Broadway Legend Joined: 4/10/12
I really think they've hit the bar with this one. Those samples were magical. The music team on Lemiz could take some pointers.
O.M.G. :O Meryl is simply AH-MAZING!! The things she can do with her voice .... Speechless. Does anyone else think she sounds like Donna Murphy at times? :)
On the other hand, I'm not too fond of the way Cinderella's family sounds. I think they have used auto-tune way too much. Especially on Ms. Baranski, who I find to be an amazing singer. I don't know what went wrong there...
Unless this "weird pitch" is something they were going for with Stepmother and Stepsisters.
Oh yeah, and I too really like Emily Blunt and Lilla Crawford in this. From this little snippets I think they're spot on.
chrisangeron...thanks for posting those delightful tid-bits of songs...i am just too excited to see and hear this movie...i ordered my CD already and it will arrive before the movie opens...EVERYBODY sounds the full orchestra makes it so lush as well...
Swing Joined: 12/20/08
I have NO clue what i'm doing wrong, I'm IN the blooming UK and yet it won't let me listen to the preview. WTF!? I would LOVE to hear Joanna Riding singing Cinderella at the Grave, does anyone know if it's been posted anywhere else online, or can help me figure out when iTunes UK won't let me play the previews?
Updated On: 11/11/14 at 07:43 AM
ImpossiblePrincess I too am in the UK. Just go to i-Tunes, search for Into The Woods and listen to the samples.
Time restraints this morning only permitted me to list to about 5 mins in total (if that) however I have to agree with previous posters. Will a full orchestra this just sounds terrific!
Swing Joined: 12/20/08
I am on the link to the Into the Woods page on iTunes, but when I move the mouse over each song it won't give me the choice to listen to them. The are not highlighting or anything. :/
Understudy Joined: 10/8/11
They didn't highlight for me either (I'm in the UK too), but they still played when I clicked them
Swing Joined: 12/20/08
I have tried 3 different computers and I can get these previews to play on any of them. Arghhh!
Damn. I listened to snippets of “Moments in the Woods” and “Last Midnight,” AND NOW I’M DONE. Those were enough to tell me it’s good, and now I want to save the rest for the experience of seeing the movie.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
Move the cursor over the number instead of the title.
Swing Joined: 12/20/08
Thanks everyone for trying to help. I have single clicked, double clicked, right clicked and left clicked all over the place but nothing plays. ??
Per Playbill the previews were removed.
Understudy Joined: 8/14/07
There's also a "Preview All" link at the very bottom on iTunes, below the entire track list. Give that a try, if you've not already, IP.
Swing Joined: 12/20/08
Yeah I tried the 'preview all' link. But thank you. Thanks jacobsnchz14. At least I now know I'm not going insane. Sad I never got to hear it though.
Count me among those absolutely thrilled by the previews. I'm always wary of movie versions of musicals I love (which I blame specifically on Nine, a thoroughly depressing experience for me), but these have given me so much hope. I was already gonna be there on Christmas Day, but these have made me made me more excited than ever.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
Streep sounds absolutely fantastic and thank God Crawford replaced Brownlee. Her voice is perfect for this part and her acting is very solid from the trailers.
Understudy Joined: 10/2/14
The real pleasant surprises from those little clips is actually just how good Emily Blunt and Chris Pine are
^Thank very much!
Streep's voice reminds me very much of Donna Murphy's. She has the same beautiful dark tone.
Corden and Blunt lack some character in their singing, but I'm going to reserve my judgment until I get to SEE their performance.
Anna Kendrick is passable as Cinderella, but I'm not sure that she has the sweetness to her voice that her role needs.
Lilla Crawford still has a great voice and is positively perfect for Little Red.
Daniel Huttlestone sounds great for Jack and Tracy Ullman sounds perfect although I still wish they had casted Imelda Staunton.
Pine has an interesting voice that fits his character like a glove.
And last and certainly least... Johnny Depp. Who proves to me that the only role that he can play is a wacky version of himself.
As the clips have been removed from their legal online sources, we've been asked by Disney's representatives that links to illegitimate sources be removed. FYI / thank you.
Wow, I'm glad I listened to them so obsessively yesterday!
@WicaS: “On the other hand, I'm not too fond of the way Cinderella's family sounds. I think they have used auto-tune way too much. Especially on Ms. Baranski, who I find to be an amazing singer. I don't know what went wrong there...”
Yea, I didn’t like how they sounded and they did sound like they were auto-tuned, which I can’t believe they would need, or that director Rob Marshall would do.
@icecreambenjamin: “Anna Kendrick is passable as Cinderella, but I'm not sure that she has the sweetness to her voice that her role needs.”
Yes, I don’t think she has the prettiness to her voice that the role needs.
Updated On: 11/11/14 at 05:31 PM
“Anna Kendrick is passable as Cinderella, but I'm not sure that she has the sweetness to her voice that her role needs.”
What exactly do people want in a Cinderella? From the posters, trailers, and images, people think she's too "clean" looking and too pretty... but her voice needs to sound pretty? I love Laura Benanti's Cinderella (just from the 2002 recording) but I don't think Cinderella necessarily needs to sound pretty. That's me personally.
^I think I may have changed my mind.
She really does sound glorious. She just has a slightly "poppier" tone then what I'm used to hearing from cinderella.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
I think Cinderella isn't necessarily portrayed as "sweet" because she has just as much darkness in her as the step-sisters did, especially in the "Never mind, Cinderella,
Kind Cinderella- Nice good nice kind good nice…" section, albeit unintentionally.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/3/14
There's a link on youtube to some of the song. Apparently I can't post it here... Updated On: 11/11/14 at 10:14 PM