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I stand-by my comments on GLEE- Page 5

I stand-by my comments on GLEE

canmark Profile Photo
#100re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 10:15pm

I loved the Glee pilot episode, and am looking forward to the series in the fall.

Yes, it's derivative of a lot of things (Hamlet 2 and Camp come to mind), but so what? I'd rather watch these kids than the spoiled rich kids in most other TV shows.

Plus it's funny and campy (in a sort-of Ugly Betty-esqe way), and the songs are a hoot. Was that Matt Morrison rapping Golddigger in a future episode?

Glee made it as a top trending topic on Twitter. Fox says it will stream the pilot episode over the summer on, so everyone will get a chance to see it. I'd imagine they'll be doing other things to promote the show over the summer like myspace pages, facebook, releasing songs on iTunes.

And maybe it will get more young people interested in performance and musical theatre, and wouldn't that be a good thing?

Coach Bob knew it all along: you've got to get obsessed and stay obsessed. You have to keep passing the open windows. (John Irving, The Hotel New Hampshire)
Updated On: 5/19/09 at 10:15 PM

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#101re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 10:16pm

I found it to be a show conflicted. They seem to want the show to fit into every genre and its just not working. They need to make a concrete decision if this is supposed to be a comedy or melodrama, since its awkward to fluctuate from one to the other so often

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

lull89 Profile Photo
#102re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 10:18pm

I was thoroughly entertained, I think there's a lot of interesting places for the show to go, and I was laughing out loud both at the episode itself, as well as the preview for the next batch of episodes to air in the fall (the line about an elementary school production of Hair was brilliant).

I think it's certainly got some interesting things to say about our motivations in our lives and what it means to follow a passion, or to want to be famous. Certainly a rich area of exploration for a series.

My one complaint, though, is that all the musical numbers sound REALLY overproduced. I did not buy that the "Don't Stop Believin'" number (however awesome it sounded) was only being sung by 5 people for a second, and all the performances are lip synced to a very polished finished track. That's it, though. I was very entertained throughout.

#103re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 10:19pm

Wow, I'm surprised by all the negativity. I watched it and found it to be brilliant! I laughed out loud many times. Michele's voice sounds GREAT in this (even though it seems a bit out of place for a high school). There were a lot of great lines in this, and I am looking very forward to new episodes.

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."-Stephen Sondheim

lakezurich Profile Photo
#104re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 10:20pm

I absolutely LOVED every minute of it. Now I'm sad that I have to wait so long before catching the next episode.

Rant, Wickud, Rant, Wickud, Rant! We're not gonna pay Rant! 'Cause everythink is Wickud!

"Leave Walt Disney Theatricals new sparkling production of The Little Mermaid on Broadway alone!!!"

lakezurich will be played by Paul Groves in the BWW musical

#105re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 10:21pm

I certainly loved it, but man... did they have to include every possible storyline in that episode!? There was just too much going on, and within the first 10 minutes, so many emotional arcs and relationships were formed between the characters that I wondered what could be left for the next 50 minutes.

If the show takes a step back, slows down, and hires a new music supervisor, it can be WONDERFUL.

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#106re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 10:24pm

I really like it! Can Jane Lynch sing? I would really like to see her get a song.

IMDB is eating it up. Updated On: 5/19/09 at 10:24 PM

#107re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 10:29pm

Wow.. So yeah I totally love this show. I'm a LITTLE bit upset that they cut a few things from the "ahem" other pilot.... But I'm happy that a show like this has gotten so much attention/push and praise.

anything you do let it come from you and it will be new.

CSonBroadway Profile Photo
#108re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 10:31pm

Maybe this will find an audience.

I'm a professional. Whenever something goes wrong on stage, I know how to handle it so no one ever remembers. I flash my %#$&. "Jayne just sat there while Gina flailed around the stage like an idiot."

#109re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 10:33pm

I enjoyed it. I think it suffered from establishing the characters, but will become great a few episodes in.

karen24 Profile Photo
#110re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 10:35pm

Overall, I enjoyed it, and I'll definitely watch the next few episodes to see how it develops. I wouldn't be too hard on the pilot in terms of trying to fit too much in; that's kind of the nature of the beast for pilots (as an earlier poster said.) Hopefully they were able to calm down a bit in the next few episodes and just focus on one or two plotlines.
I did mention to the people I was watching with that I saw quite a bit of influence from "Hamlet 2"--the troubled marriage, the "loser" club at the HS, etc. Maybe that's what made me guess almost immediately that the "pregnancy" wasn't what it seemed.
I do agree that Lea Michele's voice sounded a bit too good to be HS; there are girls at my son's HS who have very good voices, but they just don't have that sheen of polish and professionalism yet. I guess we are supposed to believe that she's been training practically since birth and that's why she sounds that good.
I sure hope they do let Matthew Morrison sing in future episodes!


IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
#111re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 10:40pm

I also just bought Don't Stop Believin' on itunes!

"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards

#112re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 10:42pm

Did anyone see the 55 minute version of the pilot? It had a much longer intro before the credits showing Matt Morrison's character in show choir in HS. Then cut to the present Matt is already the glee club director and how he got the job was told in flashback. In the aired version it was a lot more linear. They also cut lines here and there. They made the pacing a lot quicker.

It also sucks that you saw everyones audition except the wheelchair bound kid....and they cut Matt Morrison's "Leaving On a Jet Plane" Updated On: 5/19/09 at 10:42 PM

#113re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 10:46pm


The pregnancy/teacher leaving should have been left for another episode. We've just met these people and it's too much too soon. Now the teacher won't be able to leave again because it will make him look like a quitter.

Dear Glee producers: how about writing in a role for Loretta Devine? Perhaps she could be the bossy stage mother of the black girl?

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#114re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 10:47pm

The unaired pilot was much better. I don't like that that they cut out Matt's Glee director.

"Glee is about opening yourself up to joy." Updated On: 5/19/09 at 10:47 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#115re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 11:14pm

I just watched and really enjoyed it. The sometimes out of sync production numbers was a bit annoying. I am looking forward to watching this show in the fall. I couldn't help but think of two other series while watching this. "Wonder Falls" and "Dead Like Me". Two really good series that didn't make it and that I would have watched every week. There are a few shows that I make sure I am home to watch. "Glee" will now be one of them.

Just give the world Love.

#116re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 11:30pm

It reminded me of Boston Public, which used to have a lot of musical numbers and Broadway people. The woman who played Matt Morrison's wife was actually on that show.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

theaterkid1015 Profile Photo
#117re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 11:43pm

I thoroughly enjoyed this. I don't think I'd call it brilliant, but certainly a lot more fun than most shows running. I hope it finds an audience!!!

Some people paint, some people sew, I meddle.

#118re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 11:45pm

My PM's are on if anyone would care to share the whereabouts of the unaired pilot.

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
#119re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 11:50pm

We heard you on the other thread.

"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards

sealionspeed Profile Photo
#120re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/19/09 at 11:55pm

Cute show.

#121re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 12:00am

That's nice, but to stand by one's beliefs does not require a dash.

#122re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 12:13am

^ lol

I kinda think the last musical number, "Don't Stop," was rushed. The football guy gave everyone jobs to do, but we don't see the Glee team progress and see how they REALLY got to be that good. It just jumped to them performing this big number.

Did anyone else notice this as well??

#123re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 12:15am

It needed a MONTAGE! (even Rocky had a montaaage~)

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#124re: I stand-by my comments on GLEE
Posted: 5/20/09 at 12:18am

"Did anyone else notice this as well??"

Yes. The whole pilot was rushed. We never found out what the Asian girl's contribution was to the final product.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.
