It just really sucks. So it is hard for someone to understand why anyone would shill for such crap and even harder to understand what pleasure anyone gets from misleading people to waste their hard earned money.
Updated On: 4/10/13 at 02:57 PM
Chorus Member Joined: 9/8/12
And it's hard for me to understand why someone gets pleasure from trashing everything. But that's okay. You trash away. You have a right to your opinion, as do I.
I can certainly understand someone who doesn't like a show especially when they have reasons why.
But the people who really crack me up are the ones who jump from thread to thread throwing in comments trying to stir the pot. Especially those who haven't seen a show and probably have no intention of going. It's obvious who they are as they are all over this board looking for attention. I can almost predict who will jump in and crack on this post.
Updated On: 4/10/13 at 05:39 PM
I think it's pretty rude to discount someone's opinion on a show that they paid money to see just because of your perception of their personality based on a few message board posts. Actually, probably more rude than the perceived "slights" against this show on this thread.
I highly doubt the majority of people who dislike this show spent money out of their pocket hoping to be bored and unentertained. Yes, there are some people who purposefully see "flop" shows or have preconceived judgments, but it's a far lower number than people on this thread seem to think.
"Exactly! If anyone wants to join a petition against the Wildhorn conspiracy let me know. I chained myself in protest - THIS IS THE MOMENT!"
Blaxx, that is hilarious. ROFL !!!
I haven't see this show yet, but I hope to because I think Constantine is great.
But after reading the whole thread, I wanted to make this assessment of it half joking, half serious. The thread contains basically what all the opinion threads do:
1. Those who really loved what they saw. Well, poor them. They are immediately called shills. I hate this reaction and it only goes to show how shallow the name callers are.
2. Those who hated it. And in turn, they seem to treat those who loved it like imbeciles.
3. The focus on money. "Hey, I paid good money, I better like it!" That makes me laugh. My opinion of something is the same whether I paid or not. Now don't go telling me that some people have a hard time affording the price of tickets. I'm one of those people. But at least I realize I may not like a show, paid or not.
4. This post -" It just really sucks. So it is hard for someone to understand why anyone would shill for such crap and even harder to understand what pleasure anyone gets from misleading people to waste their hard earned money. "
Oh, I see. Because you said it sucks, you don't understand why someone who did like it (in other words, a SHILL) dares to mention they liked it because some lily-livered sapsucker is now forced to spend their hard earned money? That makes sense to you? And Hey, theaternut, what if the money wasn't hard earned? A lot of people don't do much hard work and still get paid. oy, joking.
My bottom line is I wish everyone would respect others' opinions, or at least realize that an opinion can not be called wrong or right by another.
You said it Theatrenut. I totally agree.
^ Oh, that post reminds me- trolls. But we all know about them. I probably shouldn't have even paid attention to theaternut.
Good Lord, I'll take a hundred alleged "shills" over any of the nasty self-righteous trolls in this thread any day. I have far less confidence or respect in those who can't fathom that someone may enjoy something they do not.
That's what I'm saying, Matt. But let's face it. This is the way of BWW.
p.s. the other day I remembered when Rock of Ages first opened, and someone here said it was crap that only appealed to the dregs of the earth. They were entitled to their opinion, but then I thought, in light of the huge success ROA has seen, just how many dregs of the earth there are. I'll venture to say that some of the dregs who may have attended ROA more than once, are probably theater folks who that original name caller respects as among the most sophisticated, highly educated, and worldly revered dregs around. just a thought.
Stand-by Joined: 9/25/12
I suppose this is off topic, even though it is on the topic-- I remember hearing the soundtrack to this show long before seeing it. When I saw it, I was really unimpressed, but based on what I heard in the recording, I've always thought the show had potential. Does anyone agree that a slash and burn director with some new writing couldn't find a little gem of a good show inside? Merely curious for opinions.
Yes. Part of the reason to check these curious revivals out for. Hoping they finally figured it out. I am on the side of those that thought the production was crap. Saw it in Los Angeles. But.. go and enjoy.
@theaternut, I'm sorry for you that you are so bitter. To put people down for enjoying something is just unnecessary and pathetic. Put forth your opinions of the piece - not of fellow audience members. That type of commentary merely subverts any credibility your opinion has - to discerning readers anyway...
Now to the point of this board - a SHOW review...
It is plain and simple. If you are looking for STELLAR voices, modern arrangements of CLASSIC SONGS made relevant for the music world TODAY, sexy costumes, neat steam punk styled sets, and a memorable night of ENTERTAINMENT... See this show.
High art, maybe it is not. (I suppose Shakespeare had that problem too.) But enjoyable, captivating, and impressive - it certainly is. Filled seats on a Monday night (when I saw it in NYC) + roaring standing ovations prove it. Go SEE for yourself.
Stand-by Joined: 9/25/12
I don't think Shakespeare need make an appearance for comparison purposes. But that's just me.
See, and I'm tired of the people who say, just because we didn't like it, we must be bitter.
It has nothing to do with bitter, or Frank, it has to do with the fact that the script is a pile of crap. The show does have some great songs (that do not fit the time period of the show, IMHO). It's like they wrote some great songs and then crammed them into a terrible script that seems unfixable.
And it's the same handful of fans that keep calling out the folks who didn't enjoy it that are being called trolls. Not so much because they are, but because they seem to be blindly loyal to this show and must run to its defense whenever someone says something against it.
They can like it all they want (good for them). But to call others who don't agree with them "bitter" is laughable.
...what songs in Jekyll and Hyde have earned the "classic" label? The show's not even twenty years old.
I have to chime in just to comment on my amusement. A few people show up in this thread and say "my friend saw it and loved it", to which others here replied, "if your friend loved it, why doesn't he come say so himself?" Then new posters [shills] sign up and do just that... and get ranked on.
Hmm, I wonder why he doesn't come and say so himself... luls. That's all!
Sorry, couldn't resist.
I found the show really enjoyable in Houston. It had it's faults. It seems those faults are still fully intact. Critics will hate it. Fans will love it. Others will go one way or the other.
That comment about having their friends sign up was an obvious joke, because that's exactly what they will do.
Does Wildhorn get a prize for having 7 Broadway flops in a row or is it when he reaches 10?
Broadway Star Joined: 12/12/11
This thread is "epic" not for the reasons Theatrediva and (possibly) other like-minded posters thinks. The thread starts innocent enough, a few mild critcisms are made, and some insignificant back and forth ensues - but there is no real drama. The thread moves on.
WhizzerMarvin writes a pretty scathing review. There is no big uprising from the "fanatics", and there is certainly nothing that suggests whack jobs have arrived!
Several posts go by and Theatrediva makes a snide remark referring to the thread starter referencing how annoyed he is with the threadstarters oft-shared opinion. That statement is ignored and the thread moves ahead briefly without incident.
One J&H fan makes a post that is very defensive (of the show he/she loves). That defense (IMO) is quite possibly overzealous and misguided in some of its content, but it's ONE post that grabs obvious attention from some. Theatrediva, jumps right back in an says "It's very obvious that this show has its crazy, psycho fans, and they are coming out in droves, here". This is on page 3.
Is Theatrediva fanning the flames? How about supplying the fuel? He will come back and attempt to justify this comment claiming it has a broader sense and not necessarily specific to just this thread. Everyone can decide for themselves what the actual context was.
Theatrediva later accuses the thread starter of criticizing others for their opinions, something the thread starter isn't guilty of and says so. Theatrediva doesn't bother to reply or refute that claim. More (unreasonable) fuel? The thread moves on again.
We're now well into the 4th page, and Theatrediva seems to think he hasn't thrown enough fuel and makes another snide comment that he later removes. That comment was quoted by the recipient of that comment - so whatever the reason for deleting his comment, Theatrediva can't completely hide from it. I give him credit for recognizing it was a pretty idiotic thing to say though (if that's why he did in fact remove it).
Sorry (well not really) to single you out, Theatrediva. You seem to be screaming the loudest and are seemingly (glaringly?) as responsible as anyone for the big dive this thread has taken.
Gee, thanks for the recap?
But, once again, another thread dissolves into name-calling and talking about the posters instead of a show, regardless of how good or bad it may be.
And once again, I love the holier than thous that cast dispersions on those casting dispersions.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Telling another you don't like the way he expresses his opnion if for the birds.
The show? I didn't like the original (first show I remember hating) and I have no desire to see this one. However, if I was swayable, I'll take the opinion of seasoned posters over that of newbies any day. (Well, most of them.) But I'd also feel free to disagree with them.
>>Critics will hate it. Fans will love it.
& the latter is the more important- IMO.
>>> But.. go and enjoy.
Thank you. I'm going again tonight with 11 friends.
>>what songs in Jekyll and Hyde have earned the "classic" label?
From an article about Frank-
"This Is the Moment," has been recorded 1,000 times by everyone from Johnny Mathis to Dennis DeYoung of Styx , and was performed by Jennifer Holliday at Bill Clinton's inauguration and at the 1994 and 1996 Olympics. I would call it classic.
*Huge eye roll*
I don't need to justify anything. You 'fans' are proving my point.
Can't wait for opening!
blah blah blah blah blah. Every single person's opinion should be respected. That's all I wish for.