Swing Joined: 6/17/10
“Also, I’m sure there a plenty of people who agree with you and thought that Hunter’s group was started with sincere intentions. Maybe it was maybe it wasn’t that’s for you to decide...or ask Hunter...”
I’m sure that I am not really saying anything new or that you don't already know, but facts are clearly what no one apparently has. There nothing but opinions. Also, I have to agree with DAME. After awhile, al of this back and forth becomes repetitive and eventually you just become bored and/or tired. At the end of the day this will all blow over and in a few months everyone will find something else to pick at.
Let's start the "Give the regional and summer stock roles back to the nameless but talented actors just trying to get a break" group. All those Broadway actors have been invading that turf. GO BACK TO BROADWAY!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Updated On: 6/17/10 at 09:58 PM
Oh girl. I need a puff.
Swing Joined: 6/17/10
LOL. If I smoked, that would be my sentiment exactly.
"You're right. It will never go away as long as whiney babies like Hunter, Jen, Chris and Natascia keep stomping their feet and making fools of themselves over this crap."
I wouldn't call being concerned about your livelihood and the state of its peripherals being a whiney baby... However disgruntled it sounds/ may be, Mr. hunter is just trying to protect something he cares about. Whether we agree with his methods is a different story.
Like i said i can see both sides to this coin. Tho i dont like the mud slinging.
And as to Gina Gershon...casting her in a musical is a stunt! and i stick to that thought
I just don't think you're allowed to complain about tv/film stars on stage if you're best known for playing the father to the Olsen Twins.
Green Day is the source of American Idiot, without there music, there would be no American Idiot. The songs they performed were in the show. I don't see how that is "taking Broadway from the Tonys", just because they're artists from a different medium, everyone says the Tony Awards are about "being apart of the community". Is starting a Facebook group about how you want Broadway to be all-inclusive instead of being apart of the community?
Musical theatre is an art form; and like every art form, it changes. Where would modern art be without Michelangelo and Leonardo DaVinci? Art changes. So does musical theatre, we went from Hello, Dolly to Next to Normal! Being apart of the community is not starting some angry Facebook group/ rant about how you want the Tony Awards to include Broadway people.
ScarJo has been wanting to perform on Broadway since the age of 8 and now you don't like her because she's a Hollywood star? What a joke.
The Tony Awards are FOR everyone, not just for Broadway people.
It's true. There's a little bit of Tony in all of us.
It’s just sad because some people in New York literally work their a**es off for years just to make it into the chorus of a show and then some actor from Hollywood comes in and automatically get a role.
And some Broadway actors come in and automatically get the role. Somehow, I don't think Nathan Lane and Bebe Neuwirth were going through cattle calls and multiple rounds of auditions and callbacks. It probably went something like: offers were made and salaries were negotiated. But because they are Broadway stars, they don't get the same treatment as someone from Hollywood who receives a similar offer.
All this crap about Hollywood actors taking jobs away is not only absurd, but completely misdirected. If people want to be mad about it, talk about the directors or the producers or the casting agents. Picking apart the performers is pointless unless they were somehow directly responsible for being cast in the show.
And being a Broadway actor doesn't give you bonus points for performance if the performance is weaker than others. I've seen performances I thought were lousy on Broadway by both Broadway and Hollywood actors. The "Hollywood" and "Broadway" labels are utterly meaningless in this conversation since every actor that appeared on Broadway this season is a Broadway actor by definition.
It's like a Mustang telling a Mercedes that it shouldn't have won a race because it is an expensive German car in its first race. They're both cars. The Mercedes was faster. It doesn't matter how many races the Mustang was in previously. Just deal with it, move on, and maybe you'll win next time.
"And some Broadway actors come in and automatically get the role. Somehow, I don't think Nathan Lane and Bebe Neuwirth were going through cattle calls and multiple rounds of auditions and callbacks. It probably went something like: offers were made and salaries were negotiated. But because they are Broadway stars, they don't get the same treatment as someone from Hollywood who receives a similar offer. "
The difference being that most people are aware of Nathan and BeBe's countless shows. No i don't think they audition anymore, but im pretty sure they paid the dues to not have to. Its very different to have a star make their Broadway Debut without having stood in the audition line. Again... theres no saying that they can't give a great performance. But you can't just dismiss that a huge contributing factor to a hwood name being on bway is really about tickets.
"It's like a Mustang telling a Mercedes that it shouldn't have won a race because it is an expensive German car in its first race. They're both cars. The Mercedes was faster. It doesn't matter how many races the Mustang was in previously. Just deal with it, move on, and maybe you'll win next time."
And i didnt really get this analogy, but when you put it that way, the race sounds rigged. NO, i dont think the tonys were rigged. But anyway people are not cars and its tough to gleam what you meant there.
This discussion has just become boring. I'm gonna log onto Grindr and go get laid.
Happy Hunting.
"You're right. It will never go away as long as whiney babies like Hunter, Jen, Chris and Natascia keep stomping their feet and making fools of themselves over this crap. "
If facebook was as huge 8 years ago, you would see a lot of UK West End actors bantoring on a page about how they threatened to walk out due to reality stars getting leads.
That Kate Winslet story... OMFG! I thought she had done Shakespeare at Stratford. Even if not what she did and said is absolutely ridiculous. Is that a joke? Not even great stage actors can ALL do Shakespeare. On the flip side, Leslie Nielson started out doing serious Shakespeare theatre.
Wow, I go away for a few hours, and all hell breaks loose on this thread and especially in that Facebook group. I'm shocked at what I've been reading.
I guess I was a sucker giving Hunter Foster the benefit of the doubt. I still think his original comment was valid and very much along the lines of what I thought, as far as his intent.
But since then, he has done little to stop an onslaught of vitriol. In fact he's encouraged it and contributed to it himself.
I just pulled myself from the group. And Hunter's on his own. I'm not defending any of his remarks or perceived intentions, especially when they are contradictory and hypocritical at best.
If facebook was as huge 8 years ago, you would see a lot of UK West End actors bantoring on a page about how they threatened to walk out due to reality stars getting leads.
Or even in the late '80s/early '90s? Would there have been a group about giving Broadway back to the Americans and yanking it away from the British megamusicals?
Awww. Is poor wittle Hunter jealous that he is in nothing but flops and hasn't won a single award himself? It's okay, boo-boo. One day you will grow into some big boy britches and be able to pull that stick out of your ass.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
This might be my favorite thread ever.
You say that now Phyllis but just wait until next month when Patti comes out in support of the Nazis.
I still cannot believe Kate Winslet is actually going to leave a production "thanks to Hunter Foster" this has to be fake.
Stand-by Joined: 12/28/07
Well the Million Dollar Quartet CD signing is at Barnes and Noble June 22nd.
Whose protesting?!?
It depends. Has this thread been covered by Advocate yet?
Reading through that Facebook group sort of just makes me angry. What a bunch of fools. And almost everyone on there hasn't even seen a single one of the (very worthy) winning performances.
And then the "clarification," just absurd. Why is it so bad that a theatre-loving quarterback presents something at the Tonys? Like, really?
Film actors do bust their @#*es to get where they are too. No one handed Scarlet, Julia, Denzel, and Catherine their plum film roles or their careers. Most of the time they have more to prove and are looked at with even more scrutiny.
It was a joke, Piper.