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Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE - Page 7

Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE

#150Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/20/16 at 11:35pm

I wanted to take a moment to comment on the show since it was my first time seeing it with Jennifer Holliday tonight. My partner had seen it previously with Heather and sung her praises (rightfully so), but since I hadn't seen it, I had nothing to compare it to (except the tour many moons ago with I forget who).

The show was a revelation for me and nothing that we already haven't already posted about in previous threads. I think I started crying 20 minutes in, ugly cried during Act Two, and then had a complete moment of catharsis in the middle of "I'm Still Here". Cynthia, my god, what a truly subtle and beautiful performance and the whole damned shibang - bravo.

I too questioned the casting of Jennifer Holliday in the part. Maybe because I had always thought of Shug as this sexy beast of a thing, which I believe Heather really brought into place and something JHud didn't really exude all too well. But I wanted to give JHoll the benefit of the doubt, especially after watching her Show People and listening to her say how much she wanted to be around that talent, was still willing to audition to be there, and that she was still considered sexy in some parts, even at 56. Good for her for putting herself out there.

I was honestly pleasantly surprised. What I found was two things that I didn't think would go together, actually mesh surprisingly well - kinda like peanut butter and a banana. Her Shug looked like she had seen and been through some ****. She walked like she was about to fall over (and we were concerned) but when she spoke about the loves and experiences she had, I actually felt she had been there and done that. Where I hear Heather really exuded that "can't take your eyes off her" feel, I felt like we were watching the remains of some lauded soul singer wash ashore. And when she sang, it was like an earthquake. I felt like every moment I was watching someone who "used to be". I don't know if that makes any sense, but there you go.

I don't know how much was JHoll and I don't know how much was Shug. And maybe it was me just experiencing an "old" and "new" Tony share the stage together. When they sang together in "What About Love" it was almost Follies-esque in a way. I felt bad for her Shug but at the same time I know she didn't need my pity. There were moments where she said some lines that really spoke a truth, not for Shug, but for Jennifer. I think if she still keeps playing in that direction, she'll find a Shug that really is her own.

I was completely happy with what I saw tonight. And whether she matched Cynthia head-to-head, that really didn't matter to me at least. It was truly wonderful to witness two significant musical theater figures live marvelously together onstage and for that I'm truly grateful.


With a little mascara...all your dreams come true.
Updated On: 10/21/16 at 11:35 PM

#151Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/21/16 at 11:00am

^ This. This is exactly what I would have to say about Ms. Holliday's performance. I was at last evening's performance as well. She must be settling in the roll because I did not find any of the negativity in her performance last evening that has been previously brought up. She owns her age, she owns her body, she owns her physical weaknesses and makes it work. As TheBatBoy said from the moment she walked out I thought she was going to fall and never get back up. Her Shug has definitely been to hell and back and with this I found an instant respect and connection for the character. "Push Da Button" is a little slower in energy due to some choregoraphy but she brings the house down in style during the last verse. She has a beautiful voice. It's sweet where it needs to be and she wails when she needs to. I've often read comments regarding her "lack of range" as she has aged but child she went up at the end of "Push Da Button" and my jaw dropped.

     After seeing the beautiful bond between Cynthia and Heather I was very intrigued to see how Jennifer and Cynthia would work as the story progressed. For me, it was like watching a new angle on the character's relationships. I found a mutual respect between the two but almost a deep appreciation for one another in a mother/daughter or even Great Aunt kind of way when noticing how Shug would look at Celie and vice a versa. 

     I also found Holliday's delivery of her lines to be very intriguing. When she talks about getting older and having her last fling, etc., while seeming ridiculous, you believe it. Holliday carries herself with a certain poise (or lack of poise in the beginning of her entrance) that makes you want to follow her story and learn more. I also found more humor in some of her lines that I have previously. She plays parts in a more authoritative kind of way such as the final few lines in the scene where she is on the phone confirming Celie will accept the house and store and takes a moment to really let the audience get the humor out of her delivery.

     I thought her vocals were on point and after learning more about her health concerns and her history I was even more appreciative of what she was bringing to this performance. She wasn't flying through the scenes. You could tell she truly cared. I was sitting far house right and could see her behind the stage right column preparing for "Push Da Button." She was snapping and dancing to herself and when she turned the corner she brought it. 

     As far as choreography changes you wouldn't know unless you had seen the show previously. I kind of enjoyed watching the Church Ladies take over the walking of the chairs. They brought the attitude to go with it and it worked. 

     I didn't mind the change in her costumes either. Being that she owned her age and wasn't attempting to play it younger than she is I found her to be very attractive, honestly. Those promo pictures are ****. Sorry, but they are. I can't believe those grace the print and online promos. She's a beautiful woman and her smile is contagious in her scenes with Cynthia. She also has some great legs and she knows when to show them.

    Bottom line. Go see her if you can.

#152Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/22/16 at 9:25pm

Intermission the show is AMAZING. It's somehow even better then the last time I saw it. Cynthia is amazing as usual and Jennifer is slaying as well. She has a vulnerability that makes me think her shug has never felt really loved by anyone. She's obviously been around the block. But wow. More late!

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#153Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/24/16 at 1:17pm

More pictures! Includes the much discussed costume change for Push Da Button scene.

Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

#154Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/24/16 at 1:31pm

I thought the show was truly amazing. Including Jennifer. You she's been through a lot so she means what she says. It was a joy to see her be honest on stage. She slayed Push Da Button, Cynthia was again a revelation. So incredible even more since the last time I saw the show. She actually stopped the show right after Miss Celies Pants to tell someone sitting in Center Orchestra to turn off their camera. She didn't break into her accent though she stayed in her character voice. Once it was taken care of she segued back into the show with "5,6,7,8" it was awesome and she got a great applause. I thought the love duet was really special between Jennifer and Cynthia. The last time I saw the show was when Hudson was in it and she did a serviceable job but Holliday I think hit the nail on the head with her own surprise at her love for Celie. I heard Heather was wonderful. Wish I could have caught her but Jennifer was so good. I'm here was even more incredible. Cynthia's voice has held up extremely well and she is constantly doing amazing work. The whole theatre stood up after I'm Here. The church ladies and ensemble deserve some recognition as well. They are so insanely talented. Also the cast is more in synch then ever. I plan on buying a ticket for Hollidays last performance/the closing show. So sorry for my jumbled thoughts. Also I asked about an updated window card and the man said that Jennifer didn't like the photos taken so she said no to new posters.  She looked wonderful in the show. She radiates with genuine love and care. At the end of the show as the cast was exiting she kept looking back to wave bye at the audience. You just know she is truly grateful to be doing this and it makes my heart so happy. I wish I would have stage doored but I always feel bad for doing it because I know how tired the cast must be. Anyway go catch the show if you can! 

Theater_Nerd Profile Photo
#155Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/24/16 at 1:36pm

Jennifer Holliday looks great as in "I-have-to-go-and-purchase-me-a-ticket-to-this-now" great!

You Can Disagree Without Being Disagreeable

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#156Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/28/16 at 8:05am

I guess I am in the minority here. I saw the show last night and thought Jennifer Holliday was borderline awful. It felt like there was very little chemistry between Holliday and the rest of the cast. I also found the new costumes she wore and adjustments in the choreography made for her to be awkward beyond belief. Maybe I am just still spoiled from seeing Heather Headley giving a revelation of a performance. The rest of the cast, and the show as a whole, is still a wonder to behold. Truly a top notch revival. 

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "
Updated On: 10/28/16 at 08:05 AM

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#157Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/28/16 at 9:12am

What works about Holliday's exceptional performance is that she plays her age, instead of trying to emulate Hudson and Headley.

Shug is now now a woman past her prime, desperately trying to cling to her youth, sex appeal, and glory days. And it's truly heartbreaking. Holliday blew me away. Everything about her performance worked for me. Obviously I knew she had the pipes, but I never knew she was such a brilliant actress. Her book scenes are the highlight of her performance. And the rest of the cast is better than ever. If you haven't seen this show, what are you waiting for?! 

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#158Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 11/5/16 at 6:55pm

For anyone who has seen the show... they realize this line was no longer in the show with Jennifer Holliday...?


"I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it...."


It's my favorite line of the show, and I could not believe it was cut!

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

ljay889 Profile Photo
#159Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 11/5/16 at 6:58pm

That's a pivotal line! They really cut it for Holliday? Couldn't they change the word piss, if that's why she wouldn't say it?

#160Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 11/5/16 at 7:48pm

Um im 100% sure that she said that line the night I saw it. It was a couple weeks ago. I vividly remember her saying it. It's the direct segue into the title song. Also I thought Holliday was wonderful. I agree with everything you said WickedRocks

#161Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 11/5/16 at 9:05pm

I saw it a few weeks ago and I know it was in because I thought she went a little fast on the read and because I know the show, it was fine, but if not, I could see where people might miss it.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#162Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 11/6/16 at 5:10am

It definitely was not in the night I saw. One of my friends noticed it was missing when they saw the show on a different night.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

#163Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 11/6/16 at 6:01am

bwayphreak234 said: "It definitely was not in the night I saw. One of my friends noticed it was missing when they saw the show on a different night.



maybe she just happened to forget her line..?


GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#164Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 11/12/16 at 6:10pm

Hey all - sorry if this question has been answered before, but I couldn't find the info on the official website. 

I'm seeing this production for the first time on Thursday the 17th - both Jennifer and Cynthia will be out and Danielle will have left. I know Carrie Compere is taking over for Danielle, but does anyone know who will be going on for Jennifer and Cynthia? Any info or reviews will be appreciated. 

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#165Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 11/12/16 at 9:11pm

GiantsInTheSky2 said: "Hey all - sorry if this question has been answered before, but I couldn't find the info on the official website. 

I'm seeing this production for the first time on Thursday the 17th - both Jennifer and Cynthia will be out and Danielle will have left. I know Carrie Compere is taking over for Danielle, but does anyone know who will be going on for Jennifer and Cynthia? Any info or reviews will be appreciated. 


I saw Bre Jackson in for Cynthia when she suddenly was out.  And I read Rema Webb has gone on as Shug.  Hope this helps!



ljay889 Profile Photo
#166Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 12/2/16 at 2:51pm

I saw the show again on Wednesday and Jennifer Holliday became my favorite of the three Shugs in this revival! I fell in love with her interpretation of Shug. She was quirky, mysterious, but most of all she played it with so much warmth, more than Hudson or Headley. It was such a genuine performance, and I have such a new appreciation for Holliday and her great talent. If you haven't seen Holliday's Shug yet, make time to see her! 

QueenAlice Profile Photo
#167Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 12/2/16 at 3:21pm

I was surprised with a ticket to see this on Wednesday night. I had seen the original production and this revival with its original cast. I'm very sorry I missed Heather Headley.   That said, I too was impressed by Jennifer Holiday and certainly preferred her in the role to Jennifer Hudson.  What Holiday brings to the role is indeed a faded glamour and a rather world weary quality that I thought quite worked -- especially in the later scenes.  True she lacks a real driving sexuality (Hudson lacked it too) with Erivo, but the two women sound fabulous together and it was a thrill hearing Holliday live.  The rest of the show is in excellent shape - I continue to be amazed by how superior this staging and direction is to the original Broadway production.

“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#168Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 12/2/16 at 4:23pm

I was also there on Wednesday night, and after having seen Headley, I was really let down by Jennifer Holliday. She isn't a disaster and does indeed sound lovely, but I found her scenes awkward and stifled. There were several line readings that made me laugh unintentionally- she understands the character fine, but she's not a skilled enough actress to disguise how clunky the book is. In general, actually, I found most of the new supporting cast far too broad, causing the show to lose some of its delicacy. It's still a great and moving production  and Cynthia Erivo continues to be remarkable, but I wasn't bowled over like I was the first time I went. 

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#169Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 12/2/16 at 5:16pm

I guess I am in the vast minority here in that I found Jennifer Holliday to be absolutely terrible the night I saw her. I would rank it as one of the worst performances I have seen on Broadway, trailing Taye Diggs as Hedwig.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#170Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 12/2/16 at 8:29pm

These wide ranges for reviews about Holliday are interesting. Some raves, some pans. I hope she brings her "A" game on closing night as I'll be there with a box of tissues in hand.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#171Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 12/2/16 at 8:50pm

I was utterly shocked by how much I enjoyed her performance, I was so impressed by her acting. Also, the "piss god off" line was definitely there, I'm not sure why it might've been missing in past Holliday performances. 

 Maybe it was from being in the front row, but it was the most connected I felt to the production out of the 4 times I've seen it. Bre Jackson was stunning, and had wonderful chemistry with Holliday. Also Carrie Compere has grown SO much as Sofia, she is absolutely on Brooks' level now. 

QueenAlice Profile Photo
#172Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 12/2/16 at 9:38pm

I wasn't shocked that I enjoyed Hollidays performance as much as I did, but I was shocked by how well her voiced sounded blended with Cynthia Erivio's. Both women have such distinct chillbump inducing voices on their own, I thought their singing together might be a bit competitive but it was an incredibly beautiful and chillbumps multiplied by two blend.

“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”

#173Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 12/3/16 at 12:15am

ljay889 said: "I saw the show again on Wednesday and Jennifer Holliday became my favorite of the three Shugs in this revival! I fell in love with her interpretation of Shug. She was quirky, mysterious, but most of all she played it with so much warmth, more than Hudson or Headley. It was such a genuine performance, and I have such a new appreciation for Holliday and her great talent. If you haven't seen Holliday's Shug yet, make time to see her! 



I agree it was such a genuine and honest performance. She did a wonderful job!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#174Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 12/3/16 at 12:43am

Yes, it's a very honest performance. She's never self indulgent, and she respectfully sings the score without overdoing the vocal riffs and tricks. I wish I could see her again, but I won't get the chance. 
