At Sunday in the Park with George:
"I mean, the effects are nice, but it's nothing like a chandelier falling in front of you, or a witch flying!"
Walking in the theatre district today... (Parental units NOT mine...I was behind/next to this family. Sadly.)
Mother: Do you remember where we parked the car?
Father:'s in a lot close to a theatre...
Mother: *silence and a death stare*
I missed any additional discussion as I turned down 48th because I was laughing too hard. Losing your car in a parking lot is one thing...but losing the whole parking lot?!?!?
I saw Gypsy Wednesday, and my neighbor and her mother came over that night.
Friend's Mother: "So what did you do today?"
Me: "Oh, I saw Gypsy."
Friend's Mother: "Gypsy Rose Lee? That's a musical now?"
Not Broadway related, but I was with a friend in Times Square, she was hungry, so she pointed to the big lit up Subway sign (for the actual subway and said "Let's eat at Subway."
Many years a group of us were in London (OK,so I'm off the Broadway topic here). One girl really wanted to see Cats but it was sold out. She said, "so why don't we just see it at another theatre? If it's that popular they must be doing it at more than one." This girl had a government office job -- that explained a lot.
If you go to the [tos] 1st preview thread, I posted a story about a group of tourists mistaking Heidi Blickenstaff for Jenna Bush and not letting us correct them
At Damn Yankees tonight...with regard to Jane Krakowski..."she's in some soap opera".
I was just thinking about this thread the other day! This is my #1 favorite thread of all time :)
This is my fave thread in the world =)
not theater related but I took my friend to NYC and we went to turn down a side street and she said "Wait we can't walk down this street it is one way" I just looked at her and said...the one way sign is for doesn't matter what direction we walk in....yay not to bright
After I saw Sunday in the Park With George, I heard two men talking as we were walking out.
One of the men said, "No way! That was NOT the same actor in both acts!"
A few minutes later I heard two elderly woman talking:
woman 1: I think the same girl played the old grandma
woman 2: Really???
Swing Joined: 7/7/08
Stage door after Grease, woman waiving her playbill to get Taylor Hicks attention for his autograph when person beside her says, "there's Max" woman turns and asks "who's Max"
I went to see "Spamalot" on Saturday and there was this obnoxious girl sitting behind me. She had a friend sitting next to her and the friend kept saying how she was excited because this was only her 2nd broadway show. Well, the one girl opened her playbill and proceeded to count all the shows she has seen and made a point of even naming the ones that weren't in listed anymore. She just kept saying "My mother and I come into the city all the time to see shows. This is my 19th show." I felt bad for the other girl...I would have told her to shut the hell up!! She just seemed like one of those girls who is like "I know everything about musical theater!"
The funny part is that I heard the mother say at one point, "Oooooh, I really want to see "Cry Baby!" We should get tickets for that next!" Her daughter replied with an enthusiatic "Yes!!"
Swing Joined: 7/8/08
At the July 2 matinee of In the Heights there were two elderly women conversing during intermission:
Woman 1: So what do you think?
Woman 2: It's loud! And there's rap. I've never seen a show with rap before...
Woman 1: Yes, but remember, it's *nice* rap, so it's okay.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
At In The Heights one day In May or June
Women (looking at the GWB): Is that the Brooklyn Bridge? It looks just like it.
Women's friend: Yeah, that's why it's called "In the Heights", it takes place in Brooklyn Heights, which is right next to the bridge.
Looks liek the Brooklyn Bridge?!? It's not even the same color! My sister and I were laughing so hard, we didn't know whether or not to correct them. We didn't figuring after the first line of the show, "Lights up on Washington Heights..." they would figure it out for themselves...the again maybe not.
I found this on Overheard in New York:
What Those Perky Weather People Really Say During Commercials
Wife: It's raining outside.
Husband: It isn't. They're playing storm sound effects.
Wife: I can see the street from here. It's raining.
Husband: Why do you go out of your way to prove me wrong every single moment?
--Hilton Theatre Lobby
From Overheard in New York:
Lady in the audience: Which one is Patti LuPone?
--St. James Theater
My love for this thread never wavers. :) I laugh insanely loud at some of these stories.
Anyone who's a Jonas Brothers fan and actually thinks they have any credible talent should just stick to seeing Little Mermaid.
My faith in humankind was diminished a long time ago.
Swing Joined: 11/24/07
It's not exactly a comment but at the second to last show of Sunday in the Park with George, during curtain call, a man sitting behind me had a multiple orgasm.
I heard "Oh Yes!!", "Oh my god" and "OoH!!" repeatedly. I guess it was a great one.
Last night at The Drowsy Chaperone in LA, I was waiting in line to buy a program and a stuffed monkey :) , and the woman in front of me wanted to buy the c.d. And then THIS lovely little quote happened!
Woman: I'd like to buy the, the one you're selling... is this a recording of THIS cast, or is it from the 1928 show?
Man working there: .......1928 show?
Woman: Yes, the 1928 show of The Drowsy Chaperone. The one the man kept talking about in the show.
Man: This is the original Broadway cast recording. There IS no 1928 show. That was just a joke.
Woman: Well, now I'm all confused.......
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/6/05
I went to see a Gypsy mat. I still have my student I.D (though I look VERY young) THIS is the exchange I heard in the student rush line and about 9:30am. It's between a male 20-something bookish music major and an older woman, who's trying to decide what to see.
Woman: "Is this the rush line for Gypsy tickets?"
Music Major: "Oh this line is for student rush. You need an ID to
get the cheap tickets."
Woman: "Well, what else is there to see?"
Music Major: "Well I hear Xanadu is hilarious."
Woman: "Oh NOO! I don't like blondes on skates singing...I used
to do roller derby! What about Spamalot? Is that curvy
spanish girl still there?"
Music Major: "No she's on Grey's Anatomy now. Do you watch it?"
Woman: "Oh NOO! I don't like doctor shows. I work in the medical
field. I really wanna see this! I hope Patti's in. The
understudy wouldn't act as well."
Music Major: "Oh this show's not about the acting. It's all
about the singing and the dancing!"
Woman: "..."
Huh, and reading that I assumed the woman would be the one to say something really stupid.