Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
No, as Rob has already stated, you can't post the link because Disney has asked that all links to illegitimate sources be removed.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/3/14
well, I downloaded it (sue me!). If someone wants to hear it, PM me.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
Fortunately, I didn't close the window last night after listening and still have access to the clips. I won't be closing it anytime soon as I don't want to lose them.
@jacobsnchz14: For Cinderella, the very first thing we hear about her is she is "a fair maiden". Fair as in pretty. I actually think Anna Kendrick is only sorta pretty, but I kind of liked that a not-so-pretty actress would be considered pretty via this film. Anyway, unlike her stepfamily who are are pretty on the outside and ugly on the inside (and actually, I think Lucinda should be prettier than who they cast, too, to be "beautiful of face" like the narrator I think the true form of the Witch should be prettier as she wants her beauty back so she has to be beautiful. I can understand that in comparison to her ugly form she does get more beautiful, but I don't think as much as she is supposed to be according to the story. If only Meryl Streep, Anna Kendrick, and Lucy Punch's looks were as good as their talent), Cinderella is as beautiful on the inside as her outside. Sure, she has annoyances and darkness, but in the end she is a GOOD person who tries to be kind all the time. She is pretty on the inside. She cares about wearing a pretty gown and doing pretty dancing at a pretty ball and marrying a pretty prince. So, her voice should fit all that. It should be pretty.
But if you disagree, ok, because you had some good points, too, and maybe you're right. Just that for me, I think I'm right.
And Laura Benanti's Cinderella did sing so beautifully I think she might have the best Cinderella voice. But you know, when I just went to listen to her version, Anna's did also sound beautiful sometimes in comparison. I'd say Laura's is prettier as in less like nasally like I think Anna's is, but hey, I have to admit they both sing pretty. Just feel Anna should sing prettier.
Updated On: 11/12/14 at 03:13 AM
I only listened to three ("Stay with Me," "It Takes Two," and "On the Steps of the Palace"), but I was blown away. Any reservations I had about Emily Blunt are gone after the snippet of "It Takes Two" in which she actually injects personality to the song while singing it beautifully (see? was that too hard to do 2002 Broadway revival?). Meryl Streep sounds glorious as the Witch, beautiful, haunting, perfection. Couldn't love Anna Kendrick's singing more. Everyone sounds great while still adding so much character work to the songs. This could perhaps turn out to be a recording as good as the OBCR, definitely miles better from the 2002 revival recording.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/9/10
"I really think they've hit the bar with this one. Those samples were magical. The music team on Lemiz could take some pointers."
Yes, I agree. I think the clips that I heard were very good. The most impressive to me was Meryl and Chris Pine. I have not heard enough to really say "OMG Their great" until I hear much more.
As the for the LeMiz team, I don't think they worried about taking pointers from ITW sound people. LEMIZ team was not trying to do what ITW is. Therefore, telling that one team can learn from another is pointless when they were both working on to different types of sound designs.
I'm very curious to see whether the stand-and-sing-my-inner-thought-process songs will work on film. On stage, very wordy one-person songs like "On the Steps of the Palace" and "Moment in the Woods" are wonderful, but on film, all of that exposition can be handled with just a look or a movement of the camera.
I'm also curious as to why we have a mix of accents in this film. I suppose that the baker and wife could be UK immigrants to this US woods.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
The film is visually a combination of different eras, from the Wolf's zoot suit to the stepsisters' Lady Gaga hair to the more traditional duds for the Baker and his wife. The accents don't matter in the end.
Oh, no, I get that. I'm just curious as to why Marshall made the decision to have his British born actors keep their original accents when everyone else has American accents. We know Blunt can do American well. Assume Corden can as well. I suppose, in some ways, it sets them up as outsiders/observers among the more well known fairy tale characters.
Isn't Depp doing a British accent?
Broadway Star Joined: 11/9/10
Anyone still know where you can listen to the audio clips?
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Info on film provided by BBFC:
INTO THE WOODS is a musical fantasy about a baker who is sent into a forest by a witch to retrieve a number of items that will lift a spell; in the forest, he encounters various famous fairy tale characters
Occasional violence includes scenes in which a woman cuts off parts of her two adult daughters' feet so they can squeeze into some shoes. One of the daughters loses a toe and the other part of a heel; the two women scream in pain and one of them faints, although the actual violence takes place off-screen. A wolf is stabbed in the stomach to set free a girl and her grandmother, whom he has eaten; the stabbing occurs off-screen and the two victims emerge unharmed. A giant is also killed by a boy, who throws a coin that strikes its forehead. There are some other deaths, but these generally occur off-screen.
There are several scenes in which the characters are threatened by seen and unseen forces. Giants with loud booming voices threaten various characters, shaking trees and the ground with heavy footsteps. A wolf in human form also menaces a young girl. One of the main characters is a witch who occasionally briefly threatens various characters.
There is one use of very mild bad language ('God').
125 Minutes
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
1) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
2)" She is pretty on the inside. She cares about wearing a pretty gown and doing pretty dancing at a pretty ball and marrying a pretty prince. So, her voice should fit all that. It should be pretty. "
You are describing the Disney Cinderella (the animated one)...this Cinderella just wanted a ball..."wanting a ball is NOT wanting a prince..."
Also...I think Anna sounds just fine...
Leading Actor Joined: 9/16/13
The Giants death sounds interesting.
Chris Pine has a British accent in the film.
"There is one use of very mild bad language ('God')."
This is my favorite thing of the day.
It stinks that the previews have been taken down, but Disney can't hold them for much longer.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Streep will be on GMA December 2nd to promote the film...I think we may get a clip...possibly the rap? Or "Who cares!?!"
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
I found this on Tumblr...
1 You are right, beauty is in the eye of the beholder...even though I think those actresses truly need to be more beautiful, but if you're right, then in MY eye, I think they need to be more beautiful.
2) You are describing the Disney Cinderella (the animated one)...this Cinderella just wanted a ball..."wanting a ball is NOT wanting a prince..."
Disney's Cinderella may not have wanted a prince. Her voice actor said she wanted to go to the ball and then she wanted the prince when she met him. Also I hope you know it is not only the Disney version that had a fairy godmother and glass slippers, that is the Perrault version. But yes in the Perrault version she wanted to go to the second night of the ball because she wanted the prince.
3) The Into the Woods Cinderella was NOT SURE if she wanted the prince or not. In "So Happy" she sings "I never thought I'd wed a prince", so marrying a pretty prince may be what she wanted, at a time, or at least she thought she did.
Updated On: 11/13/14 at 08:48 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
" Also I hope you know it is not only the Disney version that had a fairy godmother and glass slippers, that is the Perrault version. But yes in the Perrault version she wanted to go to the second night of the ball because she wanted the prince. "
Of course I know you know that this Cinderella is different though? Anna Kendrick herself even said this Cinderella knows how to throw some sass and glares (as seen in the trailer) when she needs to. Also, this Cinderella is more strong..."if you loved me, then why did you stray"...her entire "breakup dialogue" with the Prince...
"The Into the Woods Cinderella was NOT SURE if she wanted the prince or not. In "So Happy" she sings "I never thought I'd wed a prince", so marrying a pretty prince may be what she wanted, at a time, or at least she thought she did. "
At the beginning of the play, she just wanted a you understand that? When she met the prince, then she was not sure, so your argument in your original post saying "she wanted a pretty prince", is in my mind, flawed...
But, whatever, think what you want...
Updated On: 11/13/14 at 09:04 PM
Well all I have left to say is the Disney Cinderella had some sass, and in one moment glares at her stepmother, and I find her to be strong. :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
In the "Careful My Toe" track..the Baker is still narrating...I thought he was just narrating the opening?!?! Is he narrating the entire film now? I hope that he doesn' least not in Act 2... the tracks they had some sound effects and dialogue, specifically in the opening..are the actors also lip-speaking some times? Are some of the tracks taken live from the film?
^I have a feeling that only "The Rap" was the only part of INTO THE WOODS that was indeed sung live on the set, as for the others, yeah it's probably done the old fashioned way. As for the dialogue, in most soundtracks they do take the dialogue from the movie that was done on the set and they place it with the song soundtrack so the music track won't feel empty.