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Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE- Page 4

Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE

TalkinLoud Profile Photo
#75Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/26/12 at 10:37am

@IdinaBellFoster, I don't know if they're ALL legit, but some definitely are. I've used line sitters before. And I don't really feel bad about it. I wish I had time to sit in like from 5:00am to 1:00pm, but alas I don't.

Play  Esq. Profile Photo
Play Esq.
#76Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/26/12 at 4:42pm

TalkinLoud: I really don't mean to be rude, but why not just donate to the Public for the ticket?

TalkinLoud Profile Photo
#77Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/26/12 at 4:46pm

Hire a "line sitter" for 2 tickets = $100
The Public Summer Supporter two tickets = $350

Updated On: 7/26/12 at 04:46 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#78Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/26/12 at 4:55pm

The deli will send someone in to take your order. They disappear for awhile and then bring you your food. That's when you pay. Pretty awesome deal, actually.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

JudasIscariot Profile Photo
#79Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/26/12 at 5:08pm

Hey guys,

I've never done the ticket line before and I've never had a chance to see one of the shows in the park, but Into The Woods holds a really special place in my heart so I'd love to see this performance.

I'm reading on the website that they don't condone people lining up before 6:00 AM. For those who have gotten in, what time did you line up? I am off of work this weekend, so I've got the time to waste, but I just want to make sure that I get there early enough.


broadwaydevil Profile Photo
#80Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/26/12 at 5:29pm

Opening night I got in line about 6:30 - 6:45 and I got a ticket with room to spare. I heard the next night it was a bit more difficult.

For the weekend, I really wouldn't get there much later than 6.

Scratch and claw for every day you're worth! Make them drag you screaming from life, keep dreaming You'll live forever here on earth.

LuminousBeing Profile Photo
#81Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/26/12 at 6:35pm

For people who do show up earlier than 6:00, where do they line up? Will they lose their place in line once 6:00 rolls around?

I've never done this before, either, and I'm coming into town specifically for the show (hence no money left to "buy" a ticket by making a donation). Thanks so much! This thread has been very helpful so far. :)

Kad Profile Photo
#82Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/26/12 at 6:37pm

People line up outside of the park, at the 81th and Central Park West entrance.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Play  Esq. Profile Photo
Play Esq.
#83Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/26/12 at 6:45pm

"For the weekend, I really wouldn't get there much later than 6."

I think 5 is safe...6 is pushing it. I'm going again in two weeks (saw lat night's performance) and am starting to think 3AM is too late! I've seen all of the "blockbuster" shows at SintheP for the past decade or so, and none has had such an early hype as this. Hell, you could arrive by 7AM for the first week of Pacino's MERCHANT and still get in.

As an aside: saw this last night and absolutely LOVED this production. I'm going to the WTF this weekend, but part of me would rather stay behind and see this again.

Then again Bradley Cooper is in Williamstown.

...ya, gonna stick to the original plan Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#84Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/26/12 at 6:49pm

^ Reading here, that is what usually ends up happening. I think people started lining up for Twelfth Night as the performance the night before wanting tickets for was going on. Or was it right after? I can't remember.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

broadwaydevil Profile Photo
#85Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/26/12 at 7:53pm

There are stories of people leaving the theatre for Twelfth Night and seeing a couple hundred people already lined up. I never went to Twelfth Night so I can't comment.

Scratch and claw for every day you're worth! Make them drag you screaming from life, keep dreaming You'll live forever here on earth.

#86Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/26/12 at 8:04pm

For weekday performances, would 5 AM be okay or should I get there earlier?

broadwaydevil Profile Photo
#87Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/26/12 at 8:10pm

If you mean soon like tomorrow or early next week I'd imagine 5 would be safe. Much later than that (especially after press opening) it very well may be necessary to camp out overnight.

Scratch and claw for every day you're worth! Make them drag you screaming from life, keep dreaming You'll live forever here on earth.

#88Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/26/12 at 11:47pm

Yeah, I was thinking sometime next week. Thanks for your help!

beltingbaritone Profile Photo
#89Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/27/12 at 12:37am

Question: when you enter the virtual lottery, are you supposed to receive a confirmation e-mail afterwords or is it just the message on the website?

Men don't even belt.

macnyc Profile Photo
#90Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/27/12 at 6:55am

Just the message on the website. A bit after 1 p.m. you'll receive an e-mail either way.

#91Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/27/12 at 8:20am

I entered on Wednesday and did not get an email telling me I did not win. I had to as I always have in the past go to the website and see the bad news. Since they started the virtual lottery I have never won. I wonder how many tickets are allocated to the virtual lottery. I am guessing very few....

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#92Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/27/12 at 9:53am

For those who are curious, the line seems to be significantly crazier today than it already has been.

The first people got in line at 10:30pm last night, and by the time the public was let into the park at 6am, the line was already over three and a half blocks long.

It's sad to see just how many scalpers are already taking over the ticketing, but I imagine it'll only get worse from here on out. There appears to be one guy who has employed a bunch of other people within the line to work for him. His partner has a laptop out blatantly on their blanket, and various people keep walking back to him and talking to him and then making phone calls, so I guess they've now started processing their Craigslist listings from right in the line.

I really hope The Public's being swift about getting those listings taken down, because the line monitors can clearly tell what's going on and seem like they could care less.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 7/27/12 at 09:53 AM

macnyc Profile Photo
#93Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/27/12 at 10:24am

^^^ Wow, that is a shame! That the lines are so long, but especially the ticket scalping! Already today, July 27, there are about 30 ads on Craigslist selling tickets.

Mar, I received an e-mail on Wednesday telling me I didn't win. Maybe double-check that it didn't go into the spam box? Or check that the e-mail you gave is correct? I don't know how to see that on teh Public site, so if someone knows, please post.

Updated On: 7/27/12 at 10:24 AM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#94Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/27/12 at 10:35am

You can check your entry status here:

#95Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/27/12 at 10:39am

I really hope The Public's being swift about getting those listings taken down, because the line monitors can clearly tell what's going on and seem like they could care less.

I hope people who donate to The Public are reading this and complaining about it.

macnyc Profile Photo
#96Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/27/12 at 10:40am

Question: Supposed I can get on the line earlier than other members of my party. How much time do they have to join me? Does someone from the Public give out numbers at some point? How does that work? Any advice is appreciated!

broadwaydevil Profile Photo
#97Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/27/12 at 11:07am

Technically no time at all. You need to arrive together. If it was maybe five minutes you could just tell the people behind you and they'd be fine with that but any longer and you'll all need to go to the back of the line. They are very strict about it and the line can grow tremendously in only a few minutes.

Scratch and claw for every day you're worth! Make them drag you screaming from life, keep dreaming You'll live forever here on earth.

macnyc Profile Photo
#98Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/27/12 at 11:11am

^^^ That's what I was thinking. Thanks a lot for answering!

theaterfan862 Profile Photo
#99Into The Woods - TIX / LOTTO / LINE
Posted: 7/27/12 at 11:26am

I know the Delacorte has 1900 seats but does anyone one know how many tickets are given out at the box office and how many at the virtual lottery? Thanks.
