounded familiar.
I remember one from a late nineties performance of RENt:
(When Angel just died)
- "Wait a minute - they all have AIDS?"
- "Pretty much. Some are just hookers."
- "What does AIDS do again?"
- "It's like the flu but you can die."
Good job, ladies.
"John Lithgow as the there's an interesting thought..."
M. Butterfuly?
Yay so I finally have two stories to share. This is from the Stephen Sondheim Festival in the park this weekend in Chicago. It was during the day on Saturday during the different side acts were happening in the park.
2 girls around early twenties-
Girl 1- So do you like it?
Girl 2- Yeah I mean I wasn't a big theater fan but some of this music is just gorgeous.
Girl 1- I know right? I have been the biggest Sondheim fanatic for like ever.
Girl 2- Is he still alive?
Girl 1- I don't know...probably not...maybe that's why they're having this.
definitley made me chuckle. This other one happened while I was seated and waiting for the big evening concert to start. There was about a half hour to go so we're all just making small talk and the section I was in was a bunch of elderly people.
Old Man- Yeah we're not from the area...this place is just so gorgeous. It's exciting
Old Woman- Oh yeah Chicago is great and we have a lot of theater.
Old Man- Really? What would you reccomend?
Old Woman- oh um i don't know we have Wicked and Spelling Bee...I liked both of them quite a bit.
Old Man- eughh I HATED Wicked.
Old Woman- really?? why?
Old Man- It was like a bloody opera! You couldn't understand a word any of them were saying!!
Old Woman- Oh yeah I know what you're talking about...they should really have subtitles
made me smile
Last night at THE WEDDING SINGER two hot young guys in front of me both said that they wanted "to go get COLDSTONE ice cream after the show but they might not be able to wear anything sexy at the beach next weekend!" HAHA!
My new favorite smart aleck comment that I overheard at The History Boys. I could go on and on about that audience!:
Woman: Do you like it?
Man: Yeah... it kinda reminds me of a ... play.
Drowsy Chaperone
So this group of four women were split between two rows and talking over my head before the show.
Older Woman: There is this girl in the show. Sutton Foster. She's great; she's won lots of awards. (to her daughter) What shows have she been in?
The daughter obviously has no idea and doesn't even open her Playbill. After a pause...
Me: Little Women and Thoroughly Modern Millie...
Daughter looks up at her mom: Little Women and Thoroughly Modern Millie. (to me with a look of relief) Thanks.
You know Mom, there is this great invention called a Playbill, and you can read all about the actors...
Understudy Joined: 10/29/03
"Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" in Washington, DC (2004) with Mary Stuart Masterson as Maggie.
During intermission
Woman 1: The boyfriend of the actress has left her when she was 7 months pregnant.
Woman 2: Really?!
Woman 1: Yeah! She also did the play "Proof" on Broadway.
No ladies, that was Mary-Louise Parker.
A sad moment at DRS today for Norbert and Jonathan's last:
At intermission
Woman near me: I don't understand why they're all getting applause and how I've never heard of any of them.
Me: Well, it's Norbert and Jonathan's last day.
Woman: Oh. Everyone seems to love that Buzz(dunno if she meant to say Butz or was referring to the character's nickname). What else has he been in?
Me: Wicked, Last 5 Years
Woman: No, no. I mean what has he been in that everyone here knows him from?
Me: Umm...Broadway.
Woman: No, what did has he done in TV/movies that everyone here knows him?
Me: Nothing of importance. Just Broadway.
Woman *pauses* Oh, I get it now. Thanks.
As I walk away...
Woman to her friend: He's a well-known comedian, he did this big stand up show on Broadway like Whoopi did...that's why they know him.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/23/06
the other day, outside of shout! there were a series of groups of runners - hashing group, i think it's called. anyway, they all carry signs that say 7:00 mile, 8:00 mile, 9:00 mile, etc. well, the 11:00 mile group runs by, and this woman turns to me and says, "that's incredible! those people have run eleven hundred miles!" there were no words.
Today at DRS, on the way back from the bathroom during intermission.
Woman: Who is that guy?
Man: What guy?
Woman: You know. The one in the wheelchair.
Man: I'm not sure
Woman: Hmmm, I think it's this one (points to random picture)
Man: Oh yeah, I heard how great he was in this. That must be why everyone is clapping so much.
I had to walk past them pretty fast to contain myself before getting to my seat.
Stand-by Joined: 2/4/06
I was at Limited Too today to buy a gift for the little girl I babysit. I was talking on my cell phone, and happened to notice they had the Wicked soundtrack on display. I said to my friend on the phone, "Oh my gosh- even Limited Too is selling Wicked now." A little girl heard me, and then showed it to her mom and started begging her to buy it.
girl- Mommy, I heard this is soo good- I REALLLLY want it.
mom- ok, but wouldnt you rather me buy you the dvd instead of the cd? (mind you there was no dvd on display)
girl- I WANT BOTH!
Me- they dont make it on dvd
mom- oh well, then I guess I will have to take her to go see it. I heard the local high school is putting on a production of it next month.
me- the rights to perform it haven't been released yet.
girl- see, mom, we HAVE to buy the cd
mom- no, honey. this girl doesnt know what she's talking about. I saw the dvd at target.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/31/06
That's nice that the mom completly shot you down right in front of you AND made herself look like an idiot.
ok, not Broadway, but still funny.
I'm the props intern for the Shakespeare Theatre of NJ at Drew Uni. and we just finished Rosencrantz and Guildstern Are Dead. in the very first scene, they flip coins and they always come up heads (so says the script). my boss, the props master, was at the talk back one evening and this woman (not child) asked how we got the coins to come up heads everytime.
So many headscratchers from DRS today. It must have been some strange obnoxious bug.
Last night at Sweeney, two very loud girls two rows behind me who seemed to know Elisa Winter who was on as Johanna:
Girl #1: What did she say her mother gave her?
Girl #2: A reticule.
Girl #1: What's that?
Girl #2: It's like a bible.
Stand-by Joined: 5/21/06
Once at jersey boys...
Man-(reading) Jersey Boys based on the story of frankie valli and the four seasons staring John Lloyd Young as frankie valli" Hey is frankie valli in this?
Woman i think so
Man oh then we NEED to get tickets
I try to tell them that he was not but i was too busy laghing lol
At the Sweeney stagedoor, a group of young women thought that Anthony's name was Antwan -- because, of course, that name was all the rage in the 19th century.