"no it all?"
I was at the last performance of Little Women, in the very last row of the mezzanine. So, just as the overture was starting, a guy who looked like he had to be over ninety-five plunks down next to me, looks at his playbill, and, after climbing all the way to the back of the house, says, "Wait, this isn't Hairspray!"
Swing Joined: 11/24/07
Overheard prior to the start of Evita last weekend, "Did this show come out before she died?"
In the store I work in (Broadway New York), a man came in last week with a friend, and they were looking at the CDs. Now, I could be wrong, but he was pointing at the CDs and he said to his friend, "Well, they wouldn't sell them if the show wasn't currently running." So I guess theirs a couple of hundred theaters on Broadway.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/07
When going to see LEGALLY BLONDE, this was over heard-
While waiting in line, a woman turns to her lady friend:
"I didn't know Reese could sing." Tourists.
Updated On: 2/4/08 at 02:47 PM
Swing Joined: 5/21/07
TEENAGE GIRL: "Joseph was just made to one-up Jesus Christ Superstar"
When going to see LEGALLY BLONDE, this was over heard-
While waiting in line, a woman turns to her lady friend:
"I didn't know Reese could sing." Tourists.
That's hilarious how some of these clueless people think that reese is in legally blonde on broadway, but it's also funny that she didn't know reese could sing....has she never heard Walk the Line? i mean she did win an oscar and all, and surprised everyone that she could sing pretty well.
also ashbash's picture is amazing haha
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/29/07
At the little Mermaid the other week, two funny stories.
First, two Japanese tourists came up to me and started asking me about shows. Every single one, "Is it a play?" They left thinking wicked was a magic show and Young Frankenstein was an original musical drama (I said nothing of the sort).
Then, during intermission, a woman turned to me and asked where my parents were (They let my sister, my brother and I see Mermaid while they saw and hated august Osage County) and I said that they let me come back with my brother and cousin to see Mermaid again. She then said, 'Oh, you guys must like all the clamshells, huh?" I kindly replied no and that I actually enjoyed the piece at hand. She turned and after a disatisfied "No", she said to her daughter, "Those are gay people honey, best stay away." Considerring i'm straight, I took high offense to it and moved to the front row.
Updated On: 2/4/08 at 05:58 PM
I found this blogger's review of phantom:
http://myrealworld.blog.com/2630010/ (Warning: this link may cause fits of histaria, random object throwing, and, in extreme cases, suicide among phans. Read at your own risk.)
This annoys me so much! I left a comment telling him that phantom is the longest running musical on broadway, he saw one of the best casts ever, imo, and if he had no idea that phantom was a musical he has no right to be criticizeing musical theatre.
I also gave him a breakdown of this quote:
[quote]No breasts. One corpse. No car chases. Gratuitous French accents. One fight that looked a lot like two 6-year-old girls fighting over a pink hair ribbon. No blood. Cat strangling (while I didn’t see a cat that’s what most of the singing sounded like). Overall I give it 1/2 a star because they served beer at half time.[/quote]
"No breasts."
If you payed attention to the sets, you'd see breasts on the candelabras, and the proscenium angel statue (look in your dictionary).
"One corpse."
Two (Piangi and Buquet) or three if you count Carlotta's bloody head.
"No car chases."
Show me one stage musical with a car chase (or show how it is possible on stage), and I'll eat my ass. Same conditions if you can prove to me that there was a car chase in 1870's Paris.
"Gratuitous French accents."
Actually, for some odd reason, there were a lot of those in 1870's Paris. I wonder why?
"One fight that looked a lot like two 6-year-old girls fighting over a pink hair ribbon."
They are actors, not wrestlers.
"No blood."
Except the bloody head, and Piangi. If it is really a big deal to you, I bet they would use more blood, if you wiped it off the stage after the show.
"Cat strangling (while I didn’t see a cat that’s what most of the singing sounded like)."
That's an opinion, not a fact. And a bad opinion at that.
You know, phantomo88, people are allowed to not like the show. I don't really understand how you could get so angry over someone posting something like that in their own blog. You didn't find the sarcasm in that "review?"
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/19/08
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang had a boat chasing a car, does that count?
Stand-by Joined: 2/3/08
Well, It's not that bad, but it was at the current london production of cabaret. The stage has a huge curtain saying
On it like that, and there were a few women there trying to read it. It came out sounding like "Vile come in?" They were trying for ages. got a bit annoying.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
"Chitty Chitty Bang Bang had a boat chasing a car, does that count?"
You also forgot the part where the miniature blimp with the outhouse in tow flies across the stage pursued by the miniature Chitty pursued by two kids dressed up like a miniature Boris and Goran.
Last night I was walking down 8th towards 43rd and Second Stage. At the corner of 45th and 8th, there were around 15-20 people waiting to cross. These girls near me were fussing and wanting to go back to their hotel room. To quote: "It's SOOOOOO crowded out here!" I just shook my head and mumbled something like "Don't come during the summer or Christmas then." Comparatively speaking, the area was deserted last night.
I found this on Overheard in New York...
Tourist boyfriend: What's Avenue Q?
Tourist girlfriend: Well, in New York City there's a place called Alphabet City, and that's where they have Avenues A through Z.
I was at Next to Normal Tuesday night, and Stephen Sondheim was sitting across the aisle from me. I didn't know and then some woman made a comment. I didn't hear her until my aunt turned to tell me.
Aunt: Stephen Sondheim's here
Me: WHAT????
Aunt: Yeah, Sondheim. The movie producer.
I'm not related to her.
^ Hey Allie! It was great to meet you after the show! :)
Two incidents today at the Is He Dead? matinee, first a couple went to the merchandiser:
woman: Do you have the CD?
merchandiser: I'm sorry there's no CD, it's not a musical.
woman: Oh. Honey, it's not a musical.
man: It's not, oh well.
Then at about 1:58, two couples come in with a baby carraige! The ticket taker saw them as soon as the came through the door and called for the house manager. When asked how old the child was, they said 6 months. When informed that a child has to be at least 4 years old to get in to the theater, they said they had no trouble buying their child a ticket. When asked if the informed the person they were buying the ticket from if they disclosed the child's age, they hemmed and hawed for a second before saying no they didn't. As they were leaving the theater at 2:03 I heard one of the men say, "Well it was worth a shot"
At Forbidden Broadway (tour). I was in the third row, and the couple next to me said ...
WOMAN: Oooh, we have good seats.
MAN: Yea, that's a problem, though.
MAN: Because when we leave at intermission, the actors will see that we left.
WOMAN: Oh yes, you're right. I forgot about that.
Love the Homer quote above! I remember that scene and loved it! I also have another one from Wicked in Chicago! Leaving the theatre I overheard, (SPOLIER WARNING FOR THOSE WHO HAVE YET TO SEE IT)"Well, she couldn't have loved him very much. I mean she tried to set him on fire, like two times!" It was confusing until I realized that they where discussing the ending about Elphaba loving Fieyro and the whole Scarecrow thing. Funnier yet is that it mirrors my thoughts when I first learned about the ending!
overheard last week at the Sweeney Tour (took my mom and she loved it and she never loves the shows I love so score!)
Two guys discussing the show at intermission: "Is this based on the movie"
a part of me died right then
Also heard: "Johnny Depp was Cuter"
*head desk*
At intermission of In the Heights yesterday:
Teenage girl #1: OHMYGOD I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!
Teenage girl #2: Me too!!! Oooh I really hope they make it into a movie!!!