Broadway Legend Joined: 3/28/09
At the Mamma Mia! tour in Cleveland last week...
Older Lady (With group of older people): I think they should change the name of this show, update it a little. It should be called "Who's My Baby's Daddy?"!!!
Her group laughed hysterically. I was like wow...
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
Mamet is pronounced to rhyme with "cram it".
People who say "Mamay" probably shot at "Tarjay" and "J. C. Pennay"
I happen to be rather fond of Tarjay.
Stand-by Joined: 5/16/08
Overheard at the rent tour tonight in Providence.
I was sitting in the front row and people kept coming up to examine the stage for some reason and these one girl actually said "do you think they do closed captioning for this show?"
The stagedoor fangirldom is just beyond rediculous. One girl asked anthony for a hug and he responded if he gave her one everyone would want one. she then responded with "your like the reason were friends, you and adam, tell adam that!" honestly people think of the crazy stuff you say to people. The same girl was utterly offended that Adam didnt come out as usual.
Another girl was harassing the doorman telling him she knew that they were all still in "that bus" which was very clearly a 16 wheeler truck. and that she determined to wait until they came out. She then said "I say we sing really loud until they come out" at this point me and my friends got the f#$@ out of there reaaaal quick. Dissapointed in fangirls.
I won't argue that her stagedoor behavior was over the top and ridiculous, but some live shows do have closed captioning, in a way, with supertitles. Generally only if they're in a language besides English, but it wasn't a completely moronic question.
One time at wicked (london) stage door a guy start singing Defying Gravity in german. I was like wtf
"One time at wicked (london) stage door a guy start singing Defying Gravity in german. I was like wtf"
Like OMG how ridiculous...
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/30/08
Back a couple of comments - you probably knew this, but Geoffrey Rush pronounced David Mamet as "David Mamay" because he was suggesting, kiddingly, that EXIT THE KING was not the only French existentialist play that was popular last season - there was also SPEED-THE-PLOW by that French author David "Mamay.'
(If that was the point of your comment, forgive me for over-stating the obvious!)
"One time at wicked (london) stage door a guy start singing Defying Gravity in german. I was like wtf"
"Like OMG how ridiculous..."
Like you people don't get out much.
"Woman 1: Oh my god did you see that show Wicked? It was so horrible.
I couldn't believe she said that! HAHAHA."
I have no idea why you couldn't believe she said that. Please explain why that is hilarious. thanks!
haha, wonkit, that was the point of my comment. I think I originally thought he was "Mamay," but I know you actually pronounce the t.
"One time at wicked (london) stage door a guy start singing Defying Gravity in german. I was like wtf"
"Like OMG how ridiculous..."
"Like you people don't get out much."
I was joking.
"Woman 1: Oh my god did you see that show Wicked? It was so horrible.
I couldn't believe she said that! HAHAHA."
"I have no idea why you couldn't believe she said that. Please explain why that is hilarious. thanks!"
Because Wicked is the best show ever made...DUH!
Updated On: 11/22/09 at 11:09 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
Jane, if you had read the whole post you would have realized that I was using that as an example of what NOT to post as a hilarious comment.
This is what the post says:
Clarification for some who need it: a hilarious comment DOES NOT equal something you disagree with.
For example:
Woman 1: Oh my god did you see that show Wicked? It was so horrible.
I couldn't believe she said that! HAHAHA.
Referencing how some people think it's hilarious that people think Spring Awakening is horrible and need to post it in this thread. But thanks.
I feel this thread has become old ... and not funny ... infact, most of the posts on here were never funny. It shows how ignorant even theatre people can be to the outside world.
my mom and stepdad saw the wicked tour in philadelphia in summer 2007 and my stepdad thought it was over after the first act. they left their front row, $120 a piece seats because hes stupid. FAIIIIIL
my mom and stepdad saw the wicked tour in philadelphia in summer 2007 and my stepdad thought it was over after the first act. they left their front row, $120 a piece seats because hes stupid. FAIIIIIL
Just me or is it more hilarious that your mom and stepdad paid $120/ticket for the first row of a touring production?
Ohh I can contribute something. Kind of.
I was talking to a friend's mum about how crazy Liza Minnelli seemed these days (see: Australian Idol performance), and she went on about how she is doing concerts and is still on Broadway today etc.. doing shows. I told her that the 'shows' WERE that concert and she didn't believe me.
Hmmm..I suppose this doesn't satisfy the 'hilarious' condition of the thread...or overhearing, hehe. But the thought of Liza performing/acting/'singing'/'dancing' in shows for the like X number of years makes me lightly chuckle 'in head'.
Well the comments can't always be good :P.
This isn't necessarily "hillarious", but I just love knowing how stupid people are. I was waiting at the stagedoor for wicked last summer.
Women: Yeah, I was here a few months ago and saw Idina and Kristin in the show.
Me: Oh, really? Idina and Kristin haven't been with the show for a while. Maybe you saw Eden?
Women: (Almost offended) No. I saw Idina.
"your like the reason were friends, you and adam, tell adam that!"
I have no idea what you just said here. They were friends but no longer are because he wouldn't give her a hug?
I happen to be rather fond of Tarjay.
And I happen to be rather fond of JCPenney. In fact I get my pants from them almost exclusively.
An older gentleman to his wife while exiting Finian's Rainbow:
"Well if I were a leprachaun, I would choose 400 more years with magic over some hot piece of ass."
This is not so much hilarious but a bit of buffoonery.
After exiting Young Frankenstein:
Twentysomething boy #1:... well I thought it was good.
Twentysomething boy #2: They took a little too much liberty with the endings.
Twentysomething boy #1: Yeah at least in The Producers not all that much changed.
Did these guys even watch the original movie of The Producers? Spamalot was a show that took liberties with the ending of its film counter-part. YF, not all that much.
Also heard from another audience member that 'the girl who played Inga looks like a real up and comer. I mean she sung upside down'. Did they even read the bios in the playbill?
Updated On: 12/12/09 at 10:26 PM
I recently saw a poignant little play here in Australia called EMBERS, written about some bushfires in 2003. Anyway, its poignant ending was given new meaning due to the more recent and tragic bushfires, however several phones went off, a couple of people (me included) were coughing uncontrollably, and taking the cake, when a projection came up acknowledging those who died, a voice from the back row said 'Stay tuned for EMBERS 2'
It amazing what people will say or act when you are in the dark and never have to face each other.
Featured Actor Joined: 12/4/09
The last time Nicole Kidman appeared on Broadway, I was walking by the stage door when a crowd started pushing towards the door - one woman screaming "it's Tom!, It's Tom. . ."
After shoving 3 people out of her way, she stopped dead short and exclaimed, "Oh, it's only Tom Hanks."