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I stand-by my comments on GLEE- Page 6

I stand-by my comments on GLEE

#125re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 12:19am

Yeah, that would have been a good idea.

I think they should have cut part of the storyline with the old choir teacher and put in Leaving on a Jet Plane.
oh well.

#126re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 12:20am

Yeah, and we never saw the kid in the wheel chair audition.. That kinda sucked.

#127re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 12:24am

They should have saved watching the competition for a later episode. The pilot should have been about building the core team.

And while we're at it, why didn't they rip-off the storyline from Sister Act? Remember how we saw Whoopi's character working to put together the core group?

And how come the glee club can't do a fundraiser like selling candy or washing cars? That could have been an important scene in the pilot. But they just pretend they can work with $60 per month.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

#128re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 12:31am

It reminded me way too much of Sister Act 2... The problem I had with the pilot (and the trailer) is they basically give the story away.

Here's a Competition, Glee club will enter, and will probably win. I think they should have looked at other choirs for ideas instead of going to a big compeitition, giving the storyline away. hahaha

At least Sister Act 2 had some sort of build up. I had a problem with how 'good' the Glee club was in the first episode.

#129re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 7:15am

I love this show. I hope it lasts a long time.

#130re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 8:39am

Hopefully this show will go beyond the cliche stereotypes and find some real depth. Lots of talent involved and the musical numbers are fun. Cast is strong and Jane Lynch's one-liners are hilarious.
Too bad they couldn't actually shoot this in OH (It so obviously NOT Ohio).
Parts of the pilot were actually quite touching and I'm looking forward to what they come up with in the Fall.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#131re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 10:04am

Actually....Matt Morrison didn't HAVE 60 to work with. He had to PAY 60 to the school.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#132re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 1:23pm

And honestly, it's not as if this show has the biggest buzz of the TV season.

Maybe not the biggest, but it has gotten some buzz. Fox put aired the pilot in THE best TV spot of the year with the American Idol finale lead-in. Fox is also putting more effort into marketing. And there's been positive response from TV critics as well. While it may not be the new Lost or Desperate Housewives with hype out the wazoo, there is attention.

That said, I don't think anyone in a position of power cares about the premature opinion of a BWW poster.

I'm growing tired of Lea's, "oh I look just like Idina" look

It's not like she's altering something about her appearance to look more like Idina. That's how she looks. She didn't paint her face green and sing Defying Gravity.

Just out of curiosity, Yankeefan, did you watch Popular?

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 5/20/09 at 01:23 PM

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#133re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 3:24pm

Glee scored a 5.0 & 3.8 at the half hour mark.

#134re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 3:25pm

No, but I was a big fan of FREAKS AND GEEKS.

uncageg Profile Photo
#135re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 3:29pm

FREAKS AND GEEKS was the best!

Just give the world Love.

CSonBroadway Profile Photo
#136re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 3:31pm

"Glee scored a 5.0 & 3.8 at the half hour mark."

What do you mean?

I'm a professional. Whenever something goes wrong on stage, I know how to handle it so no one ever remembers. I flash my %#$&. "Jayne just sat there while Gina flailed around the stage like an idiot."

STUCKinOH Profile Photo
#137re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 3:33pm

That's fine..think what you want.
Can't wait for it to come on full-time in the fall!!!!!

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#138re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 3:36pm

In the ratings.

CSonBroadway Profile Photo
#139re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 3:47pm

I'm sorry, but is that good or bad?

I'm a professional. Whenever something goes wrong on stage, I know how to handle it so no one ever remembers. I flash my %#$&. "Jayne just sat there while Gina flailed around the stage like an idiot."

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#140re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 3:47pm

It's funny seeing Morrison as a teacher. I think of him and Lea as in similar age ranges, but I guess they arent. I think the pilot was cliched but hopefully it would deepen with time. It has promise that is for sure. Jane Lynch can do anything and it is funny. I love her.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#141re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 3:57pm

The 5.0 put them first in the time slot & 3.8 was in the third place.

steven22 Profile Photo
#142re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 4:23pm

i loved Glee last night,,I just watched it a second time on hulu

i really hope this show last and I can't wait until the fall
and btw, Jenna Ushkowitz and Lea Michele rock!

#143re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 4:27pm

Myspace jokes? Is it 2005?

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

Weez Profile Photo
#144re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 4:34pm

I watched it and I enjoyed it. I also like how some of you are complaining that there was way too much happening, plotwise, for one episode, while others are complaining that more things should've happened. XD

Yes, it was very weak in places. (I too do not buy that Finn is a great singer, but he's kinda cute and a footballer so perhaps his status is supposed to make up for his less-than-stellar ability?) But it's just one episode. You've always got to give establishing episodes a little leeway, that's why the three-episode rule exists. If they're canny, it could end up freakin' awesome. And even if it doesn't, it's still nice to see Matt Morrison being gorgeous all over my screen. re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE

VonTussleGirl Profile Photo
#145re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 5:14pm

I didn't really like what they were saying, but I loved how they were saying it. It's a very stylish take on the hackneyed "daring criticism of high school caste systems, omg!" The adults are definitely going to be my favorite parts - I love Matt and Jayma Mays, and Jessalyn Gilsig constantly pops up in stuff that I like (Heroes, See This Movie, etc.) so I have a certain affection for her as well. Didn't love that all of the "high school kids" seemed to have Botox and receding hairlines, but this IS the same network who brought us The O.C., so whatevs.

But really, did anyone else think that Lea was just doing Gabriella from High School Musical via Logainne from Spelling Bee?

Gobstopper Profile Photo
#146re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 5:24pm

Criticizing Lea for looking like Idina Menzel is possibly the most ridiculous remark I've read. How is she supposed to change that?

Furthermore, if you've seen Jackie Burns in the Broadway production of Hair then you've seen a real Lea lookalike. Jackie and Lea look like clones... And both are very fierce ladies, in my humble opinion.

Weez Profile Photo
#147re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 5:26pm

VTG, I'm so glad you're here! It's been a couple of years since I saw Spelling Bee, but wasn't her two gay dads thing almost word for word the same as Logainne?!

I felt she was a little more Sharpay than Gabriella, personalitywise if not looks. Man, I hope we end up feeling more creeped out and amused by Rachel than sympathetic towards her. She could be awesome if they don't throw too many "kicked puppy" looks in. :3

TimesSquareRegular Profile Photo
#148re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 6:59pm

Enjoyed it enough so that I'll definitely be there when its regular run starts in the fall.

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defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#149re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 10:51pm

They are the #1 song now.
