Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
rosem- did you see OBC?
Broadway Star Joined: 2/25/06
When I was at Rent while it touring though Madison, WI this Christian couple was sitting near me (they had cross necklaces and were cuddling). At one point I heard the girl say to her guy, "Wow, this isn't what I though it would be about." Not quite sure exactly what she was expecting...
Chorus Member Joined: 6/7/06
Several years ago, when I saw Urinetown on Broadway, there was this older couple sitting behind me, and the man was ranting and raving during was hysterical.
"What have they done with the theater?! (the theater had been painted completely black) And what are these COSTUMES?! And these SETS?!"
For those that don't know, in Urinetown, the costumes are basically like rags for most of the characters, and the "set" is a revolving wall-type thing in the center of the stage that is pushed around by the side is the bathroom wall, and one side is the Urine Good Company logo. But needless to say, I found that pretty amusing.
Also, when I saw Rent over the summer with my mother, I had had the recording for a few months before that. During intermission, my mother turns to me and goes, "Angel isn't really a woman, is he?" After I stopped laughing, I informed her of the correct gender of Angel. :)
My second time at Wicked I was sitting next to a kid who decided to try to read all of the names in the playbill out loud. He did some weird pronounciation of Idina's name. I mean, it wasn't even Eyedina MenZUULLL. It was just weird and his mother goes, "Hmmm, she must be Greek!" I was laughing to hard to correct them.
At Rent, my aunt and I were sitting next to a man and his daughter. They had their heads together for the whole show so they could "watch it together." The old woman and her son behind us got so pissed because they couldn't see so the man got into a huge fight with them. A punch was almost thrown until some ushers came over. It was really funny, yet scary at the same time.
Also, my friend's temple did Annie two years ago. For those who don't know much about the Jewish religion, services take place in this chapel and there's a bima (podium-ish thing) and an ark (holds the Torah). Anyways, the temple had ordered a wheel-in stage and put it in the reception room. We were sitting in front of people who had obviously never been to the temple before. On the stage, there was a piece of the set that was a rectangular prism. So he goes, "Yeah, this is the chapel. The stage is the bima and that thing on it is the ark." I turned around to inform me that the chapel was the next room and that this was a wheel-in stage but then the man told me that I didn't know what I was talking about.
Idinaki Menzelopoulos.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/13/05
How are you interpreting that L.A. or Boston comment I've heard and now posted? You can PM me if need be.
I sat next to two older women one of the times I saw Little Women and Sutton was out.
Woman 1: Sutton Foster is out today?
Woman 2: Oh its ok. She's brand new and she can't sing.
Woman 1: Yeah I heard she just yells.
That was hard not to correct.
Stand-by Joined: 10/26/05
After seeing RENT for the first time, my friend Ryan was convinced that it was about this prostitute Angel who was going to let all her friends live in her house in the hamptons, but they wanted to move to Santa Fe instead.
He had no idea it was about AIDS.
Also, our school went to see RENT a few years ago, and afterwards our teacher wanted to talk about it. He says "For those of you that missed out, it really is an excellent opportunity for everyone. Everyone could enjoy this show."
This girl Maria raises her hand. She must've been the stupidest person in the school. He says "Yes, Maria?"
"Just to add to what you said, I think RENT is really great for everyone, even guys, cause there's these lesbians that kiss and all guys love lesbians!"
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/19/05
Kid of about 10 coming out of "Wicked" onto Broadway.
"That's why I don't like big cities, You can't see the stars."
(up in the sky)
Mine aren't anywhere as great as the ones that have been posted, but here goes:
At Sweeney Todd about a month ago, I was sitting in front of a group of college students. During "A Little Priest", when Michael says: "Mmmmm, heavenly", one of the kids suddenly shouted: "HA! I get it! Cause it's a clergyman!"
At Hairspray, during intermission, an elderly couple was looking at their Playbill, and go: "What's the woman's name who plays the mother? She's not listed" Someone beside them pointed to John Pinette's pic, and said "He plays Mrs Turnblad", and the old man laughs, and says "No! That's a GUY!"
This is more disturbing than hilarious, but at History Boys, during intermission, 2 women who were in their 40's were in an in depth discussion about how cute the actors playing the boys were, and which ones they wanted to sleep with. One of them said "I like the one with the accent [um...sure] I wonder how old he really is. Wouldn't mind waking up next to HIM!" *shudder*
Updated On: 6/17/06 at 08:12 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/29/06
"At Hairspray, during intermission, an elderly couple was looking at their Playbill, and go: "What's the woman's name who plays the father? She's not listed" Someone beside them pointed to John Pinette's pic, and said "He plays Mrs Turnblatt", and the old man laughs, and says "No! That's a GUY!" "
I think you mean "the woman who plays the mother" not father, and it's Turnblad (I don't know if that was on purpose or not, because they both sound similar when said)
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/05
When I was @ Sweeney, a group of teens were behind me reading the Playbill. They misread (misunderstood?) Passion to be the tv series Passions!! They were like "that's why she looks so familiar! what character did she play?". Oy, poor Patti!
Thanks, Yero. Edited :)
This kind of applies to the category.
My fiance and I were the last people out of Rent back in the Joey Fatone day because we were talking to a crew member. As we exited the theater there were all of these girls waiting for Joey to come out. My fiance say "No autographs today" being the wiseass that he is and all of the girls in unison groaned and I actually think a few walked away. It was mean but very funny.
Understudy Joined: 12/29/05
At the theatre I work at...I hear some funny things. Like at our production of "Annie"...
Older Women: The poor Andy just wanted a mother and father.
Older Man: The thing with red hair? I thought the bald guy and her had an affair...
No joke.
Ah this ones good...reading my CHILDREN OF EDEN Cd.
Girl: Stephanie Mills was Eve and Mama Noah right?
Me: Yeah.
Girl: Go figure. Miss Mills gets to play TWO major roles. Thats what you get when your daddy owns a huge regional theatre...
I almost died right about then.
When David Mamet's "Speed the Plow" was on Broadway with Madonna, it attracted a whole slew of newcomers to the theatre. One evening, a busload of tourists were over 45 minutes late to the show. After the final curtain, they remained in their seats until the House Manager came down and asked them what they were doing. "We're waiting for it to start again so we can see what we missed until we came in!" Not the movies folks...
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
I went to see DRS and there were these to little kids (who couldn`t have been more than 7 to 9) with there dad. After Norbert said "Fresh shaved testicles on Christmas day!"
The Little Girl: Daddy, what`s a testicle?
The Dad: Ummmmmmm......ask your mother when you get home.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
""3) Another one: "How can they have a show in L.A or Boston while it's in NY? They must be tired!""
I am pretty sure I interpreted that wrong.
Do they think that they travel from Boston/L.A. to NY in the same day?
Sorry for my stupidity...
Stand-by Joined: 2/4/06
People sitting behind me at Wicked in March 06
Girl 1: (looking at playbill) Hey- Ben Vereen is in this!
Girl 2: o cool
Girl 1: (when wizard comes on) thats ben vereen
Girl 2: I didn't know he was black
Girl 1: (at end of show) you know, i think youre right about ben vereen. now that I think about it, i dont think he is black- that must have been his understudy
Girl 2: I would have liked to see him. Lets go to TKTS tomorrow and get tickets to see it again, maybe he will be back tomorrow
"Ah this ones good...reading my CHILDREN OF EDEN Cd.
Girl: Stephanie Mills was Eve and Mama Noah right?
Me: Yeah.
Girl: Go figure. Miss Mills gets to play TWO major roles. Thats what you get when your daddy owns a huge regional theatre... "
OMG, That's great.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
OMG! That's just sad!
missyrose87, couldn't you have helped them out a litte. Those poor people.
Overheard at the end of Sweeney Todd...
"I feel like a bloody steak"
It cracked me up but still gave me the creeps!
When my old high school did Kiss Me Kate, we overheard one of the girls in the audience telling her friend that it was written by Shakespeare.