Leading Actor Joined: 3/18/06
"During the WICKED tour, after Fiyero said "It's just--you've been galinda-fied" then my friend next to me began to laugh hysterically "hahah! Thats not a real word!"
My brother has unfortunate stage door habits...
At Sweeney Todd, the cast members were all taking note of one kid who was in the first row and apparently very enthusiastic, thus my brother felt the need, instead of complimenting the cast, to get everyone of the cast members to compliment him on the exuberance of Row G, then he proceeded to ask Michael Cerveris to say "Row G rocked the House" into his video phone. And Cerveris did, hehe.
At the Odd Couple stage door, He shouted at Matthew Broderick, "Godzilla was my favorite movie ever", which of course sounded COMPLETELY insincere, and you could just see Matthew Broderick die a little inside...
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/29/06
Strove, striven, strived, striving, and strives are all words.
But that's not really the point of this thread, haha.
I don't have any stories, though... the ones I've read are hilarious.
It is a word.
Thank you, Wicked. You've taught me something. For that, I am sincerely grateful.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
This is a conversation about Broadway between me and co-workers who had NO idea what Broadway was. After time and time again of explaining it- (and trying to convince them that Broadway DOES NOT EQUAL Mozart)
John: What music you jammin to?
Me: I'm not jammming- I'm listenting to RENT.
John: How much is Broadway?
Me: You can't buy Broadway- it's a street. I paid like 60$ to see RENT.
John: 60$?!?! Oh- wait! That's the show about AIDS, right?
Me: umm...well, I wouldn't say that IT IS ABOUT AIDS but yes, some of the people...
John: *interupts*: Haha- my mom made me see that stupid s*it and it wasn't even worth the 7$ we paid! and you paid 60?! Where the h*ll do you go?
When a movie theater= Broadway, let me know.
Oh, Jesus. Like the mother had any control.
SweetQ, you've posted some pretty funny stories. Thanks!
Broadway Star Joined: 2/7/06
This is my new favorite thread
Mine too!
I asked my friend how girls on a school trip from her old (Catholic) high school decided to see Sweeney Todd, and she said:
"[Girl's name] told everyone that it was about a fat, happy man. And then the show started and we were like, 'No, this is definitely a bald, scary man.'"
And there's also the time someone wrote a review of Sweeney Todd for our school paper, saying that she really enjoyed the show and "Michael Cervantes," whoever that is.
don Miguel!
Leading Actor Joined: 3/18/06
"Make them stoooooooooooooooop"
okay so I'm trying to have this conversation with my uncle and I'm BORED out of my mind so in between his boring stories I'm checking this thread and trying to amuse myself and I read that and burst into a fit of laughter!! Hahahaha thanks a lot guys!!!
HA HA!! This thread makes me happy!
At Phantom of the Opera...
Old Lady to her husband: Oh look! This guy looks just like Lon Chaney. Oh right! Some ladys at the club were talking and they said it was his grandson. "pointing to Howard in the playbill"
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/13/05
At "The Phantom of the Opera, Dec 6, 2003 matinee...the Blizzard of '03!
A group of 3 couples in front of me during intermission.
(2 of the couples stand up at the beginning of intermission and begin putting on their coat and scarves)
WOMAN 1: Where are you going?
WOMAN 2: We're going to Macy's...
(At this point my mouth dropped and I wanted to smack Woman 2 in the face)
WOMAN 1: (obviously devastated) MACY'S???!!!
WOMAN 2: Yup,...c'mone y'all.
(The first two couples leave)
(Women 1 sat there and started crying a little. I could tell in her voice when she spoke to her husband)
Women 1: They're going to Macy's...y'know, they don' apreciate nothing. I planned this trip a year ago! This really meant a lot to me. We risked our lives coming here to this great show...that's...what they did was just rude!
----------------It was one of the most heart breaking moments I've ever seen in a theatre in the house itself.
"We're going to Macy's... "
That's truly a sad story.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/13/05
Macy's...of all things, too!
I have another one:
This was at "Wicked" back in february 2004 with Menzel and Chenoweth.
55ish WOMAN BEHIND ME: (looking through her souvenir program) Wow, how dot hey make the witch green like that?
HER COMPANION (also 55ish): (while looking at the picture) Ahh..must be a mask!
Swing Joined: 5/21/06
I love this thread officially!
And I have a confession too, I'll bet someone on the West End board will write about me when I saw The Woman in White in London, i practically CRIED the entire Matinee, even when it wasn't a sad moment! Now that I look back, i was probably extremely annoying, not to mention I scared the pants off of some old lady sitting in front of me when I squealed at the end of "All for Laura" and I was in like...Row F at the Palace Theatre
Broadway Star Joined: 10/23/05
Ah, this was back in 2000, when I was 13 and saw "Beauty and the Beast" with my school. I went with my band and choir, and the majority of the kids had obviously never been in a theater before - as they were generally rude and loud thoughout the show. But by the end of the show ... it was nuts.
It all started with Gaston's (Christopher Sieber, if I recall correctly) line that goes "Take whatever booty you can find". As soon as the word "booty" left his mouth ... the theater was rippling with a sea of laughter/OH MAH GAWDs
And then the first we see the Prince ... there was a huge chorus of "EWWWW, HE'S UGLY" from my group.
Pretty mortifying stuff.
I took my mom to see AVENUE Q:
She opens up the playbill and a slip falls out saying that tonight there will be a understudy for Gary Coleman.
After the show-
Me: Did you like the show Mom??
Mom: I loved it...but i'm really sad that Gary Coleman was out tonight! And to think, his understudy was female!
Oh! One I forgot....
At a performance of FOSSE a woman in front of me, with her fingers in her ears, yelled to her companion: "Oh my....it's way too loud....go in the back and tell them to turn it down!"
He didn't budge.
LMAO emo! That's hilarious and adorable at the same time.
The most pathetic one I ever experienced happened at the Tonys just last week. I was in the restroom during a commercial break and these two middle-aged guys were standing at the urinals talking. Clearly they were friends who's wives had dragged them.
I'm paraphrasing
MAN 1: That History Boys or whatever it's called is winning a lot of awards.
MAN 2: I'm really surprised that Wicked isn't. That's the Wizard of Oz one. [Insert name of woman here] is always talking about that. I don't think they've even mentioned it.
MAN 1: Yeah, and Phantom of the Opera.
Wow. These are the types of people who you just can't waste your time correcting. Just enjoy their stupidity.
Stand-by Joined: 10/2/05
I saw a Drowsy matinee back in April while it was still in previews. I go into the theater and I am waiting for my parents who have gone to the bathroom. I sit leaving two seats to the right of me. I automatically notice this man looking almost angry to be at the theater. His arms were crossed and his eyes were squinted. Well, the show begins and we are having a fantastic time. Then sometime in between 'Show Off' and 'As We Stumble Along' I hear a grunt from the right of me. I look thinking it was my dad. It came from the man. He wasn't mad at all at the beginning, he was falling asleep. His head was directly back, mouth hanging open, snoring. Both my mom and I looked at each other and giggled for a moment. I couldn't help thinking if I had a bag of candy, I would so love to play target practice. It was annoying and I was a bit upset, but the guy was just dead, it was quite funny at the time.
This was at The Lion KIng in March of 2005. There was this little kid in front of me who, at one point in the show when Rafiki is speaking a different language, said the following:
KID: I don't understand what he's saying, mommy.
MOM: It's not English, honey.