My familiy is broadwaay illiterate, so I've got a few great moments.
Me: Yeah, I love Chita Rivera.
My Brother: I've heard of him, but I think it's pronounced "Che Guevara"
My Dad: They could probably revive West Side Story, but they'd probably have to update it, maybe they could turn it into a rap!
Love your bro, Ahmelie! It really made me LOL!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
I went up to someone in Shubert Alley today who was wearing a Curtains had and asked him for a flier.
Come to think of it, that person probably posts here.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
"as my mom and I were waiting on w.44th st this afternoon, possibly the creepiest looking older black man passed us and said "yo you ladies listen to hip hop? i make my own music, and i havent shot anyone, havent killed no one""
But you're gonna be my first!
Before anyone bashes you for being racist, I'd just like to say that I'd be creeped out too.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/2/07
According to my mother, Barbara Stitch was the original Joanne In Company.
This is coming from the woman who thought "La Vie En Rose" was from Les Mis...
"New Yorkers have become so boring! Remember when we saw Ruth Gordon at A Little Night Music, and she talked to during the entire intermission?"
Featured Actor Joined: 9/4/04
Even after three readings, the previous post still makes no sense to me.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/4/04
Okay, well the post I was referring to has been changed to "This thread is hilarious" so my comment makes absolutely no sense. It seriously drives me crazy when people do this. The original post was an incoherent story about something ... I really have no clue.
"as my mom and I were waiting on w.44th st this afternoon, possibly the creepiest looking older black man passed us and said "yo you ladies listen to hip hop? i make my own music, and i havent shot anyone, havent killed no one"
I ran into that guy last week outside the "Toy R Us" near Times Square. I didn't buy a CD either. I thought his pitch made more sense than "Save the world, one penny at a time" north a couple blocks.
^ There was a guy who said something very similar in Washinton Square Park. Could have been that guy.
So I'm on line for the box office at 2econd Stage tonight, inside the little lobby area, next in line to step up to the box office window. Suddenly random woman comes in off the street, looks around, and walks up to me-
random woman: lotto?
me: what?
random woman: is this the line to buy lotto tickets? I heard there was somewhere around here that I could buy lotto tickets?
me: um, you're inside a theatre? this is the line for the box office?
random woman: oh, a theatre? (looks around, then leaves)
Those who know me: yes, my last part there was totally said in my most L.A., valley girl, every sentence is a question, voice- I was just so confused! I know the Mega Millions is up to a gajillion dollars and whatnot, but how do you accidentally end up in the box office line in a theatre lobby while trying to buy your lotto tickets? Do you just randomly walk down 43rd Street and open the doors and join the large crowds you see gathered inside?
Although, I think it would be even funnier if I see random woman on the news tomorrow as the lotto winner.
My friend was a NY/Broadway virgin until December when I took her and we saw Hairspray and Beauty and the Beast. On the drive up there, I was raving about how she was going to love Hairspray and she asked me this...
"So, I don't get it. Are all the shows in one theater?"
*Lots of laughter* "No, there are many theathers along Broadway and the streets branching off of it."
"Oh ok. I wasn't sure how they handled having all the shows in one theater. That's a question I've had for a long time. I thought a theather was called Broadway."
Yeah...she's a little challenged. haha. Just kidding...sorta.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/18/06
"Guy: Tony Danza!
Danza: Hey!
Guy: Dude, you were famous like TWENTY YEARS AGO!"
HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg! That was beyond funny!
ok this story isn't really funny, it was just something I had to get out:
I went to see Chorus Line this past Sunday with my choir. well we came from Connecticut, left 2 hours early to make sure we got there on time. there was a huge accident and we sat in traffic for over an hour. so now it's 2:35, the show starts at 3 and we are STILL in CT. ok, so it was an unnavoidable problem. we were going 90mph the rest of the way. we get to the theatre about 3:05 and the show has started. I felt SO awful b/c I hate when ppl get to shows late so it was just like, I felt like a hypocrite. we went to the back of our section and stood and watched, which I wouldn't have minded b/c I REALLY didn't wan't to disrupt anyone. the usher takes us down to our seats during applause and when we go to sit down, these 2 middle aged women had to stand up to let us in. and we are going fast to get to our seats and the woman who had to stand up actually has the nerve to YELL, like literally yell, "JUST SIT DOWN!" I gave her a nasty look b/c I mean, I'm sorry but I paid just as much as she did to be there. So we sit down and my friend goes really loudly, "omg, that woman was a BITCH!"
it was really funny.
so I just had to get that out and it was a little humouris....i hope.
but seriously she was so obnoxious, it was during the applause, it wasn't like she was missing anything
"Les Miserables takes place during the French Revolution, right?" (Les Mis Tour, Shreveport LA)
(In case you don't know, it takes place about 40 years after the French Revolution. Not necessarily funny, but anyway...)
In Grey Gardens, when Big Edie sings to Little Edie, "that you're unmarried, bald and fat" the women next to me said to her friend "I can't believe she shaved her head for this." The friend replied, "She (Ebersole) has hair, I met her outisde. Lovely head of hair. Blonde." The other friend replies, "well she's not fat either-couldn't they stuff her or something." The friend replies, "I think the mother is just being critical-you know like your mother." The friend replied, "OH ok, now I got it!" Then I shot them a dirty look which told them to zip it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
I heard several in the past few days, more of which I'm sure I will remember later.
My friend and I discussing NYC.
Me: Do you know what the five boroughs are even?
Friend: Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx,... Long Island?
Me: No.
Friend: Harlem?
Me: Umm.... no.
Friend: Do you know anything about a show called The Awakening or Awakening?
Me: You mean Spring Awakening?
Friend: Yeah I guess. Or is it Second Awakening.
Me: No, it's Spring.
Friend: I really thought it was Second.
Me: No, I assure you it's Spring Awakening.
At Company:
Woman: What, is Sweeney gone already?
Lady at restaurant on the phone: Yeah I'm on Broad. Broad Street. Broadway.
Ashley, Staten Island hardly counts.
At least your friend could name four. My friends have no idea that there's more to New York than Manhattan. I have to give them a geography lesson every time I talk about where I live.
I was waiting at the stage door of Curtains on Wed. afternoon and there was this mother and daughter there. This is the conversation (paraphrased):
Girl: Was that one of the chorus girls?
Mother: Yes.
Girl: Can they do that? Just walk out of the theatre and down the street?
Mother: Yeah. They need food.
Girl: But then people won't recognize them. They need to be in a bubble, so that people can recognize them, and they won't get hurt.
Stand-by Joined: 10/21/06
*Sigh* Staten Island is always given the bum's rush. What did we ever do?
Unfortunately, no funny story this time. Maybe when my college does Children's Theatre at the end of the month...
well, someone at my school is a pathological lier, and first of all, he said he went to new york over winter break for 4 days and saw for show, and i was like, alright whatever. they were, apple tree, company, spring awakening, and les miz. then the next day someone talked about how great grey gardens was, and he piped up and said, "OMG i know, christine ebersole was amaizing" and i was like...OK??? then another day, a girl was saying how at spring awakening someone was talking loudly during the show in front of her. he proceeds to say, "i know what you mean, this person at Coast Of Utopia part 1 was singing like every song audibly." i yelled at him to stop lying and that coast of utopia was a play and not a musical. he shut up for a while.
Last night I saw THE DANCER'S LIFE and went backstage to meet Chita. Well, the woman next to me proceeds to tell Chita, "I absolutely loved watching you on stage. But I didn't really like the songs you picked. What about this one and this one, and this one would have been better here (I forget which songs she mentioned)." Maybe this fits under SHOCKING COMMENTS vs. hilarious.