Chris Pine's voice gives me tingles.
I'm thoroughly impressed with all of these clips! The orchestra sounds incredible, I cannot wait!!
@ HorseTears, well I'm sorry but Tunick is not getting any younger you know.
I agree Wynbish, Pine's vocals surprised me, he would make a great Joe Gillis in a film adaptation of ALW's SUNSET BOULEVARD.
Updated On: 11/10/14 at 09:51 PM
Are you thinking of someone else, Musical Master? Tunick is 76. These days, that's hardly ancient. Not to mention the fact that he's almost a decade younger than Sondheim. Just seems like a silly comment to have made, but whatever.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
I'm listening to "Agony" right now. Both Magnusen and Pine sound amazing.
This is giving me so much hope for the movie. It truly sounds like the musical. Which doesn't happen in a lot of movie adaptations. Also, these orchestrations are gorgeous beyond belief. My biggest qualm is Huttlestone...
ShakinBaconGirl - I don't think Blunt sounds uncomfortable at all. I'm actually thrilled with how at ease she sounds with the material. Beautiful voice, intelligent and thoughtful delivery. I can't wait to see her performance.
Anyone think Chris Pine sounds about 74 on "Any Moment"?
@Mr. Musical, I think Daniel Huttlestone will do fine in the end, he did good in LES MISERABLES after all.
@HorseTears, maybe it is rather silly of me to think like that, I'm still happy that he's working in both theater and film today. I think the work he's done here will be some of his best since the 1970's.
Updated On: 11/10/14 at 10:45 PM
I am disappointed with myself. First I wasn't going to rewatch the trailer. Then I wasn't going to listen to any clips before the movie. Failed on both accounts... but it sounds great at least!
Oh, I agree, MM. He's a treasure of the American theatre. I found Gentleman's Guide's score insufferably dull, but was still able to appreciate the beauty in Tunick's orchestrations for that show. So, when you combine his talent with Sondheim's? Well, heaven...
Thanks HorseTears, Tunick and Sondheim are indeed heaven. Here's to hoping that they work together on a film version of FOLLIES.
Oh and Joanna Riding's beautiful voice in "Cinderella at the Grave" which I thought was cut from the film.
I also thought that "Cinderella at the Grave" was cut.
Who else is waiting to listen to all of the major songs? I have only listened to the prologue sample and some of the instrumental music.
Wow wow wow! It sounds soooooo amazingly good!
And oh man, I’m so glad they are using the original “Last Midnight”’s more meaningful “You’re so nic., You’re not good, you’re not bad, you’re just nice. I’m not good, I’m not bad, I’m just right” instead of the changed lyrics from the revivals where she steals the baby and then jk she doesn’t steal the baby.
They have Cinderella at the Grave! Yes! I thought it was cut! But if Cinderella’s mother gets to sing…why doesn’t Cinderella sing her parts? WTF?!
Cinderella sings…pretty beautifully but not as much as I think a Cinderella should. I don't think Anna’s voice fits Cinderella so well. I think she sounds a little nasally sometimes. But it is beautiful at some times…
Johnny Depp…ugh…didn’t like him this time. Sorry, I just didn’t think he did this song fittingly.
“It Takes Two” sounds so beautiful and sweet! Emily really does sing so beautifully, I’m surprised how much so! Her “Moments in the Woods” is really, really great!
The Princes sound great! I’m surprised I think Chris Pine has a better sounding voice than Billy Magnussen. But together their “Agony” is so excellent!
Holy sh!t Mery’’s “Stay With Me” was too amazing to be believed! I didn’t really like how she sounded more angry than desperately sad during her “Who out there..” and “What out there…”, but it was powerful and GOOD anyway. And Mery’s “Last Midnight” was pretty amazingly fantastic!
Updated On: 11/10/14 at 11:14 PM
Anyone think Chris Pine sounds about 74 on "Any Moment"?
Completely disagree. I hear hints of a young Sinatra but a lighter tone, some hints of a softer Raul Esparza, and hints of voices I can't pinpoint, but he definitely doesn't sound old to me. He sings in a way that matches his speaking voice, too, especially with the affectations he uses in this role.
After listening to Meryl's tracks, I have no doubt that if ALW's SUNSET BOULEVARD does become a movie, she is the only one who can pull off the role of Norma Desmond spectacularly.
These samples are incredible. A cast of actually great singers, that amazing orchestra- so much of the score is here. It sounds gorgeous.
I can only hope the cinematic aspect of the film lives up to this.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/13/08
So I guess people are done hating on Meryl "getting all the good parts"?
I hope.
No. I still think Ellen Burstyn is the only film actress who should have played Violet in AUGUST.
@Jordon What, and have Ellen fall down on the floor and hurt her back again after THE EXORCIST stunt she suffered from in 1973? Nah, I thought Streep did good but not great either.
I don't really understand any sort of reasoning behind anything you just said.
You know that scene where Violet teased her eldest daughter on her own drug addictions at dinner and they both had a nasty fight right? Well both OSAGE and EXORCIST has something in common, both mother and daughter fight and both mothers fall to the floor in a rough way.
Well during filming of THE EXORCIST Ellen Burstyn had a rig that pulled her back when Linda Blair's character gives her mother a rather hard slap. Well let's just say that the rig pulled Ellen TOO violently to the point where her coccyx was badly injured where it was permanently damaged throughout her life.
So what I was attempting to say is that Ellen Burstyn won't play a character who falls on the floor in a rough way, during a fight ever again.
Updated On: 11/10/14 at 11:41 PM
Broadway Star Joined: 5/28/13
I am now incredibly hopeful for the movie. From the trailers it is clear that it is visually stunning. The orchestrations are truly gorgeous and almost all of the songs sound great. "It takes two" and "hello little girl" were slightly underwhelming though. Lilla Crawford and Meryl Streep definitely stand out to me as the highlights of the cast.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
I am impressed. I think everyone sounds quite lovely. Streep sounds fierce and amazing. After Mama Mia! I was a bit concerned that she may not be up to the task, but these clips leave me wanting to hear more. I don't think Blunt sounds uncomfortable in the slightest, on the contrary, I think she sounds quite good and very comfortable with the score. Hopefully the rest of the elements come together to make an awesome film.
Holy crap! I'm sold! Everyone seems perfect. They might have finally gotten one right. Christmas can't come soon enough.
Some of these samples actually gave me chills and goosebumps. Especially Steep on "Stay with Me" and "Last Midnight." I am pleasantly impressed by her. Also very delighted with Blunt as well as Lilla Crawford. There really is not a bad voice in the bunch even though I admit I am not AS impressed with Chris Pine and (shockingly to me) James Corden as I am with the cast BUT they are still quite good. There's not a Russell Crowe to be found here!