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Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE - Page 6

Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#126Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/5/16 at 4:57pm

Thanks Whizzer for that review, and good to hear that Holliday is doing great in the role.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#127Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/5/16 at 11:08pm

Oh Malinda 5000 needs to calm the fuck down. It is truly not that serious girl....

#128Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/6/16 at 1:14am

I last saw Jennifer Holliday at her final Broadway performance of Dreamgirls.  It was an incredible night in the of the more memorable ones in a lifetime of theatergoing.  I have been amazed that she has not appeared on Broadway since (unless there was something I forgot about).

Tonight, I saw her in Color Purple.  She was in great voice and gave a solid performance, a member of a team.  Here is my issue, though.  

This is the first time I have seen the revisal and I loved it.  I had previously seen and been totally indifferent to the bloated original production and, to be honest, I did not even remember the Shug Avery role from the musical.  (I read the novel and saw the movie, so I was clearly aware of Shug Avery...just could not remember anything interesting about the role in the musical).  I was relatively underwhelmed by the role again tonight --I thought the Celie, Sofia and Nettie roles were all better.  Based on the incredible recent love for Heather Headley, I assume it is a great role?????  So, (1) did I just miss something or (2) did Jennifer make too large an effort to be part of the ensemble and not stand out or (3) am I too impacted by my incredible memories from 35 years ago...after all, the Shug Avery role is not Effie?

I am not saying that she was not solid...just that her performance did not seem to be in the same league as the incredible feedback about Headley.


Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#130Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/6/16 at 2:40am

Boy, a lot of this thread has been pretty ugly even by our standards. 


But glad to hear Ms. Hudson is doing well with the material. I will be back to see her. 

#131Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/6/16 at 3:45am

Saw the matinee yesterday. I'll admit I was completely skeptical of Holliday's casting. Headley was simply inspired and Holliday, to me, just doesn't exude the regal beauty and sexuality that Headley does. Still, I went in with an open mind. While I was not completely won over by her performance, I'll concede that Holliday is absolutely working hard and if someone were seeing the show for the first time, I think they would be quite impressed with her performance. Unfortunately, at this early stage in her run, I would say she is passable, but she has a ways to go. I do expect, though, that in a few weeks she will have found her footing more and will be a little more engaged with and connected to the rest of the cast.

As it is, I found she and Cynthia lacked any chemistry, to me, it really seemed as though they were performing in two completely different shows, they never seemed to truly connect with on another. Vocally, Holliday shows incredibly restraint and only slips in a couple of those little tics that have sort of become "Holliday-isms." By and large, she does sound quite good. The book scenes, though, were a little shakier, it just didn't seem completely natural and she appeared to be trying a bit too hard at some points. I look forward to seeing her further in her run to see how her performance has progressed.

Costume-wise, all of her costumes are similar to those of previous Shugs, but there have been a few alterations. Her slip is significantly longer than the others have been, and she wears a bolero jacket over it. She no longer changes into her "Push Da Button" dress onstage. Instead, the staging has been altered, with her and Cynthia walking behind one of the upstage panels and changing up there. As Whizzer mentioned, her dress also has sleeves.

The blue skirt costume is largely the same, though the sleeves on the blouse are longer and there is a sort of peplum that comes over the top of the skirt. He Celie's Pants costume is, again, almost identical, but with a similar peplum over the top of the pants.

Staging-wise, Shug has been removed from appearing in "Miss Celie's Pants," and has been replaced by the Olivia track (Carla Stewart). The staging for "Push Da Button" is slightly different, with Shug no longer walking on the chairs, instead the church ladies do this while Shug sings in front of them. Holliday also does not join the rest of the cast in sitting on the ground for the final scene. While a bit awkward at first, her aforementioned health concerns explain these small alterations.

Overall, it was a very different experience and while I can't say I was overly impressed with Holliday's performance, I do think she has the makings of something, it just needs a little more fine tuning.

Theater_Nerd Profile Photo
#132Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/6/16 at 8:11am

Scarywarhol said: "Boy, a lot of this thread has been pretty ugly even by our standards. 


But glad to hear Ms. Hudson is doing well with the material. I will be back to see her. 

You meant Ms. Holliday, no?


You Can Disagree Without Being Disagreeable

#133Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/6/16 at 9:31am

Jarethan, what was so remarkable about Heather is that she transformed the role. She made it important.  Not everyone can be Heather Headley, and we shouldn't expect them to be.


phan24 Profile Photo
#134Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/6/16 at 10:35am

I've been lucky enough to see 4 Shugs in the recent revival (JHud, Rema Webb, Carla Stewart (debut), and Heather Headley) and none came close to Headley's portrayal, maybe Rema's, but Headley completely made the role be at the forefront of the story and truly made it a crucial part of the show. I could see how anyone else could just read/sing the written things without adding the x-factor to the role. I will be coming back to see Jennifer Holliday soon and will report back.

Maxim DeWinter
#135Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/6/16 at 12:42pm

Admittedly I found the incarnation with Erivo and HH to be one of the great theater-going experiences of my life. To my mind, Holliday is miscast physically and vocally and exudes none of the damaged fierceness and sensuality HH brought to the role. HH lifted what was already a very strong production and elevated it into something truly special. I hope that Holliday improves and is able to lift her game to the level of the other cast members - but for me the show now lacks the spectacular chemistry it had. As someone noted above, we shouldn't expect anyone to do what HH was able to do...and I have great love and great memories for what JH did in Dreamgirls - it was a defining moment of my college years - so to see her struggling as much as she is was sad for me. 

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#136Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/6/16 at 1:01pm

Theater_Nerd said: "Scarywarhol said: "Boy, a lot of this thread has been pretty ugly even by our standards. 


But glad to hear Ms. Hudson is doing well with the material. I will be back to see her. 

You meant Ms. Holliday, no?




Doy! That's what I get for trying to type through my 2 AM brain. 

#137Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/6/16 at 8:35pm

I have no Broadway memory of Jennifer Holliday. I looked her up from Dreamgirls, it is phenomenal

 But I DO remember her at the Dem Nat Convention in 1988 singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic. I hadn't ever heard of her before.(what does that say about my college interests???)  I never forgot her thereafter!! (Hint: if you want to listen, I advise just listening and NOT watching as the images of all those politicians  'singing' along mars her phenomenal rendition)

Loved HH performances in TCP; I DO look forward to seeing JH. No expectations. She will be different! I am open to it.

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#138Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/7/16 at 6:32pm

It's almost as if they did this interview after reading all the questions/"concerns" on this thread.

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

EvanK Profile Photo
#139Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/7/16 at 9:45pm

What a great interview. 

Dancingthrulife2 Profile Photo
#140Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/8/16 at 1:08am

God she looks so gorgeous in that purple top. The ad campaign is doing her egregious disservice. 

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#141Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/8/16 at 1:21pm

That was a great interview. She looks great and she's so sweet! 

Phillytheatreguy10 Profile Photo
#142Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/9/16 at 6:20pm

Is she doing the stage door thing? 

#143Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/10/16 at 5:25am

I'm sad I missed Heather Headley but I do want to go back and revisit this revival.

Just out of curiosity, since they altered the costumes, what's the protocol on changing the wig/hairstyle? It looks more severe on Jennifer Holliday and it seems unnecessary to keep a hairstyle that isn't integral to the story or character. Are they allowed to at least style it to be a little more flattering?

phan24 Profile Photo
#144Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/10/16 at 7:11am

I think that hairstyle was severe on all the actresses but somehow we got used to it, I think we'll get used to it soon on Jennifer Holliday. Additionally, I love how the design of the show is unapologetically time-specific. Some of the other costumes and wigs are not conventionally flattering, but it works with the piece.

#145Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/15/16 at 12:34pm

Serena Williams (current World no. 2 in women's tennis) visits Danielle and the cast backstage

Miserent Profile Photo
#146Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/16/16 at 12:18am

Let's not ****foot...where's the audio/video footage of her performance? I need it yesterday.

mattmarkowski99 Profile Photo
#147Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/16/16 at 11:31am

To those who have been back to the show recently, do they have any new merchandise with Ms. Holliday? Thanks!

#148Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/19/16 at 10:50am

I saw it last night and they don't seem to have any Holliday merchandise.  The window card is still the one with Heather Headley.

Talk about 3 very different Shugs throughout this run!  No one can top what Headley did in my opinion and Jennifer Holliday wasn't bad, but I do agree that there was absolutely no connection between her and Cynthia.  I barely believed they were friends, let alone anything more.  Still love me some Color Purple, though, and enjoy it no matter who's in it (as long as it's Cynthia, hehe).

slumdogdelaware Profile Photo
#149Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/19/16 at 10:56am

JeffDaEgg2 said: "I saw it last night and they don't seem to have any Holliday merchandise.  The window card is still the one with Heather Headley.

Talk about 3 very different Shugs throughout this run!  No one can top what Headley did in my opinion and Jennifer Holliday wasn't bad, but I do agree that there was absolutely no connection between her and Cynthia.  I barely believed they were friends, let alone anything more.  Still love me some Color Purple, though, and enjoy it no matter who's in it (as long as it's Cynthia, hehe).


The lack of connection is so disappointing to hear. I miss Heather so much.


#150Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
Posted: 10/20/16 at 11:35pm

I wanted to take a moment to comment on the show since it was my first time seeing it with Jennifer Holliday tonight. My partner had seen it previously with Heather and sung her praises (rightfully so), but since I hadn't seen it, I had nothing to compare it to (except the tour many moons ago with I forget who).

The show was a revelation for me and nothing that we already haven't already posted about in previous threads. I think I started crying 20 minutes in, ugly cried during Act Two, and then had a complete moment of catharsis in the middle of "I'm Still Here". Cynthia, my god, what a truly subtle and beautiful performance and the whole damned shibang - bravo.

I too questioned the casting of Jennifer Holliday in the part. Maybe because I had always thought of Shug as this sexy beast of a thing, which I believe Heather really brought into place and something JHud didn't really exude all too well. But I wanted to give JHoll the benefit of the doubt, especially after watching her Show People and listening to her say how much she wanted to be around that talent, was still willing to audition to be there, and that she was still considered sexy in some parts, even at 56. Good for her for putting herself out there.

I was honestly pleasantly surprised. What I found was two things that I didn't think would go together, actually mesh surprisingly well - kinda like peanut butter and a banana. Her Shug looked like she had seen and been through some ****. She walked like she was about to fall over (and we were concerned) but when she spoke about the loves and experiences she had, I actually felt she had been there and done that. Where I hear Heather really exuded that "can't take your eyes off her" feel, I felt like we were watching the remains of some lauded soul singer wash ashore. And when she sang, it was like an earthquake. I felt like every moment I was watching someone who "used to be". I don't know if that makes any sense, but there you go.

I don't know how much was JHoll and I don't know how much was Shug. And maybe it was me just experiencing an "old" and "new" Tony share the stage together. When they sang together in "What About Love" it was almost Follies-esque in a way. I felt bad for her Shug but at the same time I know she didn't need my pity. There were moments where she said some lines that really spoke a truth, not for Shug, but for Jennifer. I think if she still keeps playing in that direction, she'll find a Shug that really is her own.

I was completely happy with what I saw tonight. And whether she matched Cynthia head-to-head, that really didn't matter to me at least. It was truly wonderful to witness two significant musical theater figures live marvelously together onstage and for that I'm truly grateful.


With a little mascara...all your dreams come true.
Updated On: 10/21/16 at 11:35 PM
