Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
And let's face it - Henry Higgins did NOT say, "Why can't the British learn to speak", did he?
Just remembered the other funny thing I overheard at In the Heights that I forgot to mention before. A woman and her husband were waiting at the stage door next to me...
Woman: "Did Javier come out yet?"
Me: "No, he was out today."
Woman: :looks confused:
Me: "He didn't perform in the show today."
Woman: "Oh so that really was Jon Rua as Usnavi."
Me: "Yup."
Woman: "Ohhh so that's why Javier looked so different."
Featured Actor Joined: 2/24/07
This happened last Sunday at the TKTS booth:
Woman: What show are you seeing?
Me: Next To Normal
Woman: Is that good?
Me: I've heard good things. It's about a family where the mother is Bipolar.
Woman: Oh, are you Polish?
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
I love the number where she does the bipole dance.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/30/09
Okay, well, in March, my family went to New York, and one of the shows we saw was Billy Elliot. We have a relative who was a dresser, so we went backstage. He asked how many people from the show were in the movie. "Nobody" was the response he got. So my dad says "Really?". The rest of us were really embarrassed.
When we saw In the Heights, there was a school group entering the theater at the same time as us. One student saw a poster inside the theater, pointed to the picture of Karen Olivo on it and said "I think that's gonna be Nina".
A friend of mine went to see West Side Story a couple weeks ago and got to go backstage to meet some of the cast.
Me: Did you meet Karen Olivo?
Him: No, the girl that played Maria didn't come.
Me: Karen plays Anita.
Him: Oh. She didn't come either.
Me: Oh that's too bad. I love her.
Him: Yeah she was amazing! She's black, right?
Swing Joined: 8/10/08
I saw this on a youtube comment on a video of Out Tonight...
StupidYouTubeUser: I hate how they didn't even TRY to make the musical like the movie!
And when I saw Jersey Boys on Broadway last November, there were two middle-aged ladies sitting in front of me, and during intermission they were talking about different shows.
Woman 1: Have you heard of Spring Awakening?
Woman 2: No, what's it ab-
Woman 1: Oh, God, it was horrible. It's like *porn*. My friend that I was with bought the tickets so I couldn't get up and leave, but it was terrible. Don't go see it.
I think my jaw was on the floor.
Well....there are some things that are LIKE porn about SA: masterbation and sex and pretend orgasms.
Him: Yeah she was amazing! She's black, right?
Confession: I thought Will Swenson was a very light-skinned black guy for the longest time.
Swing Joined: 8/10/08
Oh, God. Today I was texting my friend because I'm trying to plan another trip to NYC. This is someone who I've seen multiple shows with over the past 2 years. I said that I wanted to see Hair and Next to Normal. He asked me what Next to Normal was about, and then said this:
"So when you said Hair, did you mean Hairspray, or is it its own show?"
I have failed at introducing him to musical theatre, if he hears Hair and assumes I mean Hairspray.
I was at Mamma Mia this afternoon (it's my sister's birthday and this was the show she chose). There was a kid in our row snapping pictures before the show and I got annoyed with it. He was up, he was down, he was moving all over our row to get different angles. So finally I said "Would you please stop taking pictures? It's illegal." His response was "It may be illegal but some theatres let you do it." I looked at him and said "This *gestures to the stage design* is copyrighted material. You can't photograph it." Soon thereafter the announcement came that you cannot take pictures in the theatre at ANY TIME. Thank you voice of God.
Overheard at Spring Awakening during the scene where Moritz tells Melchior that his dreams have gotten worse:
Daughter: "What's labia majora?"
Mother: "Uh... We'll talk about this later."
Overheard at the Broadway New York store by a woman talking to a friend on her mobile about Next to Normal:
"Oh my gawd... I heard that it would be amazing, but I just didn't get it. It was about this drugged up woman and her dead son. The whole show was just f**ked."
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
I saw this on a youtube comment on a video of Out Tonight...
StupidYouTubeUser: I hate how they didn't even TRY to make the musical like the movie!
And when I saw Jersey Boys on Broadway last November, there were two middle-aged ladies sitting in front of me, and during intermission they were talking about different shows.
Woman 1: Have you heard of Spring Awakening?
Woman 2: No, what's it ab-
Woman 1: Oh, God, it was horrible. It's like *porn*. My friend that I was with bought the tickets so I couldn't get up and leave, but it was terrible. Don't go see it.
I think my jaw was on the floor.
I'm confused - your jaw was on the floor because some people didn't like Spring Awakening? And likened it to porn? I actually think it WAS a horrible show; I can't imagine why you wouldn't believe that. That's not really a hilarious comment.
where Moritz tells Melchior that his dreams have gotten worse:
Daughter: "What's labia majora?"
Mother: "Uh... We'll talk about this later."
You found that exchange HILARIOUS? You probably wouldn't have if they talked about it right then and there.
Overheard at the Broadway New York store by a woman talking to a friend on her mobile about Next to Normal:
"Oh my gawd... I heard that it would be amazing, but I just didn't get it. It was about this drugged up woman and her dead son. The whole show was just f**ked."
That's also hilarious? I think she hit the nail on the head.
Overheard at Louise's Trattoria (a LOS ANGELES restaurant):
Two Japanese tourists talking to waiter. One said "We saw Broadway today. Very disappointing."
I nearly spat out my food and later privately told them Broadway (well, the real one anyway) is in New York.
At the touring production of Rent there was a young couple behind me ona date that was not going very well.
Girl: So Maureen and Joanne are like friends... and Angel is like Tom's girlfriend?
Boy: um yeah something like that
This one is probably an old favorite. I was seeing Legally Blonde in Sacramento (a blue-haired matinee performance) and this lovely old couple was looking at their program during intermission and this was what I heard:
Man: "So, the next show that's comin' here is Spring Awakening. It's a boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back and then they get married at the end. It's supposed to be very fun!"
Woman: "That's not what I heard. I heard they break up in the end. Very sad."
Man: "No, it says right here that it's heartfelt and lovely! Wait..." He leans forward and reads his program. " 'Parental advisory.' Huh. Maybe there's bad language. We should go see this, Maryann."
Woman: "I don't think it's a happy ending. They break up in the end. I don't want to see that. I want something happy, like this."
Man: "This is happy!"
I kindly leaned forward and explained to them that there was sex, homosexuality, masturbation, cursing, suicide and abortion in the show and that the music was freakin' amazing, but the show was not happy. They ended up deciding not to see it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
I heard someone 45th street complaining about how dated Avenue Q is.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/12/07
At Shrek a few nights ago...
Person: So the show was really good but there was one thing
Other person: What?
Person: The guy that played the donkey...he was good...but he was no Will Smith.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
At SUPERIOR DONUTS last night:
Man: This play started at the place in Chicago, the uh, the Stepinfetchit Theater.
I heard a women on 8th ave talking to her friend about how big of a David "Mamay" fan she is
I had to bump for this. On 52nd street last night, a woman turned to her husband and said:
"I didn't know August Wilson wrote Jersey Boys!"
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
Clarification for some who need it: a hilarious comment DOES NOT equal something you disagree with.
For example:
Woman 1: Oh my god did you see that show Wicked? It was so horrible.
I couldn't believe she said that! HAHAHA.
Random family on Broadway pointing at the Longacre Theatre:
Father: "What does it say on the marquee? Sun Flower?"
Daughter: "No, dad, it says Burn The Floor"
I heard a women on 8th ave talking to her friend about how big of a David "Mamay" fan she is
That's how Geoffrey Rush pronounced his name. ...are you saying that's incorrect?