In line for TKTS, a woman says to her husband, "Honey, is Wicked up there?"
i always hear that. And then i love when people wait on line for 30 minutes on tkts and say "4 for wicked", and the desk person starts laughing
Stand-by Joined: 11/28/06
Spring Awakening Audience members
Guy 1- "Would you look at that, people sitting on stage. Thats really, well, different."
Guy 2- "Oh God, If there is audience interaction I am so leaving"
Guy 2- " We need to come back and get on-stage seats!"
Some guy asked me the other day if "Ease On Down The Road" was from The Fantasticks. I don't know if that's funny, I just have no idea where he would have got that from.
So during the Drowsy Chaperone, after every musical number a older gentle men would coment to his hard of hearing wife:
"it's different"
and she would say: "huh?"
then her would shout: "IT'S DIFFERENT"
and she would say: "Oh yeah, different"
oh and somehow the night I decided to go to see MAry poppins, the entire right side of the Mezz was full of children with down-syndrome. I can't actually repeat there comments they shouted out, but they were pretty darn funny.
Swing Joined: 12/27/06
When I was younger and not into Broadway, I went to New York to see Seussical. We were walking through the streets, and I saw a poster for the Lion King and I said "Wow. That's still playing?" (I thought they performed it only a few times haha)
this thread is amazing and about 50 pages of funny events
Last week, when I saw Spring Awakening, there was a couple behind me who obviously didn't know what the content of the show was. After the "beating scene", the woman proceeded to snort with laughter. It was so loud that her husband (maybe boyfriend, brother, etc.) had to shush her. Then, after the ending of Act I, she loudly proclaimed, "Holy S***! I wasn't expecting that!". I got a chuckle out of that one.
"Holy S***! I wasn't expecting that!".
My mom said the same thing excpet it was like "Well, did they really need to be so graphic?"
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
LyTeMyCanDyI- That is really rude that you would call your parents fools for not knowing one little thing, I am sure there are times when you don't know something but they don't call you a "fool"
MTVMan- I think that what is worse is that you did not tell you friend to throw out his popcorn before bringing it into the theatre.
I don't actually think they're fools for that. My parents and I have a relationship where we tease each other a lot. I forget that people don't know me here and don't get it.
So, Wicked is touring my city is in a couple of weeks, and of course, everyone's going crazy. When I heard some of my friends had bought tickets without me, I asked why.
Me: You guys didn't invite me?
Friend: But you just came back from New York and saw seven shows. We thought you probably wouldn't see Wicked again so soon.
Me: What are you talking about? I did say I saw seven shows, but I never said I saw Wicked.
Friend: You saw seven shows and one of them isn't Wicked? How is that possible?
Me: Um, there are over thirty shows on Broadway. How do you know which seven I saw?
Friend: Only a few of them are good shows. I assumed you saw those, because most of them suck.
Me: I saw Company, Spring Awakening, Grey Gardens, The Drowsy Chaperone, Chicago, Avenue Q, and The Apple Tree. They were all wonderful.
Well, Chicago and Avenue Q are good. But why didn't you go see Phantom, Rent, Wicked, or a Disney show? They're the best shows on Broadway right now.
At LEGALLY BLONDE last Sunday.
Two women who were probably in their sixties were discussing Laura Bell Bundy’s playbill bio.
#1: It says she’s the main one. She’s playing Ellie Woods. [not a typo]
#2: Oh look she was in that Wizard of Oz Musical!
#1: Oh yes, THE WIZ.
on Overheard in New York today, this was pretty good:
Frat boyfriend: Wait, 525,600 what? What was that about?
Girlfriend: Minutes, baby. It's, like, how many minutes we have in our lives.
Frat boyfriend: Oh. [Two blocks later] Wait, 525,600 what? Minutes?
Girlfriend: Yes. Minutes.
--Nederlander Theatre, 41st & 7th
but the headline was awesome:
And Think How Many You Just Wasted on Rent
I like Rent as much as the next person, but I lol'd. :)
OiNY link
Updated On: 2/15/07 at 05:17 PM
#1- Movin out has no dialogue
#2- it has sign language?! I am paying $55 for sign language!
#1- i guess so
I have two from Monday's performance of FOLLIES.
1. Before the show. A 30-something couple.
WOMAN: Did you see the revival they did of this five years ago?
MAN: No.
WOMAN: It was awful.
MAN: Really? How so?
WOMAN: The two leading ladies (referring to Judith Ivey and Blythe Danner) could sing a note!
MAN: How did they get cast, then?
WOMAN: It was a British director.
MAN: Say no more.
2. After the performance, as I was leaving. Two older women.
WOMAN 1: I thought Donna Murphy was just wonderful. I'm surprised I liked her so much, since I hated her in PASSIONS [sic].
WOMAN 2: She was in PASSIONS [sic]? The soap opera?
During Tony Danza's first week in The Producers, Danza comes out to sign autographs. I was standing aside from the stage door as I was not waiting for Danza, but a guy and his girlfriend were walking past as he was signing. The guy does a double take:
Guy: Tony Danza!
Danza: Hey!
Guy: Dude, you were famous like TWENTY YEARS AGO!
I was DYING laughing. Rude? Perhaps, but funny.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
^ OMG! LMFAO! HAHAHA! That just made my day Jess. THANK YOU!
Overheard at Les Miz on Wednesday...
A mother and a son walked in to the theatre, I was doing SRO. The kid saw the screen where the words "LES MISERABLES" was projected and said, "Mom, is this going to be like an IMAX movie?"
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
I don't think the Broadhurst is big enough to do IMAX.
Overheard at Tarzan from the last row of the Orchestra last Wednesday, where the seats are obstructed view so video screens are provided:
Man: Oh wow, maybe they'll show porn.
Woman: Shhhhut up! There are kids here!
Man: It's ok, I know this one with three nuns and a donkey.
I swallowed my cough drop.
Same couple during the opening number:
Man: There's nobody on stage, who's singing?
Wife: It's a recording.
Man: Oh Broadway Milli Vanilli
Then when the apes came out swinging he laughed, "It IS Milli Vanilli!"
I swallowed another cough drop.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Who's Milli Vanilli?
*sits Matt up on his knee*
Comfy? Good. Once upon a time, when dinosaurs ruled the Earth and music came on these small plastic rectangles called casettes, there was a pop duo who were accused of lip-synching during live performances... Their names were... uh... hrm... Milli and Vanilli? No, prolly not but they were the most famous non-singing singers in the whole kingdom...