Broadway Legend Joined: 1/31/06
Here's some conversations I had with my mom recently.
While looking through a flyer of Toledo's new season while seeing Chicago (before the show started):
ME: Hey look, Evita is coming here.
MOM: We already saw that one, didn't we?
ME: umm... no
MOM: Oh nevermind then
ME: No, I'd really like to know what show we saw that was even remotly related to Evita.
MOM: What's that one about the egyptian slave girl?
ME: Aida?
MOM: Yeah that's the one
That one wasn't too funny, but this one happened while listening to my Sweet Charity CD in the car:
CD: I chew my finger nails to the knuckle...
MOM: What is she, some kind of cannibal?
Updated On: 3/16/07 at 07:00 PM
Mrs.Link: My friend thought Broadway was all 1 theater too. I was telling her about some shows and she was like "How do they fit them all into one building? Is it like, really tall or something?"
My boss was telling me how excited he was to be seeing The Producers tour. He said he was going to take his grandmother, who apparently had seen the show years ago, "back when it was on Broadway with Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder."
He was so excited that I decided not to correct him.
Ok, recently heard, by I believe the same two women at Spring Awakening (3/9)
(reading the show t-shirts):
"'haven't you heard the word of your body?'....*to the people working the booth* Does that have something to do with this show?"
and later, they sat behind me:
Woman 1: "What's Wicked?"
Woman 2: "It's The Wizard of Oz...but with *whispered* black people"
LMFAO. I seriously cracked the **** up, and I think they knew I was laughing at them.
After convincing my friend to see a show with me. (It's his first show.)
Him: So where is it?
Me: 47th and Broadway.
Him: OMG, we have to go to the CITY!?
Me: Where did you think it was?
Him: (Probably covering) No, I just thought of traffic.
Cause Broadway isnt, you know, on Broadway. It's in Queens where we live...
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
Not really hilarious, but...
My Drama Lit. teacher was describing to our class different theater terms and he was talking to us about swings and understudies. He has a whole bunch of musical posters on the wall of his room and he told us about how his one really good friend was a swing in Rent. He was in New York for one weekend and he had planned on seeing another show, but his friend called him and asked him to come see Rent because she was going on that night and she was very excited. Being the broadway-obsessed person I am:
Me: What part did she play?
Teacher: She was the soloist in "Seasons of Love"
Another kid in my class: So you mean she played the lesbian too?
Me: *rolls eyes and groans*
Teacher: No, the musical is different than the movie.
What actually made this funny, is that this kid claims to be a "theater geek"
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
At the Wicked stage door, everyone was still waiting for "Elphaba" to come out. There was one little girl who kept asking her parents when Elphaba was going to come out and asked everyone if they were Elphaba. I leaned down to her and said, "You know how you're gonna be able to tell when Elphaba comes out? She's gonna be the last one out. Look for someone with long blonde hair and is probably wearing a hat." As I stand up, this was the conversation:
Father: Blonde hair, really?
Mother: So she wears a wig the whole time?
Me: Yes, she does.
*Father opens playbill*
Father: Oh yeah look at her hair. Julia Mmmm...
Me: Murney...
Father: Ah.
At Pirates of Penzance, Friday night:
There's a curtain with a picture of a pirate on it before the lights dim.
Teenage girl: Is this like Pirates of the Caribeane?
I was very very tempted to turn to her and reply "no,its not. Its better!"
Stand-by Joined: 1/1/07
Surely someone has posted this before, as I'm sure if it happened both times I went, it happens almost every time. During intermission at Grey Gardens:
Person 1: I think the lady who played the mother in the first act is playing the daughter in the second act.
Person 2: I think you're right.
(Absolutely verbatim. Both times. I thought I was experiencing deja vu.)
You don't... know that going in?
This happened today at Edward Scissorhands (an all dance performance, for those who don't know-no spoken words at all)
Guy: "Why didn't you hear the dialogue?"
Other Guy: "So...he has SCISSORS (loud emphasis) for hands!"
There was also a girl who talked for the entire beginning of the show and during the intermission about why Edward's name was "Edwardo (the barber)" in the beginning of the second act.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/12/05
At Spring Awakening yesterday:
Teenage girl: Whenever I sing along to the soundtrack, I make up different lyrics.
Old Woman: Wasn't 'Don't Do Sadness' a dream?
Me: Um, no, it wasn't.
Old Woman: Yes it was, those two characters weren't facing each other during the whole scene, and I heard that guy, what's his name? Mort (not a spelling error) say something about a dream.
Me: Well, I'm positive it wasn't a dream.
Old Woman: I'm pretty sure it was.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/22/07
Well, this was at my house about Rent.
Dad: So, what's Rent about?
Me: It's hard to explain. It's mostly about people with AIDS, but there are a few people who don't. Basically, it's about the hardships of life. Rent, sickness, broken hearts. It's very moving. And, everyone is connnected. Mark is roomates with Roger, who is dating Mimi, who is friends with Angel, who is dating Collins, who connects back to Mark...
Dad: So it's about a bunch of lesbians and dudes with AIDS?
Leading Actor Joined: 3/22/07
Here's another. My two friends seeing "Rent". This took place during intermission.
Dani: I wanna see "Annie".
Mel: Why?
Dani: I dunno. I just wanna see it. You know, as a school play.
Mel: So you wanna see a school put on a production of "Annie"?
Dani: Either that or "Rent Jr."
Itz not THAT funny, I know.
And what does that have to do with tourism?
"that looks fun"
"im sure its just someone like suave or someone trying to tell their stuff musical wise"
or a old couple....
"honey wicked looks nice"
"i think its a burlesque show gary-i mean there is one girl whispering to the other girl-probably naughty stuff at that!"
Stand-by Joined: 2/9/06
My friends and I were at Pirate Queen (and yes, we liked it! anyway...) It was intermission and we suddenly caught a phrase of the conversation of the woman in the row infront of us. "This music sounds just like the Les Mis show I saw. It's a total knock-off. Andrew Lloyd Weber so got ripped off!"
C'mon, people. Weber? Les Mis? Gracious.
Stand-by Joined: 7/3/05
TKTS line-
women 1 - "Have you seen Spring Awakening?"
woman 2- "Not a humable tune in the whole thing, I like shows with a good story like Mamma Mia and Jersey boys..."
(ok it was hilarious if you say that back with a heavy Jersey accent...)
This has actually happened a few times...
My Roomate: Where are you going?
Me: I'm seeing The Color Purple.
Roomate: What's that?
Me: It's a show.
Me: A musical. It was also a novel and a movie.
Roomate: Oh, yea. I've heard of it. It's the one with the girl in it.
Me: Yea...
Ok, not so funny, but really annoying.
Not sure if this accounts for anything, but I saw a production of How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying last night at my old high school.
(a couple sitting behind me, reading through the program as the show is going on):
Man: There seems to be a lot of tenth graders in this show. It says sophomore or tenth grade.
Woman: But it doesn't say what school they go to. Maybe they're from another school?
The school's name was clearly written on the front of the program, and only two towns go to the school.
I was using my phone to record my friend saying random stuff. (she's a Raul fan.)
Me: Say, "I hate Raul Ezparsa." (not a spelling error.)
Her: I hate Raul Ezparsa.
Me: Ha! Now it's recorded!
Her: No, I said I hated Raul Ezparsa, not Esparza.
Me: Oh.
Wow, how original are you?
"Yes, the brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over, men recognize that the human race has been harshly treated but it has moved forward." - Les Miserables
"Teenage girl: Whenever I sing along to the soundtrack, I make up different lyrics."
Okay, you might not think these are funny. I might have posted a few of these, but I couldnt find my post anywhere.
When I went to Sweeney Todd last year with my mom, there was this young man behind us. During intermission, he said, "I'd rather see Little House on the Priarie the Musical!"
Then, when I saw LITP, there was this gay couple (I believe, don't quote me or anything) and there was the Statue of David. And Clara went over and touched the penis, or grabbed it (I think it's grabbed. Having a bad day with remembering.) and they started to giggle. No one else was laughing, but I started laughing too. I just thought it was really funny that two grow men began to giggle at it.
My friend went to see Hairspray when she was little and she got to go backstage. She went up to Harvey Fierstein and said, "you looked better as a woman." He said, "Thank you!" I guess he took it as a compliment!
Swing Joined: 10/28/06
As shameful as this is, it must be posted. This is from earlier today, as my parents and my girlfriend and I drove home from the airport.
Dad: Hey, you know that show that we saw.... Bewitched?
Me: (In my head thinking "Oh my God this is going to be bad)
Me: Sure.
Mom: You mean Wicked!
Dad: Yeah, sure. Anyways, there may have been an orchestra at that one.
Me: (I hope this is a sick joke) Yeah dad... just like all of the shows we saw?
Dad: No, not all of them did... Hairspray didn't.
Me: Uh, yeah it did.
Dad: No, there was just one guy and a bunch of music boards.
Me: Wrong, it had an orchestra.
Dad: I refuse to believe that.
Commence listening to the Mamma Mia soundtrack twice in a row... and me wanting to end my life.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
How could you listen to the Mamma Mia soundtrack when the movie hasn't been made yet?
Updated On: 4/2/07 at 08:04 AM