when i went to the stage door for SOUTH PACIFIC two folks from Boston told Kelli O'Hara that they loved her in "THE SOUND OF MUSIC". i had to remind them that that was Rebecca Luker who was in that role.
then Rebecca Luker came out and they felt dumb!
although Rebecca's family she took to the show had to tell me she wasn't in SOUTH PACIFIC right now when i asked her for her autograph. i wanted moreso to just ask Rebecca why she wasn't at work while SOUTH PACIFIC was going on, but i digress...
"She did during Sweeney Todd, a patron in the front row left it on the stage."
Actually, Patti kicked the playbill off the stage during the Encore's run of "Gypsy", while she was changing the marquee board on stage left during a scene change. Supposedly it hit someone, but it didnt look intentional, but that's debateable. Several of us bww'ers were there that night.
She may have done the same during Sweeney, but i hadnt heard about that.
I work as an usher and hear some pretty bad things including.
Patron: "which way is the doctors circle?"
Me "where?"
Patron "the Doctor Circle"
Me "you mean the DRESS circle"
Patron "How would I know"
While working the Color Purple
"which one does Oprah play?"
didn't someone get hit with a flute for being obnoxious with food in the first row at Sweeney Todd?
Understudy Joined: 3/15/07
Thursday night I was at the westside theater to see My Mother's Italian, My Father's Jewish and I'm in Therapy! Right before the show I was in the stall in the restroom when I suddenly hear "Oh My God I'm pissing next to Regis". I come out and see Regis walking out of the bathroom quite quickly!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Overheard at the end of GLORY DAYS:
"What was this show called again?"
An old lady in back of me at Young Frankenstein:
"You know, Roger Bart is in this. He's the one who always acts like a nelly little queen".
I wanted to slap her.
At Sweeney tour on 4.27, evening performance:
Guy reading playbill: How do you say this? it can't be "Tobias (pronounced correctly)," is it "Toby-us" or "Toby-ass?"
At a performance of an Evita non-equity tour, between two older ladies:
Woman 1: I thought it was him who died, and she went on to become president.
Woman 2: Well, they probably just interpreted it differently. It is a musical, you know.
Updated On: 4/29/08 at 05:37 PM
during the Hanschen/Ernst kiss in Spring Awakening
Broadway Star Joined: 11/3/07
I've definitely heard things but I can't remember them anymore.
When I went to see Hairspray the movie with my mom, about a half hour or more into the movie she whispered, "When is John Travolta coming in?"
Me: He's the mom.
Her: Whatttt? O.O
tee hee hee.
While at Cat on a Hot Tin Roof this past Saturday evening I overheard this conversation between 2 gentlement sitting behind me.
Man 1: This play was written by Tennessee Williams.
Man 2: Wasn't he a country singer?
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
"Woman 1: I thought it was him who died, and she went on to become president.
Woman 2: Well, they probably just interpreted it differently. It is a musical, you know. "
That's actually what my mom said the show's about.
During the intermission of In the Heights tonight, the woman behind me is reading Lin-Manuel's Playbill bio aloud:
"wrote the first incarnation of In the Heights during his sophomore year at Wesleyan. Damn, I wasn't doing sh*t my sophomore year of college!!"
I laughed.
At a "Sunday..." matinée a couple of months ago:
(Dot enters after "Lesson #8 )
Kid on school trip: Oh sh*t!
It wouldn't have been so amusing if I hadn't heard that from the other side of the mezzanine.
After "Xanadu" tonight:
Lady: ...'cause Patti LuPone Gypsy opened after the Xanadu film...
Updated On: 5/4/08 at 01:54 AM
"During the intermission of In the Heights tonight, the woman behind me is reading Lin-Manuel's Playbill bio aloud:
"wrote the first incarnation of In the Heights during his sophomore year at Wesleyan. Damn, I wasn't doing sh*t my sophomore year of college!!"
I laughed."
I think I slept through my sophomore year of college lol
Tonight at Sweeney Todd
50ish year old woman to her husband: You don't think this is going to be morbid, do you?
Yesterday I was at a Juan Valdez coffee shop near Times Square waiting to use the bathroom. The man in front of me was waiting with his wife. He looked at the mens/womens symbol on the door and thought it meant that there were two stalls- one for a male and another for a female. He was a bit confused when he opened the door and only saw one toilet...
My mom talking about how annoying she found Galinda during "Popular"(while loving Wicked); "I wanted to smack her!"
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/7/06
After seeing the Billy Elliot poster in Shubert Alley (the one with no title), my mother said she wanted to see "Boy Jumping". It took me 10 minutes to realize what she meant.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
haha another one
"why was that story so filthy?! the title is "Santaland Diaries"!!! what happened to the pleasent christmas stories weve come to know and love?!"
I went to see Mamma Mia last night with friends.
At intermission
Suzi: "Holly, you said Meryl Streep was in this! Is she on in the 2nd half?"
Emma [laughing] "She's the one playing the mum, Suzi!"
Me: "Umm...Meryl's in the movie, not the show..."
Yeah...because a) Meryl Streep would really be performing in Mamma Mia in London! and b) I know we weren't front row, but how could she think, for the whole of the first half, that the actress playing Donna was Meryl Streep?! She had a programme and everything!
After the show
Emma: "So..like what is Sophie's name in real life?"
Me: "Umm...I'm not sure. I think the actress' name is Katie Brayben or something. Check the programme."
Emma: "No no, I mean they obviously changed her name to Sophie for the musical...but what's her name in real life?"
Me: "What?"
Emma [getting really frustrated]: "What's her real name?? Donna is the blonde one, right? Agnetha or something... So what's her daughter called in real life?!"
Me: "....it's not the story of the band, Emma! They wrote a random story around the songs!"
Emma: "Oh...oh right."
And this girl is at Oxford...