Swing Joined: 11/5/12
The online general rush seats are located in row U center orchestra. The rush seats aren't available until 12 PM each day, so if you check the site before then the seats will not appear.
News flash. Cuccioni and Eder are not in this show .
Nobody thinks they are. Did you think they were in the show? Perhaps that's why it's a news flash for you?
The show is different and the sets are different and if you can't live with that, then I suggest you go see something else.
The show is different and the sets are different and people will still either enjoy or not enjoy it like any other revival. If you can't understand that, then I suggest you go read something else.
Good Lord, this is such a ridiculous notion being tossed around. Sure, I think a new production should be based on its own merits, but that does not exempt it from negative opinions. And a revival will ALWAYS be compared to the original by those who have seen it. It's not indicative of a closed mind, it is indicative of a functioning memory. Just ask any fan of Follies. Some people like this revival. Some people don't. Welcome to planet Earth. Check in at the table and grab a name tag.
If we didn't like the production, then there is something wrong with us, obviously!! And anyone who loved the show is accept fully and welcome to comment.
It's the same few posters who are making those of us who didn't like the show, feel that they must run to the productions defense at every turn. That's what's wrong with J&H threads...
BRAVO!! That is all I have to say, having seen this production early on during the tour, and now again in NY... It has come so far... Deborah and Constantine - and Teal - are vocally powerful, and stunning. They have developed strong characters, and the sets, the music, it all seems heightened now that it's on Broadway. I'm so glad I got to see it again. Kudos to a stellar job.
My friends, the Jansens, just went to see the Saturday night preview last night (they got a great deal at the TKTS booth in Times Square), and they said they loved it so very much! I told them how great it was on tour (I saw it back in California and my cousin saw it in FL), and I hope I get to go see it in New York too. I was really eager to hear what they thought of it now that it got to New York, and they said they especially loved Constantine's version of This is the Moment and when Deborah sang A New Life. They knew the original and said how much this was updated and modernized for today. They said the crowd jumped up on their feet before the stars even came out, applauding and cheering. They sat center orchestra, so they had a great view and great sound. Figured I would share their positive experience since they were so delighted!
Updated On: 4/7/13 at 05:09 PM
If we didn't like the production, then there is something wrong with us, obviously!! And anyone who loved the show is accept fully and welcome to comment.
It's the same few posters who are making those of us who didn't like the show, feel that they must run to the productions defense at every turn. That's what's wrong with J&H threads...
You seem to think I'm one of those posters making those of you who didn't like the show feel criticizes. I have not criticized ANYONE for their opinion on here. And just because someone expresses their love for a show does not mean they are "defending the production at every turn". Just like those who express their hatred for the show are not "trashing the production."
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
Does anyone know if the 2012 Concept project will be the official recording of the revival? Now that I know there is a general rush, I am inching my way for the second show on Sunday or get drunk and go dance to disco classics at Splash. It will be my bday so I want to make the right choice. Decisions, decisions!
Updated On: 4/7/13 at 05:28 PM
Go dancing at Splash. You'll thank me.
Is the Confrontation scene done the same as the original?
^ No, it uses projections and a prerecorded voice for Hyde.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
"I think everyone should be able to have an opinion without getting slammed."
I agree. But that's not the way it works around here. As you mentioned in an earlier post, the know-it-alls here try to silence people through intimidation. Well, it turns out that they don't know all that much after all, and in reality they're just a lot of hot air (an awful lot).
The answer is not to give in to the intimidation and stick to your guns. Which is what you've done, I'm glad to see.
Keep it up!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/28/05
I just saw the Sunday evening show (student rush, great seat center orchestra). I was only familiar with a few of the songs and the basic premise, but I really enjoyed myself! The show was fairly uneven, with some moments that were absolutely fantastic (usually, the big numbers), and others that were kind of boring. All of the performers were in excellent voice, and with the exception of the occasional accent slip-up, the acting was great. I really liked the costumes, lighting, and special effects, and thought the sets were effective but a little too simple for this kind of show. The audience was incredibly enthusiastic, especially after said big numbers, and gave an immediate standing ovation at the end even before the leads came out.
What the hell is with all the people on this thread saying "my friends saw it last night and loved it" or "I know people who saw it last night and loved it"......etc, etc, etc.
If your friends saw it and loved it, let them come on here and post themselves.
As Judge Judy says, hearsay is inadmissable.
Most of the people who go to the theater don't post on a message board.
Word of mouth- it's how tickets are sold.
Yeah, but it's super easy for me to go on here and say "Well, my friend saw it last night and thought it was the worst thing that's ever been on the New York stage" or conversely, "It's the new Book of Mormon."
Not saying people can't do it, but it's hard to take it seriously.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/13/09
Saw the show yesterday, I did not hate it but I did not love it either. I did enjoy the music, the big numbers were done very well by the leads. I kind of wish this was JUST a concert, probably would have liked it better that way.
I have been on the fence on whether to see this show or not and all things considered I think I might skip this one. I don't mind it when projections are use in a production but I find it annoying if they are used to replace most of the set and/or a performance. Using prerecorded vocals and projections for the Confrontation is just wrong and a bit lazy.
Chorus Member Joined: 9/8/12
"Using prerecorded vocals and projections for the Confrontation is just wrong and a bit lazy."
You know, had I not seen it, I would agree with you. I think that is the one thing about this show I don't think should have been changed. It was a pretty stunning part of the show and they erased it. I DO think Constantine would have done a great job with it. But I really did love the rest of the show. And in the beginning before I saw it, I thought it was miscast and I didn't want to see anything changed. I liked what they did. I liked the rock feel. I thought it was a refreshing update. And I like what the actors have done with their parts. They are challenging parts and to do this same show 8x a week... well, I just have to give them kudos for it.
So, do what you will, but don't pass on this show because of anything you've read on here. I think you will love it.
"If your friends saw it and loved it, let them come on here and post themselves. "
Oh, they will. Because people will have to prove to us that the show isn't awful.
I don’t think anyone who is comparing original or past performers to this cast is basing their entire opinion of this show (or actor) on that comparison. I think, rather, if they found something lacking in a performance from the current cast, being able to reference a previous performance they DIDN’T feel was lacking is just a way of the poster expressing how they felt an actor could achieve what the poster felt was missing. Does not mean that the poster thinks this is the only way to play the role, just expressing that they felt a past performance they have seen of it worked better, for them, than this performance and why. It’s just a basis to help explain what they didn’t get out of a role this time that they have gotten out of it in the past.
I don’t think anyone comparing Cox to Eder would only have been happy if Cox completely replicated Eder’s performance. Had Cox done something completely different than Eder that the poster found to work well, I am sure the poster would have enjoyed it and admitted as such.
Swing Joined: 5/15/09
For the most part I see people coming here to share their experiences at the show. Some of us liked the show, some of us didn't.
I read a couple of posts where the posters appear to be angry some did not like the show. On the other hand, I've read posts stating that people who like the show have no taste. There's definitely agendas being played out on both sides. One side doesn't like to read any criticism about the show and see any criticism as trying to sabotage the show. They're mistrustful of the critics opinion. On the other hand, you have those who just didn't like the show or they just don't like Calhoun's vision. The critics also seem angry that there are people who actually like the show in spite of its problems. They are also distrustful of those giving it a positive review.
People who want to see this show will go, and just like someone posted up thread, if something posted on these boards keep anyone away from the show, it will be a very convenient excuse, because there was most likely never an intent to attend anyway.
Updated On: 4/8/13 at 02:52 PM
Stand-by Joined: 10/28/06
I'm a huge Linda Eder fan and initially I was very displeased about Cox and went into this show expecting to loathe her. That being said I have to admit I enjoyed Deborah's performance and thought she was the strongest of the 3 leads.
You're dead on, GilmoreGirl.
And the grosses are out...56.8% attendance and 34.18% gross potential. Not that I believe grosses are an exact reflection of quality, as we all know many great shows have underperformed at the box office, but 56.8% capacity is NOT a packed house!!
Yes, it was only a 56% attendance for those first 5 shows. Their marketing group will need to really get pushing to make this thing work. Living in the NY area, I have noticed the commercials which were on tv strongly for a week or so seem to have disappeared and haven't seen ads in the local papers either.
The $70 average priced ticket was fairly good though for previews.
Updated On: 4/8/13 at 03:30 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
This show would have been bearable if they cast the lead well. Unfortunately, Constantine with his screamy, screechy performance made me loathe the show.