These people make Alice Ripley seem normal!
Even Alice isn't part of it. I think these people need to step back from their screens and assess what they're writing. Hunter performed on the TONYS. Why? He didn't have too.
Alice Ripley is probably hugging Hunter right now and sobbing with gratitude. No doubt she was hoping something would happen with this year's Tonys that would get people's minds off her acceptance speech and f-bomb.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/20/08
Hmm...why do some of the Tony losers and non-nominated actors keep popping up in the group? That's interesting...
Mmmm, xenophobia! It's the American way... AND the Great White Way.
Has this thread been on Perez Hilton yet?
I was hoping we'd have another meltdown thread relatively soon but THIS soon is such an unexpected surprise.
I haven't read the entire board, but while reading the early-ish parts of it, this thought came to my head:
The point of the Tony Awards is to spark an interest for the theater in people watching TV around the country. Part of the attempt in doing this is performances by musicals, and famous people being there. Granted, I didn't start watching because of the famous people (I started watching, I think, when Audra McDonald was performing for 110 in the Shade), but there may be people who do casually flip through channels and stop because they see Green Day. This may not have been the best Tony Awards, but I don't see the whole issue of pushing these people away from them.
Yes, it would have provided more time for Christiane Noll to perform, and yes it would have given more time for speeches. But, some people still would have been played off because they would have talked for hours.
Did I like the two Green Day numbers? No, I felt it was overdoing it, but some people would have liked it. And those people may have watched the Tonys for the first time because of Green Day or Lea Michele.
Also, in regards to the presenters, that is one of the main things in any awards. People who may not have anything to do with anything present.
Edit! I should probably also add that I had a bit of an interest in musicals, so I may not be the best example, but still.
Updated On: 6/17/10 at 06:15 PM
Perez Hilton is holding out for naked pics of the three Billys from last year's Tonys.
For all the harping Jen Cody is doing she's not even part of the group.
Then how is she able to comment? Did she join, comment, and leave?
She posted a link on her page & commented on it there.
Hasn't Jen Cody resulted to playing Little Red in stock? Girlfriend needs a reality check.
"Bubble, sir? it seems it is YOU who are in a bubble about this issue if you cannot see what hollywood shlock that masquerades as 'theater" has invaded our craft and community...and you wonder why we who trained and are poised and ready are removed from all possibility because we haven't paraded our tits and asses on the "big screen" were TRAINING and PERFORMING..."
Oh lord. Someone needs to slap this one. Hard!
Well, I want to know who said that. I can't see the comments unless I join the group, which I am not going to do.
Yes, you can. I can see the wall and I'm not in the group.!/group.php?gid=102274489824156&v=wall
After reading some of the comments posted here that I hadn't seen, I've removed myself from the group. I don't want to be any part of all that nastiness.
I joined thinking the group's intentions would be as best12bars had laid them out. How mistaken I was.
And, I've refrained from saying too much because it may or may not be crossing a line, but I've had it: CZJ was absolutely surprised she won. She is still quite sincerely surprised and humbled by it. She is a very nice woman. She's wickedly funny, and it wouldn't surprise me for a moment if her alleged comment at the Easter Bonnet wasn't intended as a joke--regardless of it failing or landing.
She got great reviews. Most everyone I know has thoroughly enjoyed her performance. She also won a share of the pre-cursor awards. If you caught an off-night, I'm sorry. If it wasn't your cup of schnapps, I'm sorry. But she deserved the award as much as anyone.
And, I am VERY shocked that Broadway performers--some that I respect and/or adore--have exhibited some of the worst nastiness, especially in public.
Shocking indeed.
Huh, thanks. When I did it via searching for the group and going to the main page, nothing came up other than the basic info. But your link works!
It is Natazia Diaz (sp) .
Can you say bitter? And you wonder why some peoples careers have not advanced.
Some of the comments in this thread are ridiculous. Who decides what a "true Broadway moment" is or isn't? Regardless of what you thought of her, Catherine Zeta-Jones was recognized for being on Broadway and giving a commendable performance, just like anyone else who won was. How is that any less special than someone like Karen Ziemba winning for the same thing?
If you'd rather have Raul Esparza and Laura Benanti presenting than Mark Sanchez, that's fine, but then be prepared to forgo the ceremony being televised and losing the profits for the community that the major network broadcast provides. If people aren't watching with major stars involved in ways that are no way destructive to the integrity of the ceremony, they certainly won't watch without them.
I'm also a bit confused as to how exactly Broadway artists were excluded from taking an "active part" in the telecast this year? While Green Day may have gotten slightly excessive air time, they're still representing a show they created that's running. It's not as if they're some random celebrities who had no reason to be there. Everyone that was featured was "Broadway talent."
The theater is about bringing people together, and yet this whole group seems to be about keeping certain people away who have every right to establish their place in the realm of Broadway.
It's this sort of notion of "theatrical elitism" that's really doing the community a disservice.
Oh goodie. That comment was from Diaz who was fired from Sweet Charity with Christina Applegate. When was the last time Diaz had a role on Broadway?
Oh, heh, she's crazy talented, but she's got a temper.
I joined the group for about 10 minutes and there was absolutely no redeeming quality I found in any of the comments. Those who commented with revisions or critiques about what people were writing were attacked for it.
I think she was a understudy in Chicago. Not sure.
According to IBDB, she was in Man of La Mancha in 2002-2003.