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Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love- Page 13

Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love

Shannon Bo Dannon Profile Photo
Shannon Bo Dannon
#300Favorite Moments
Posted: 9/30/08 at 8:20pm

when someone laughed during the sad moment in RENT OBC.

Which sad moment?

#301Favorite Moments
Posted: 9/30/08 at 10:19pm

I don't know if this is in here yet but...

Company (Latest revival): Two parts in Being Alive when Raul sings "Mock me with praise" he sort of "screams through it" and it's just orgasmic. And at the very end on his final "being alive" he does the same thing. GAH!

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#302Favorite Moments
Posted: 9/30/08 at 10:46pm

In the Heights:

Paciencia y Fe: I love everything from "So we cleaned some homes" on.

Grey Gardens:

Another Winter in a Summer Town: I LOVE LOVE LOVE the part where Christine and Mary Louise hit the harmony on "a long tiiiiime ago" toward the end of the song.


Prologue: The part where the chorus sings "It was the music of something beginning/ an era exploding/ a century spinning/ in riches and rags/ and in rhythym and rhyme/ the people called it Ragtime." Chills. Not to mention some of the best lyrics I've ever heard!

I know you. I know you. I know you.
Updated On: 10/1/08 at 10:46 PM

#303Favorite Moments
Posted: 9/30/08 at 10:56pm


Haven't heard a version of that I haven't liked.

#304Favorite Moments
Posted: 9/30/08 at 11:16pm

"Grey Gardens:

Another Winter in a Summer Town: I LOVE LOVE LOVE the part where Christine and Mary Louise hit the harmony on "a long tiiiiime ago" toward the end of the song"


Theatreboy49 Profile Photo
#305Favorite Moments
Posted: 10/1/08 at 12:21am

On the Sweet Smell of Sucess recording during Dont Know Where You Leave Off when Kelli belts "Im your susan".

On the in the heights recording:

Paciencia y Fe: "Alright MAMA, Ok! Paciencia Y Fe!" with the backround vocals under her. Gives me chills every time.

Final: The final chord right as Usnavi is finishing his rap.

<------ Me and my friends with patti Lupone at my friends afterparty for her concert with audra mcdonald during the summer of 2007.
"I am sorry but it is an unjust world and virtue is only triumphant in theatricle performances" The Mikado

TheatreFreak05 Profile Photo
#306Favorite Moments
Posted: 10/1/08 at 12:34am

The Secret Garden:

I love during "How Could I Ever Know" when Mandy Patinkin and Rebecca Luker sing together in the last verse. It is just so beautiful!

#307Favorite Moments
Posted: 10/1/08 at 7:57am

Phantom - the end of Wandering Child when Raoul joins in with Christine and the trio onstage Favorite Moments

givesmevoice Profile Photo
#308Favorite Moments
Posted: 10/1/08 at 9:12am

how about every note Rebecca Luker sings on the OBC of The Secret Garden?

the end of "Love Can't Happen" on Grand Hotel, after Brent Barrett sings his last "and I know," the part the orchestra plays just...slays me.

a silly one, but I love on the Evita OBC when Magaldi sings "this in a man is a danger enough," during "Eva Beware of the City" because I SWEAR he is singing "this in a man is a dangery enough".

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad

lildogs Profile Photo
#309Favorite Moments
Posted: 10/1/08 at 2:21pm

Love the way Stritchie stretches out the last note on "Poor Baby"

Love the last chord on "How I Saved Roosevelt"

The way the music builds going into the last verse of "Who's That Woman?" in the concert version sung by Phyllis Newman

The "Bobby Babys" you can hear in the orchestration toward the end of "Another Hundred People"

The "Vich vay?" "This vay" from the movie version of WSS during "Officer Krupke"

and also from WSS, the best part of the show, "I know you do!"

#310Favorite Moments
Posted: 10/1/08 at 4:21pm

Just a couple that never fail to steal my heart

Norm Lewis in Side Show "Take Wing... Fly to To Glory.. Dance, Sing.. TELL your Story.."

That "tell" is just amazing

Also From Terrance Mann in Scarlet Pimpernel "She and I took this world like a storm. Come Again! Let the Girl in Your Heart Tumble Free. Bring your Renegade Heart Home to Me"

pretty much that entire "Where's The Girl" song is just amazing..

The ever wonderful Michael Ball in Les Mis and his "Let's not be seen.. Somebody's Here."

and to give some props to the girls

Diana Morrison from Aspects of Love when she sings "Why... Why can't you wait for me.. Three years is NOT a lifetime"

Also Lea Salonga from Miss Saigon at the end of I'd Give My Life For You the way she belts "You can Choose Whatever Heaven Grants"

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#311Favorite Moments
Posted: 10/1/08 at 4:33pm

Grey Gardens: "The pink paper lanterns still twinkle in place" I love the little catch on her voice.

Sweeney Revival: "Yes I lied, 'cause I LOVE you, I'd be TWICE the wife she was, I LOVE you, could that THING have cared for you like me?" My favorite Lupone moment ever!

#312Favorite Moments
Posted: 10/1/08 at 5:21pm

I refuse to let this topic die.

On the Assassins OCR, right after (uh, spoilers?) Lee Harvey Oswald shoots JFK, the orchestra comes in with this horrifying boom and music that sounds suspiciouslly like Unworthy of Your Life which molds into the national anthem. It's my favorite part of the entire album. Also, the drums and gunshots in Everybody's Got the Right are wonderful.

Tick Tock

#313Favorite Moments
Posted: 10/1/08 at 7:49pm

Lea Salonga's "Do you want to be told how my village was burned" and "I have a heart like the sea, a million dreams are in me" in Miss Saigon.

All of "I will never leave you" from Side Show.

Terrence Mann in "Where's the Girl (Reprise)", especially "Dark of the morning grows COLD"

#314Favorite Moments
Posted: 10/1/08 at 8:07pm

Grey garden- Around the World when Edie sings __you tack them when you go..the world will be the one you know.

After watching the movie and hearing this song i always feel the pain Edie must have felt between the dilema of choosing her life or taking care of her mother.

I cry everytime its on.

fyffe Profile Photo
#315Favorite Moments
Posted: 10/2/08 at 1:53am

Jekyll & Hyde - "They're all in Cahoots" from Facade. The CAHOOTS part is awesome.
Sunset Blvd - "Im at 10006 Sunset Blvd" and then the sweeping music that follows as she is travelling to the mansion. At the end of the show. Also "creeky covered wagons" from the song Sunset Blvd.
Little Shop of Horrors - "What do you want from me Blood?" Ding. from Grow for me.
Taboo- "you must be Cinderella's sister" from Freaks.
Les Miz "Im a stronger man by far this race is not yet won" from Confrontation.
Every bit of "another dead cow" from Bat Boy. I love Kathy Brier

Its late, that is all i can think of right now....Although I have loads more.

did I rock the family boat by dining on the help?-LESTAT

She_Had_Refinement Profile Photo
#316Favorite Moments
Posted: 10/2/08 at 7:41am

I second "Bump it with a trumpet" ... I am so obsessed with this line, when a coworker mentioned that her 14 yr old son played trumpet, I mentioned to her about that line from Gypsy... she looked sort of taken aback. Later I showed her the clip from the film version with Faith Dane as Mazeppa. She still thinks I'm nuts... Favorite Moments

#317Favorite Moments
Posted: 6/27/09 at 12:32pm

In "Louder Than Words" from Tick, Tick, Boom. I love the way Raul says 'pain' in the lyric ' we're in for some pain '

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#318Favorite Moments
Posted: 6/27/09 at 12:55pm

I was just gonna bump this thread, actually. Thanks for saving me the trouble!

Next to Normal:

How Could I Ever Forget-I love the part towards the end where Dan and Diana sing "That day that I lost you..."

So Anyway - The note Alice hits when she sings, "It's time for me to GOOOO"

Everything Else - "And there's nothing your paranoid parents can say"

Just Another Day - "Ev'ry day is just another and another and another..." I love the whole breakdown.

New Hair Recording:

I Got Life - I think my favorite part on the entire CD is when Gaving and the tribe yell "LIFE!" back and forth.

Ain't Got No Grass - I also really like the line "Ain't go no draft card burned it burned it burned it."

Caroline, or Change:

Lot's Wife - "Tuuuuurn me to salt..." and, of course, "Slam go the iron! Slam go the iron! Flat! Flat! Flat! FLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAATTTT!!!"

I know you. I know you. I know you.

#319Favorite Moments
Posted: 6/27/09 at 1:11pm

I love how Euan Morton vibratos on "self" when he sings "On a clear day I can see myself for miles" in Stranger in This World. God, I love the Taboo cast recording.

Every time Steve Barton opens his mouth on the Tanz der Vampire cast recording.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

yay_gerb Profile Photo
#320Favorite Moments
Posted: 6/27/09 at 1:19pm

New Hair Broadway Recording:

Aint Got No Grass at about 36 seconds after they stop chanting you can hear who i belive to be Allison Case scream COME ON! she seems so angry. i love it.


#321Favorite Moments
Posted: 6/27/09 at 1:35pm

This isn't so much just on the recording, but in Hair:

the whole 2nd half or so of Three-Five-Zero-Zero. I love the irony of that moment, how it's such joyous gospel music and yet the words they're singing are so awful. It's very very powerful. And they all get SO into it.

Next to Normal:
In "I'm Alive (reprise)", Aaron's "the medicine failed and the doctors lied". I have NO idea at all why that like always gives me shivers, but for some reason it does. Never fails

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

#322Favorite Moments
Posted: 6/27/09 at 1:43pm

Next to Normal:
I too, am obsessed with "And there's nothing your paranoid parents can say". I like the 'Mmm's in "Catch me I'm Falling".

Spring Awakening
I love the cello in the intro for "The Word of Your Body". I LOVE the violins in that song as well. They match with the song so perfectly.

Les Miserables (OBC):
"But still I dream he'll come TO ME!!!!!!!!!!"

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#323Favorite Moments
Posted: 6/27/09 at 2:21pm

Hair 09 NBC in I Got Life: "...and bad times too like you, you, yoOoOoOu"

#324Favorite Moments
Posted: 6/27/09 at 2:26pm

^ooh I love that one too!! Gavin <3

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
