Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
^^Yes Danielle was 15 when she was Little Red and I believe 14 when she was actually cast. Lilla will be 14 in February.
It's not a huge difference - and yes again, today's 12 is more like 14-15 when IYW first came out. Not saying that's a good thing it probably is not - it just is.
Here's the thread just for reviews that I made...
Anyway, discussion about the other stuff.
Some people in here said some fans don’t understand why Rapunzel’s fate was changed.
HEY, I understand why Rapunzel’s fate was changed for the movie. It was Disney not wanting her to die, as revealed by Sondheim and Lapine themselves in that one article. I understand why they changed it to her running away from the Witch, because it makes sense that Rapunzel would hate the Witch and her running away is a replacement for her death. I understand it. But that doesn’t mean it was good to do. It was the original author’s work being censored. Being compromised. Compromised is even the word Lapine used in an interview with a question about it. It changes the meaning of the "Witch’s Lament", and the whole rest of what she does. Not in action, but in emotion and meaning. And that is not keeping to what the original play meant. How is “No matter what you say, children won’t listen” a bad thing now that “not listening” is what makes Rapunzel have a happy ending with her prince? Why does the Witch care so much about getting Jack to the Giant if Rapunzel’s still alive? Why does the Witch leave the world if Rapunzel is still alive?
Icecreambenjamin and Musical Master: The stepsister with the raspy voice is Tammy Blanchard. She is Florinda, the one who says, “Thank you” to Cinderella when she says “You look beautiful” and who says “No she didn’t!” to Lucy Punch as Lucinda when she says “She meant me.”
And lastly, so in "Moments in the Woods" when the Baker's Wife sings, “a baker for bread”, she means a baker for living? A baker for daily, normal, stable life?
I think you, sir or madam, in general tend to miss the idea that performance arts tend to change based on the collaboration at hand. Things will always be different with different actors, different directors, different mediums. It doesn't make it right or wrong, it just makes it different. You saying there is only one way to sing one line in a number makes me think you've been spending a lot of time liking something you don't truly understand. I mean that sincerely.
People in the thread above have posted many interesting opinion that by making the choice to leave on her own, Rapunzel is placing blame on her mother. Some of us seemed to find that an interesting choice, as it puts the Witch in a position where she can't blame others for her child's fate, only herself. The song that follows still makes sense, and she still unravels.
How is “No matter what you say, children won’t listen” a bad thing now that “not listening” is what makes Rapunzel have a happy ending with her prince?
Because the witch is very selfish and possessive, and thinks that the ONLY way Rapunzel can be 'happy' (but really she's talking about her own happiness) is if she stays a child, and dependent on her forever. She doesn't WANT Rapunzel to go off with the prince (she stops them in the stage show too, so this isn't a change.) IMO what the witch is refering to in the movie is Rapunzel not listening to her when she says she loves her and wants her to stay in the tower. The witch can't understand why Rapunzel doesn't just do what she wants - she can't fathom that Rapunzel has a will of her own, and wanting to leave and live a life of her own is healthy.
If you really want to get analytical about it, this might stem from the fact she loved her own mother, and her mother put a curse on her, basically 'rejecting' her. The witch's attitude is, 'I'm so much better than my own mother, I love you, why can't you just stay here? I would have done that if given the choice.' In fact in the stage version the witch has the lines, "Why could you not stay safe behind walls, as I could not?" She thinks she's giving Rapunzel a choice she didn't have, and Rapunzel should stay out of gratitude.
Why does the Witch care so much about getting Jack to the Giant if Rapunzel’s still alive?
Because Rapunzel rejected her/abandoned her. The witch is just trying to, in her eyes, be practical and stop all the damage. Again, this isn't a change from the show either; you may ask why she does it in the stage show, since the giant killed Rapunzel and logically she shouldn't really want the giant to get what it wants.
Why does the Witch leave the world if Rapunzel is still alive?
Because Rapunzel has said she hates the witch and never wants to see her again. She's made herself 'dead' to the witch, and that's way, way worse than her actually being dead because it was a conscious choice and not the result of an accident. The witch leaves the world because she, basically, can't handle losing control of her 'daughter'. She's fed up. (again, not a big change from the show.)
Updated On: 12/18/14 at 07:38 AM
anyone here in LA see the screening last night at the CENTURY AMC?
You better educate sarahb22!
I agree. You have a way with words, Sarah B!
Which track is the instrumental "No More" on? I really want to hear that.
Some of you really need to get over the fact Rapunzel does not die in this version if you want to see Rapunzel die just watch the Original Broadway Cast performance that was recorded and readily available.
Talk about beating a dead horse.
It's done. It cannot be changed. Accept and let go.
Stop crying about it already.
Leading Actor Joined: 8/6/09
No More is Track 9 on the second disc if you have deluxe version.
At work now, but I saw the film at a screening on Tuesday. Meryl, obviously, was phenomenal, but Emily Blunt and Chris Pine were especially exceptional. Blunt's Moments in the Woods was beautiful and she nailed the inner conflict of the song. I wish somehow she were in more conversation beyond her Globe nomination.
mpd...can u tell us how the audience reacted to the screening at the AMC? must have been a great audience because those people wanted to be there to see this movie...
@sarahb22, What you just said makes perfect sense and I agree with you, either it be the original version on stage or this film adaptation, The Witch's arc is still as powerful and gut-wrenching.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
I don't think I have ever seen so much over-analyzation or hyper-focused criticism of a f*cking movie...a my life. Guys, relax. A movie, just like a play or song, is a piece of art. Art is subjective. It is not scientific or 'right' or 'wrong.' Some of you will get it, others won't. Some of you will love it, others will hate it.
Also, Rapunzel doesn't die. Deal with it. INTO THE WOODS is still a great piece of art with this altered minor detail. Jesus.
^ Jesus has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with this. Please leave him out of this. Thank you. Have yourself a blessed day.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
I think Jesus is perfectly appropriate in a discussion about fairy tales. :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Hollywood has always been ran by cowards. They did help Nazi propaganda.
Someone that's so enamored by your wit.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Now, now PRS there is no need to go on insulting other's beliefs.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Bringing this discussion back to topic, that's uncool that they put the No More instrumental on the deluxe version. They have the instrumental of Ever After on the regular CD, why not that one? Sigh...
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Because of $$$$$$
Pony up the cash for the deluxe, my friend!